vCenter Single Sign-On
OverviewLast Updated December 16, 2024
To support the requirements for secure
software environments, software components require authorization to perform
operations on behalf of a user. In a single sign-on environment, a user
provides credentials once, and components in the environment perform operations
based on the original authentication. vCenter Single Sign-On authentication can
use the following identity store technologies:
- Windows Active Directory
- OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- Local user accounts (vCenter Single Sign-On server resident on the vCenter server machine)
- vCenter Single Sign-On user accounts
For information about configuring identity store
support, see
vSphere Installation and Setup
vSphere Security
in the VMware
Documentation Center.
In the context of single sign-on, the vSphere
environment is a collection of services and solutions, each of which
potentially requires authentication of clients that use the service or
solution. Examples of solutions that might support single sign-on include
vShield, SRM (Site Recovery Manager), and vCO (vCenter Orchestrator). Because a
service can use another service, single sign-on provides a convenient mechanism
to broker authentication during a sequence of vSphere operations.
A vCenter Single Sign-On client connects to the
vCenter Single Sign-On server to obtain a token that represents the client. The
vCenter Single Sign-On server provides a Security Token Service (STS). A token
uses the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), which is an XML encoding of
authentication data. It contains a collection of statements or claims that
support client authentication. Examples of token claims include name, key, and
vCenter Single Sign-On supports two types of
- Holder-of-key tokens provide authentication based on security artifacts embedded in the token. Holder-of-key tokens can be used for delegation. A client can obtain a holder-of-key token and delegate that token for use by another entity. The token contains the claims to identify the originator and the delegate. In the vSphere environment, a vCenter server obtains delegated tokens on a user’s behalf and uses those tokens to perform operations.
- Bearer tokens provide authentication based only on possession of the token. Bearer tokens are intended for short-term, single-operation use. A bearer token does not verify the identity of the user (or entity) sending the request. It is possible to use bearer tokens in the vSphere environment, however there are potential limitations:
- The vCenter Single Sign-On server may impose limitations on the token lifetime, which would require you to acquire new tokens frequently.
- Future versions of vSphere might require the use of holder-of-key tokens.
The following figure shows a vCenter client that
uses a SAML token to establish a session with a vCenter server.
Single Sign-On in the
vSphere Environment – vCenter Server LoginByToken

The vCenter client also operates as a vCenter
Single Sign-On client. The vCenter Single Sign-On client component handles
communication with the vCenter Single Sign-On server.
- The vCenter Single Sign-On client sends a token request to the vCenter Single Sign-On server. The request contains information that identifies the principal. The principal has an identity in the identity store. The principal may be a user or it may be a software component. In this scenario, the principal is the user that controls the vCenter client.
- The vCenter Single Sign-On server uses the identity store to authenticate the principal.
- The vCenter Single Sign-On server sends a response to the token request. If authentication is successful, the response includes a SAML token.
- The vCenter client connects to the vCenter server and calls theSessionManager.LoginByTokenmethod. The login request contains the SAML token.
The previous figure shows the vCenter server,
vCenter Single Sign-On server, and identity store as components running on
separate machines. You can use different vCenter Single Sign-On configurations.
- A vCenter Single Sign-On server can operate as an independent component running on its own machine. The vCenter Single Sign-On server can use a remote identity store or it can manage user accounts in its own internal identity store.
- A vCenter Single Sign-On server can operate as an embedded component running on the vCenter server machine. In this configuration, the vCenter Single Sign-On server can use a remote identity store, its own internal identity store, or it can access user accounts on the vCenter server machine.
For information about installing and configuring
the vCenter Single Sign-On server, see
vSphere Installation and Setup
vSphere Security
in the VMware
Documentation Center.