After a successful login in the
vCenter Single Sign-On
, you are unable to log in to the
Site Recovery
user interface

You are unable to log in to the
Site Recovery
user interface.
Site Recovery
user interface log contains the following error message
"Certificate for <host> doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: <subjectaltlist>"
. When you attempt to do a remote login within the
Site Recovery
user interface by using the remote login dialog box, you receive similar error message in the user interface.
Site Recovery
user interface might not be able to connect to the
Platform Services Controller
hosts because of the way the host certificate is generated:
  • If the
    Platform Services Controller
    certificate does not have a host's address (IP or FQDN) as a subject alternative name;
  • If the
    Platform Services Controller
    certificate lacks subject alternative names and the host name is not matched in the certificate's CN fields.
  1. Reconfigure the
    Platform Services Controller
    with a certificate with a SAN (Subject Alternative Name Field) that contains an entry for the
    Platform Services Controller
    address (the '<host>' string from the error message).
  2. If the certificate is properly generated, but the address used by user interface is not, you must reconfigure the user interface and the corresponding
    Site Recovery Manager
    vSphere Replication
    Appliances to use the correct
    Platform Services Controller
  3. Reconfigure the existing pairings for the appliances.