Site Recovery Manager
fails after an upgrade from an external
Platform Services Controller
to an embedded node

Site Recovery Manager
fails after you upgrade a
vCenter Server
6.5.x or 6.7.x instance with an external
Platform Services Controller
to an embedded
vCenter Server
7.x node.
When you attempt to reconfigure
Site Recovery Manager
after an upgrade of a
vCenter Server
6.5.x or 6.7.x instance with an external
Platform Services Controller
to a
vCenter Server
with an embedded 7.x node, the operation fails with an error.
ERROR Operation Failed A general system error occurred: 22ConfigurationException Failed to configure DR server with the Infrastructure Node services. Reason: Fault cause: lookup.fault.EntryExistsFault Exit code: 61
When you upgrade a
vCenter Server
6.5.x or 6.7.x instance with an external
Platform Services Controller
to a
vCenter Server
7.x instance with an embedded node the
vCenter Single Sign-On
site name id changes.
  1. Record the
    from the
    Error 61
  2. Log in with
    vCenter Server
    credentials to
    on the protected site.
  3. Navigate to
    Invoke Method
    Delete method
    to delete
    serviceId: <serviceId>
  4. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager
    Appliance Management on the protected site as admin.
  5. Click
    , click
    , and follow the prompts.
  6. Record the
    from the
    Error 61
  7. Log in with
    vCenter Server
    credentials to
    on the recovery site.
  8. Navigate to
    Invoke Method
    Delete method
    to delete
    serviceId: <serviceId>
  9. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager
    Appliance Management as admin.
  10. In the
    Site Recovery Manager
    Appliance Management Interface, click
  11. Select the
    service, click Stop, then click
  12. SSH to the upgraded embedded
    vCenter Server
    , run the following command and take note of the
    vCenter Single Sign-On
    site name.
    /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-site-name --server-name localhost
  13. SSH to
    Site Recovery Manager
    , run the following comment and take node of the
    echo "select * from pds_solutionuser;" | PGPASSWORD='
    ' /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U srmdb -d srmdb -p 5432
    Password is the
    for the embedded vPostgres database that you set during the installation of
    Site Recovery Manager
  14. Run the following command.
    echo "update pds_solutionuser set siteid = 'default-first-site' where db_id =<db_id> ;" | PGPASSWORD='<password>' /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U srmdb -d srmdb -p 5432
  15. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager
    Appliance Management on the recovery site as admin and reconfigure
    Site Recovery Manager
  16. Log in to
    Site Recovery Manager
    on the protected site.
  17. On the
    Site Recovery
    home tab, select a site pair, and click
    View Details
  18. Select
    Site Pair
    , and click
    1. If you encounter an error, restart both
      Site Recovery Manager
      instances and
      vCenter Server
      instances and repeat the reconnect operation.
      Unable to connect to Site Recovery Manager Server at https://<SRM FQDN/IP>:443/drserver/vcdr/vmomi/sdk. Reason: 30,000 milliseconds timeout on connection http-outgoing-431 [ACTIVE]