Python Example of
Creating a Basic Virtual Machine
This example is
based on the code in the
sample file.
This example uses
the information provided in Creating a Virtual Machine Without a Clone or Template.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the
sample code, see the
repository at GitHub. ... def create_basic_vm(stub_config, placement_spec, standard_network): """ Create a basic VM. Using the provided PlacementSpec, create a VM with a selected Guest OS and provided name. Create a VM with the following configuration: * Create 2 disks and specify one of them on scsi0:0 since it's the boot disk * Specify 1 ethernet adapter using a Standard Portgroup backing * Setup for PXE install by selecting network as first boot device Use guest and system provided defaults for most configuration settings. """ guest_os = testbed.config['VM_GUESTOS'] boot_disk = Disk.CreateSpec(type=Disk.HostBusAdapterType.SCSI, scsi=ScsiAddressSpec(bus=0, unit=0), new_vmdk=Disk.VmdkCreateSpec()) data_disk = Disk.CreateSpec(new_vmdk=Disk.VmdkCreateSpec()) nic = Ethernet.CreateSpec( start_connected=True, backing=Ethernet.BackingSpec( type=Ethernet.BackingType.STANDARD_PORTGROUP, network=standard_network)) boot_device_order = [BootDevice.EntryCreateSpec(BootDevice.Type.ETHERNET), BootDevice.EntryCreateSpec(BootDevice.Type.DISK)] vm_create_spec = VM.CreateSpec(name=vm_name, guest_os=guest_os, placement=placement_spec, disks=[boot_disk, data_disk], nics=[nic], boot_devices=boot_device_order) print('\n# Example: create_basic_vm: Creating a VM using spec\n-----') print(pp(vm_create_spec)) print('-----') vm_svc = VM(stub_config) vm = vm_svc.create(vm_create_spec) print("create_basic_vm: Created VM '{}' ({})".format(vm_name, vm)) vm_info = vm_svc.get(vm) print('vm.get({}) -> {}'.format(vm, pp(vm_info))) return vm ...