VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension

You can remove
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
directly from the
VMware Cloud Director
solution add-on landing zone.
To remove the
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
add-on, see
Remove a Solution Add-On From VMware Cloud Director
in the
VMware Cloud Director Documentation

Uninstall a
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
add-on instance

If you no longer need a specific instance of
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
, you can remove it.
If you use an existing
cluster, you can uninstall the instance using the
VMware Cloud Director cloud provider admin portal
. See
Delete an Instance of a Solution Add-On From VMware Cloud Director
in the
VMware Cloud Director Documentation
If you use an external
cluster, you must manually remove the instance. See Uninstall a VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension add-on instance from an external cluster.

Uninstall a
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
add-on instance from an external cluster

If you installed the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension instance to an external
cluster, you must manually remove the deployment.
  1. Log in to the
    VMware Cloud Director cloud provider admin portal
  2. In the primary left navigation panel, under
    , select
    Object Storage
  3. In the
    tab, navigate to the deployment that you want to remove and open the deployment details page.
  4. Click
    VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
    operator prepares to shut down and remove the server. The process typically takes three to five minutes. Do not close the uninstall dialog box, until you see the
    Remove Add-on
    Force Remove Add-on
  5. To complete the uninstallation, follow the instructions in the pop-up window.