Decommissioning Nodes

You can decommission an external
node after you have converted your existing environment to a vCenter Embedded Linked Mode environment. Decommissioning a
shuts it down and removes it from the single sign-on domain.
Before decommissioning, you must verify that no
instances are pointing to the
. You must also reconfigure any products deployed into the environment that use the external
to use the newly deployed embedded
The following HTTP request shows the syntax for performing a decommission operation.
If the
is configured in an HA environment, you must use the host name of the load balancer instead of the
host name and disable the virtual IP of the load balancer before decommissioning. If you encounter any complications with your environment, you can manually unregister nodes by using the
cmsso-util unregister
command as described in KB article 2106736.
POST https://<
In the body of the HTTP request, you must provide values that are appropriate for your environment. The following request body contains the correct syntax and details about the values.
{ "spec": { "sso_admin_username": "String: administrator@<
>", "sso_admin_password": "Secret string: <
>" }, "only_precheck": false }
When the decommission operation initiates successfully, you receive a task ID in the response body of the HTTP request. You can use the task ID to query the status of the operation.
Check the Decommission Status
This example shows how you can use the task ID of a decommission operation to monitor the status of the operation.
The following response body contains an example task ID value that you receive after successfully initiating a decommission operation.
{ "value": "d1ed9bc4-6d4a-423f-b0fb-39829cf78a59:com.vmware.vcenter.topology.pscs" }
You must use the task ID as part of the HTTP request that you send to retrieve the operation status.
GET: https://<
The following example shows the response body when the decommission operation is ongoing.
{ "value": [ { "key": "d1ed9bc4-6d4a-423f-b0fb-39829cf78a59:com.vmware.vcenter.topology.pscs", "value": { "service": "com.vmware.vcenter.topology.pscs", "start_time": "2019-03-29T12:00:43.626Z", "description": { "args": [], "default_message": "External Platform Services Controller node shutdown successful.", "id": "desc" }, "operation": "decommission$task", "status": "RUNNING", "progress": { "message": { "args": [], "default_message": "External Platform Services Controller node shutdown successful.", "id": "prog" }, "completed": 50, "total": 100 }, "cancelable": false } } ] }