Contents of the ESX
Agent Manager SDK
The ESX Agent
Manager SDK contains a Web archive that you can use to deploy the EAM Sample
Solution and view it in the vSphere client. The SDK also contains the source
files of the solution that you can adapt to experiment with solution
| Description
| Web archive that contains the ready-made
version of the sample solution that you can deploy immediately.
| An Ant build file that you can use to rebuild
the solution if you adapt it.
| ESX Agent Manager API documentation.
| Java source files of the EAM Sample Solution.
| An OVF template and VMDK file from which the
EAM Sample Solution deploys a simple ESX agent virtual machine.
| VIB bundles for
from which
the EAM Sample Solution deploys an ESX agent virtual machine and a VIB that
adds a DvFilter virtual switch to ESX hosts.
| Source files of the Web application from
which the EAM Sample Solution is deployed. You find ready-made JAX-WS stubs in
\war\WEB-INF\lib\eam+vim25-wsdl.jar .
| Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files
for ESX Agent Manager client stubs.