Set Virtual Machine Recovery Settings
When recovering a virtual machine,
Recovery Manager
runs predefined steps in a specific order. You can use the Set VM Recovery Settings workflow to configure and customize how the virtual machine is recovered. You can add custom steps by using the Command or Prompt inputs available in the workflow.
You can also customize the IP settings of individual virtual machines. Customizing the IP properties of a virtual machine overrides the default IP settings when the recovered virtual machine starts at the recovery site.
- Log in to theVMware Aria Automation OrchestratorClient as an administrator.
- Navigate to.
- In the search box, enterSet VM Recovery Settingsand pressEnter.
- Click the workflow and clickRun.
- Enter the input parameters that the workflow requires, and clickRun.Set VM Recovery Settings Workflow InputsInputDescriptionChoose objectsRecovery PlanLocal site recovery plan.VMVirtual machine to be configured.VM final power statePowerThe power state in which the virtual machine is recovered, for example powered-on, suspended, or powered-off.VM recovery priority groupPriority GroupSpecifies the shut-down and power-on order of virtual machines from the highest priority, which is 1, to the lowest priority, which is 5.Pre Power On CommandCommand NameSpecifies the command name.Command TextSpecifies the command or script to run.Command TimeoutSets timeout after execution.Pre Power On PromptPrompt NameSpecifies the prompt name.Prompt TextPrompts user to perform a task or provides information that the user must acknowledge.Post Power On CommandCommand NameSpecifies the command name.Command TextSpecifies the command or script to run.Command TimeoutSets timeout after execution.Command Run in Recovered VMSpecifies the command name, which was run in the recovered virtual machine.Post Power On PromptPrompt NameSpecifies the prompt name.Prompt TextPrompts user to perform a task or provides information that the user must acknowledge.ModeSelect an IP customization modeAutoAllowsSite Recovery Managerto control the IP customization through the advanced recovery settingrecovery.useIpMapperAutomatically. If its value is set toTrueand if you defined IP mapping rules earlier,Site Recovery Managerapplies the rules during recovery. If the value is set toFalse,Site Recovery Managerdoes not apply any IP mapping rules to the virtual machine during recovery, even if such rules exist.Use IP customization rules if applicableUses IP customization rules that you defined earlier.No IP customizationDoes not apply the IP customization to the virtual machine.Manual IP customizationCustomize manually the IP settings thatSite Recovery Managerpushes to the VM during recovery.
- Select the NIC whose IP settings you want to modify.
- Configure IPv4, IPv6, DNS settings, and primary and secondary WINS addresses.