You can converge a
with an external
to a
with an embedded
. Converging nodes can help you set up your vCenter
Embedded Linked Mode environment by running the same operation on each
management node.
The following HTTP request shows
the syntax for performing a convergence operation.
POST https://<server>:5480/rest/vcenter/system-config/deployment-type?action=convert-to-vcsa-embedded&vmw-task=true
In the body of the HTTP request,
you must provide values that are appropriate for your environment. The
following request body contains the correct syntax and details about the
If the
is not joined to any domain, you do not need to
include the
section. If you are performing initial
convergence, you do not need to include the
{ "spec": { "psc": { "sso_admin_username": "String: administrator@<SSO_domain_name>", "sso_admin_password": "Secret string: <vCenter_Single_Sign-On_administrator_password>", "skip_ad_domain_join": false, "ad_domain": { "ad_domain_name": "String: <Platform_Services_Controller_appliance's_AD_domain_name>", "ad_domain_admin_username": "String: <AD_domain_user_name_with_privileges_to_join_any_machine_to_the_provided_domain>", "ad_domain_admin_password": "Secret string: <AD_domain_password_with_privileges_to_join_any_machine_to_the_provided_domain>", "dns_server": "String: <DNS_IP_which_resolves_AD_domain_name>" } }, "replication_partner_hostname": "String: <FQDN_or_IP_address_of_the_target_VCSA_PSC_node>", "only_precheck": false } }
When the convergence operation
initiates successfully, you receive a task ID in the response body of the HTTP
request. You can use the task ID to query the status of the operation.
Check the Convergence
This example shows how you can
use the task ID of a convergence operation to monitor the status of the
The following response body
contains an example task ID value that you receive after successfully
initiating a convergence operation.
{ "value": "5c89e7cb-1e6a-4021-95be-12f9dbd05367:com.vmware.vcenter.system_config.deployment_type" }
You must use the task ID as
part of the HTTP request that you send to retrieve the operation status.
GET: https://<server>:5480/rest/cis/tasks?filter_spec.tasks.0=5c89e7cb-1e6a-4021-95be-12f9dbd05367:com.vmware.vcenter.system_config.deployment_type
The following example shows
the response body when the convergence operation is ongoing.
{ "value": [ { "key": "5c89e7cb-1e6a-4021-95be-12f9dbd05367:com.vmware.vcenter.system_config.deployment_type", "value": { "status": "RUNNING", "service": "com.vmware.vcenter.system_config.deployment_type", "operation": "convert_to_vcsa_embedded$task", "progress": { "total": 100, "completed": 42, "message": { "id": "prog", "args": [], "default_message": "Running firstboot stage 1 of 4." } }, "cancelable": false, "start_time": "2019-03-29T11:45:14.210Z", "description": { "id": "desc", "args": [], "default_message": "Running firstboot stage 1 of 4." } } } ] }