Create Message Prompts or
Command Steps for Individual Virtual Machines
You can create
custom recovery steps to prompt users to perform tasks or for
Recovery Manager
to perform tasks on a virtual machine before or after
Recovery Manager
powers it on.
- You have a recovery plan to which to add custom steps.
- Verify that you haveVMware Toolsinstalled on the virtual machines where you are going to run custom scripts.
Recovery Manager
associates command steps with a protected or
recovered virtual machine in the same way as a customization information. If
multiple recovery plans contain the same virtual machine,
Recovery Manager
includes the commands and prompts in all recovery plans.
- In thevSphere Client, click .
- On theSite Recoveryhome tab, select a site pair, and clickView Details.
- On theRecovery Planstab, select a recovery plan, and clickRecovery Steps.
- Right-click a virtual machine and clickConfigure Recovery.
- On theRecovery Propertiestab, clickPre-Power On StepsorPost-Power On Steps.
- Click the plus icon to add a step.
- Select the type of step to create.OptionDescriptionPromptPrompts users to perform a task or to provide information that the user must acknowledge before the plan continues to the next step. This option is available for both pre-power on steps and post-power on steps.Command on SRM ServerRuns a command onSite Recovery Manager Server. This option is available for both pre-power on steps and post-power on steps.Command on Recovered VMRuns a command on the recovered virtual machine. This option is only available for post-power on steps.
- In theNametext box, enter a name for the step.The step name appears in the list of steps in theRecovery Stepsview.
- In theContenttext box, enter a command, script, or message prompt.
- If you selectedCommand on SRM ServerorCommand on Recovered VM, enter the command or script to run.
- If you selectedPrompt, enter the text of the message to display during the recovery plan run.
- Modify theTimeoutsetting for the command to run onSite Recovery Manager Server.This option is not available if you create a prompt step.
- To add the step to the recovery plan, clickAdd.
- To reconfigure the virtual machine to run the command before or after it powers on, clickOK.