Configure the network of the SDDC in
VMware Cloud on AWS
VMware Cloud on AWS
To allow pairing with
VMware Cloud Director
in VMware Cloud on AWS
, first
configure the network settings of the SDDC.- Verify that the SDDC is first prepared forVMware Cloud Director Availabilitydeployment. For information about the required steps, see Prepare the SDDC in VMware Cloud on AWS for deployment.
- Verify thatVMware Cloud Director Availability4.2 or later is deployed inVMware Cloud on AWS. For more information, see Deploy VMware Cloud Director Availability in the SDDC.
The access to the resource pools
is limited in
VMware Cloud on AWS
and the private IP
addresses of all the cloud appliances of VMware Cloud Director
must be explicitly allowed as well as to access
the management and infrastructure components in the management resource pool, like
vCenter Server
and ESXi
.VMware Cloud Director
in VMware Cloud on
provides two services to the Internet. To use the two services
in the configuration of the necessary NAT rules, you explicitly define them since
both services internally use non-standard HTTPS ports. These two services in
conjunction with the following two NAT rules translate the network traffic coming to
the public IP address on the external port 443/TCP:- Towards theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance, internally on port 8046/TCP for management interface network traffic to theCloud Service.
- Towards theTunnel Appliance, internally on port 8048/TCP for replication data network traffic to thePublic Service Endpoint.
- Log in toVMware Cloud on AWSat
- Add two new inventory SDDC services, for the management interface and for thePublic Service Endpoint.
- In the VMC console, in the left pane clickSDDCs.
- Under the SDDC clickView Detailsand click theNetworking & Securitytab.
- In the left pane under theInventorysection, clickServices.Repeat the following steps twice.
- Add an inventory service for the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Add another inventory service for thePublic Service Endpointof theTunnel Appliance.
- To add an inventory SDDC service, clickAdd Service.
- Enter a name and optionally a description for each service.
- For each service, in the Service Entries column, click theSet Service Entrieslink.
- For each service, in theSet Service Entrieswindow, from theTypedrop down menu selectLayer 3 and above.
- For each service, on thePort-Protocoltab clickAdd Service Entry, enter the details from the respective column, and clickApply.OptionManagement Interface Inventory ServicePublic Service EndpointInventory ServiceNameEnter a name for the service entry of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancemanagement interface. For example, enter.VCDA-Cloud-Service-ManagementEnter a name for the service entry of theTunnel AppliancePublic Service Endpoint. For example, enter.VCDA-Tunnel-Service-EndpointService TypeSelectTCP.SelectTCP.Additional PropertiesLeave theSource Portstext box blank.Leave theSource Portstext box blank.To access the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancein theDestination Portstext box, in enter port8046.To access thePublic Service Endpointof theTunnel Appliance, in theDestination Portstext box enter port8048.
- To save each inventory service, clickSave.On theServicespage, both services show:NameService EntriesVCDA-Cloud-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8046)VCDA-Tunnel-Service-EndpointTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8048)
- To later use in NAT rules, request two new public SDDC IP addresses.
- Request a public IP address to access the initial setup wizard in the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Request a public IP address to allow external pairing to thePublic Service Endpointof theTunnel Appliance.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theSystemsection clickPublic IPs.
- To request a public IP address for theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance, clickRequest New IP, enter a note, and clickSave.For example, as a note enter.VCDA-Management-Public-IP-address
- To request a public IP address for theTunnel Appliance, clickRequest New IP, enter a note and clickSave.For example, as a note enter.VCDA-Tunnel-Public-IP-address
- To forward the incoming network traffic to the correct cloud appliances and ports, add two new NAT rules.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theNetworksection clickNAT.Repeat the following step twice.
- Add a NAT rule for the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Add another NAT rule for the incoming network traffic to thePublic Service Endpointof theTunnel Appliance.
- To add a NAT rule, clickAdd NAT Rule, configure the following settings and clickSave.OptionManagement Interface NATPublic Service EndpointNATNameEnter a name for the NAT rule for theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancemanagement interface. For example, enter.VCDA Management Interface NATEnter a name for the NAT rule for theTunnel AppliancePublic Service Endpoint. For example, enter.VCDA Tunnel Service Endpoint NATPublic IPSelect the.VCDA-Management-Public-IP-addressSelect the.VCDA-Tunnel-Public-IP-addressServiceSelect the inventory service for theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancemanagement interface. For example, select.VCDA-Cloud-Service-ManagementSelect the inventory service for theTunnel AppliancePublic Service Endpoint. For example, select.VCDA-Tunnel-Service-EndpointPublic PortEnter port443.Enter port443.Internal IPEnter theof theprivate-IP-addressCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.Enter theof theprivate-IP-addressTunnel Appliance.Internal Port8046 (non-editable)8048 (non-editable)FirewallMatch Internal AddressMatch Internal AddressVMware Cloud Director Availabilityremains accessible from theCloud Director instanceby using the plug-in forVMware Cloud Director Availability.
- To later create a management group and use it in a management firewall rule, note the compute gateway source NATpublic IP addressof the SDDC.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane clickOverview.
- UnderDefault Compute Gatewayand underWorkloads, note theSource NAT Public IPaddress of the SDDC.
- To prepare the cloud appliances access to the management gateway services likevCenter ServerandESXi, add two management groups.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theInventorysection clickGroups.
- Click theManagement Groupstab.Repeat the following steps two times.
- Add a management group, containing the private IP addresses of all the deployedReplicator Applianceinstances.
- Add another management group, containing the compute gateway source NAT.
- To create a management group, clickAdd Groupand for each group enter a management group name.
- To add trusted members to each management group, under the Compute Members column, click theSet Memberslink.
- In theSelect Memberswindow, on theIP Addressestab enter the following IP addresses for each management group and clickApply.Management Group NameManagement Group Trusted Members IP AddressesSNAT VCDA Management Group
- Enter the compute gateway source NATof the SDDC, as noted in the previous step.public-IP-address
- Enter the subnet group of theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances. For example, enter the.vcda-network-segment
VCDA Replicators Management GroupEnter thereserved within theprivate-IP-addressesvcda-network-segmentfor all theReplicator Applianceinstances deployed inVMware Cloud on AWS. AllReplicator Applianceinstances must access thevCenter Servermanagement gateways services for virtual machines provisioning and performing replication tasks with theESXihosts and datastores. - To save each management group, clickSave.
- To allow the internal communication from the cloud appliances to thevCenter Serverand to theESXidatastore in the management gateway, add two new management gateway firewall rules.
- On theGateway Firewallpage, click theManagement Gatewaytab.Repeat the following steps twice.
- Add a management firewall rule for allowing the network traffic from the compute gateway source NAT to the management gatewayvCenter Server.
- Add another management firewall rule for allowing theReplicator Applianceinstances writing in the destinationESXidatastore.
- To create a management firewall rule, clickAdd Rule.
- Configure each of the two management firewall rules and clickApplywhen prompted.OptionvCenter ServerManagement Gateway Firewall RuleESXiHosts Management Gateway Firewall RuleNameEnter a name for thevCenter Servermanagement gateway rule. For example, enter.SNAT VCDA to vCenter RuleEnter a name for theESXimanagement gateway rule. For example, enter.VCDA Replicators to ESXi RuleSourcesClickAny. In theSet Sourcewindow, selectUser Defined Groupsand select the management group for the SNAT. For example, selectand clickSNAT VCDA Management GroupApply.ClickAny. In theSet Sourcewindow, selectUser Defined Groupsand select the management group for the private IP addresses of theReplicator Applianceinstances. For example, selectand clickVCDA Replicators Management GroupApply.DestinationsClickAny. In theSet Destinationwindow underSystem Defined Groups, selectvCenterand clickApply.ClickAny. In theSet Destinationwindow underSystem Defined Groups, selectESXiand clickApply.ServicesClickAnyand selectHTTPS (TCP 443).To allow theData Engine Serviceof theReplicator Appliancewriting in theESXidatastores, clickAnyand selectHTTPS (TCP 443)andProvisioning & Remote Console (TCP 902).ActionAllowAllow
- After creating both management gateway firewall rules, clickPublish.
- To prepare for accessing the compute gateway services inVMware Cloud on AWS, create four compute groups.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theInventorysection clickGroups.Repeat the following steps four times.
- Add a compute group for the trusted users that need access to theVMware Cloud Director Availabilitymanagement interface.
- Add a compute group for theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Add a compute group for all theReplicator Applianceinstances.
- Add a compute group for theTunnel Appliance.
- To create a compute group, under theCompute Groupstab, clickAdd Groupand enter a group name.
- To add trusted members to each compute group, under the Compute Members column, click theSet Memberslink.
- In theSelect Memberswindow, on theIP Addressestab enter the following IP addresses for each compute group and clickApply.Compute Group NameCompute Group Trusted Members IP AddressesTrusted Compute Sources GroupEnter the externally-facingof the users granted with access to the management interface ofpublic-IP-addressesVMware Cloud Director Availability.Ensure that you add all the public IP addresses of each user allowed to accessVMware Cloud Director AvailabilityinVMware Cloud on AWSor the users have no access.VCDA Manager Compute GroupEnter theof theprivate-IP-addressCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.VCDA Replicators Compute GroupEnter theof all theprivate-IP-addressesReplicator Applianceinstances.VCDA Tunnel Compute GroupEnter theof theprivate-IP-addressTunnel Appliance.
- To save each compute group, clickSave.
- To prepare for completing the initial setup wizard, allow accessing theVMware Cloud Director Availabilitymanagement interface by the trusted compute sources. Also allow the cloud appliances outbound access, both by adding two new compute gateway firewall rules.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theSecuritysection clickGateway Firewall.Repeat the following steps twice.
- Add a compute gateway firewall rule for allowing the trusted compute sources access to theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancefor completing the initial setup wizard ofVMware Cloud Director Availability.
- Add a compute gateway firewall rule for allowing theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances outbound network traffic from the compute gateway.
- On theCompute Gatewaytab, clickAdd Rule.
- Configure each of the two compute firewall rules and clickApplywhen prompted.OptionInbound Compute Gateway Firewall RuleOutbound Compute Gateway Firewall RuleNameEnter a name for the inbound compute gateway rule. For example, enter.VCDA Management from Trusted Compute Sources RuleEnter a name for the outbound compute gateway rule. For example, enter.VCDA Appliances Outbound Compute RuleSourcesClickAny. In theSet Sourcewindow, select the trusted compute sources group and clickApply. For example, select.Trusted Compute Sources GroupClickAny. In theSet Sourcewindow select the three compute groups for theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances and clickApply. For example, select all three,VCDA Manager Compute Group, andVCDA Replicators Compute Group.VCDA Tunnel Compute GroupDestinationsClickAny. In theSet Destinationwindow, select theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancecompute group and clickApply. For example, select.VCDA Manager Compute GroupAnyServicesClickAny. In theSet Serviceswindow, select theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancemanagement interface service and clickApply. For example, select.VCDA-Cloud-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8046)AnyApplied ToAll UplinksAll UplinksActionAllowAllow
- After creating both compute gateway firewall rules, clickPublish.
The SDDC configuration in
VMware Cloud on AWS
is complete
and ready for the initial configuration of VMware Cloud Director
. In summary, the SDDC network in
VMware Cloud on AWS
is configured with: - vcda-network-segment:
- A dedicated routed network for all the cloud appliances ofVMware Cloud Director Availability.
- Public IP addresses:
- Two requested public IP addresses, for the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance, and for thePublic Service Endpointof theTunnel Appliance.
- Management gateway:
- Access from the compute gateway source NAT address to the management gatewayvCenter Server, used for bridging the access from the compute gatewayVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances.
- Access from theReplicator Applianceto the management gatewayESXidatastore, used for destination of migrations.
- Compute gateway:
- Access from theTrusted Compute Sources Groupto the management interface of theCloud Service, used for completing the initial setup. Later, modifying the same rule allows access to all four types of management interfaces ofVMware Cloud Director Availability. For more information, see Post-configure the SDDC networking in VMware Cloud on AWS.
- Access fromVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances to Internet, used for the external network traffic from the compute gateway.
You can now configure
VMware Cloud Director
in VMware Cloud on AWS
completing the initial setup wizard of the Cloud Director Replication
Management Appliance
. For more information, see Configure VMware Cloud Director Availability in VMware Cloud on AWS.