Sending a Request for a
Security Token in Java
After setting up the SOAP header handlers,
the example creates a token request and calls the issue method. The following
sequence shows the operations and corresponding Java elements.

The following code example shows Java code that
performs these operations.
Acquiring a vCenter Single Sign-On Token –
Sending the Request
/* * Retrieve the STSServicePort from the STSService_Service object. */ STSService stsPort = stsService.getSTSServicePort(); /* * Create a token request object. */ RequestSecurityTokenType tokenType = new RequestSecurityTokenType(); /* * Create a LifetimeType object. */ LifetimeType lifetime = new LifetimeType(); /* * Derive the token creation date and time. * Use a GregorianCalendar to establish the current time, * then use a DatatypeFactory to map the time data to XML. */ DatatypeFactory dtFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); XMLGregorianCalendar xmlCalendar = dtFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal); AttributedDateTime created = new AttributedDateTime(); created.setValue(xmlCalendar.toXMLFormat()); /* * Specify a time interval for token expiration (specified in milliseconds). */ AttributedDateTime expires = new AttributedDateTime(); xmlCalendar.add(dtFactory.newDuration(30 * 60 * 1000)); expires.setValue(xmlCalendar.toXMLFormat()); /* * Set the created and expires fields in the lifetime object. */ lifetime.setCreated(created); lifetime.setExpires(expires); /* * Set the token request fields. */ tokenType.setTokenType("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"); tokenType.setRequestType(""); tokenType.setLifetime(lifetime); tokenType.setKeyType(""); tokenType.setSignatureAlgorithm(""); /* * Specify a token that can be renewed. */ RenewingType renewing = new RenewingType(); renewing.setAllow(Boolean.TRUE); renewing.setOK(Boolean.FALSE); // WS-Trust Profile: MUST be set to false tokenType.setRenewing(renewing); /* Get the request context and set the endpoint address. */ Map<String, Object> reqContext = ((BindingProvider) stsPort).getRequestContext(); reqContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, args[0]); /* * Use the STS port to invoke the "issue" method to acquire the token * from the vCenter Single Sign-On server. */ RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType issueResponse = stsPort.issue(tokenType); /* * Handle the response - extract the SAML token from the response. The response type * contains the token type (SAML token type urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion). */ RequestSecurityTokenResponseType rstResponse = issueResponse.getRequestSecurityTokenResponse(); RequestedSecurityTokenType requestedSecurityToken = rstResponse.getRequestedSecurityToken(); /* * Extract the SAML token from the RequestedSecurityTokenType object. * The generic token type (Element) corresponds to the type required * for the SAML token handler that supports the call to LoginByToken. */ Element token = requestedSecurityToken.getAny();