Tanzu Data Management Console 1.0

Organizations and Identities

Last Updated March 13, 2025

This topic explains identities and roles in Tanzu Data Management Console (TDMC), including how to create identities that enable users and services to access TDMC, and how to apply roles and optional policies to identities to control their access.


Identity and access management (IAM) in TDMC is governed by three main object types:

  • Organizations: Groups of users and other identities who share access to the same data resources.
  • Identities:
    • Users: Human users.
    • Service Accounts: Accounts used for programmatic access to the deployed data products.
    • Local User: User accounts for data products that include their own access control systems and define their users natively.
  • Policies: TDMC defined framework to control and manage access to the instances of the deployed data products.

Organizations and identities are described in the sections below, and for policies, see Policies and Rules.


Organizations (Orgs) in TDMC represent groups of users within the same department or business unit. When you create or onboard a new user, you need to associate them with the correct Org so that they can see and access the same data products that others in their organization use. Organizations are further split into two types:

  • SRE Organization (Singleton): The SRE Org is created by the TDMC installer during the TDMC installation. There is only one SRE Org per instance of TDMC. When created, the SRE Org contains one user, the SRE persona, who can:

  • Customer Organizations (Multiple):

    • Customer Orgs are defined by the SRE user and define business units or teams that work together.
    • Each customer Org has its own Admin(s) who can add identities to the Org and assign their roles.
    • An identity can belong to multiple organizations, and have different identity types, roles, and policies within different organizations.
    • For User identity types, who can log in to the Tanzu Data Management Console GUI, the upper-right corner of the GUI shows the user’s name and organization. On clicking the dropdown from upper-right corner, user can see if they belong to more than one organization as well as their currently-selected organization.
    • Users in multiple organizations can switch the currently-selected one by clicking their name and Change Organization. Because switching organizations changes a user’s roles, available data planes, and other access, it changes what they can see and do in Tanzu Data Management Console.

To create a new organization, see Create an Organization below.


SREs and Customer Admins create identities manually via the Create an Identity procedure below, or SREs can federate them in bulk from external identity providers via LDAP as described in Federation. Roles within TDMC belong either to the SRE persona or Customer Persona.

To grant access to Tanzu Data Management Console and the service instances that it hosts on data planes, admin users create three types of identities:

  • User lets people log in to Tanzu Data Management Console and data service instances via TDMC’s own identity provider. When added, they receive an invitation and manage their access via email. Tanzu Data Management Console manages their password and other account details. Users can be created as shown in Create an Identity below.
  • Local User lets people log in to data service instances that authenticate through an RDBMS, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL. For these accounts, Tanzu Data Management Console does not manage any authentication secrets. Local Users can be created as shown in Create local user below.
  • Service Account lets pipelines and other automation access Tanzu Data Management Console. Service Accounts authenticate to Tanzu Data Management Console via a generated client_credentials JSON struct that downloads to your local machine. Service Accounts can be created as shown in Create Service Account below.

Two main types of Roles/Permissions exist in TDMC, namely

Applies ToDefines Permissions For
Service RoleUser IdentitiesTanzu Data Management Console
PolicyAll IdentitiesData Product Instances

Service Roles - Customer Persona

For an User identity, the admin specifies one or more service roles that determine what the user can see and do in Tanzu Data Management Console:

Service RoleWhat they can do
OperatorPatch, upgrade data service cluster instances and manage polices
Compliance ManagerReview data service cluster instances security compliance
ViewerView data service cluster instances, users, and policies
AdminCreate and manage data service cluster instances, users, and policies
DeveloperView database cluster instances and policies, and manage secret keys for service accounts

More specifically, the different service roles enable access to the following Tanzu Data Management Console areas:

Service Role{Data Services}IdentitiesPoliciesTasksUsage, Event Logs, Upgrade StatusSettings
Compliance ManagerRRRR
  • W: Can view and perform operations, e.g. create, upgrade
  • R: Can view but not perform operations
  • : Can view, and area does not include operations
  • : Cannot view

SRE Persona - SRE user is created during the installation step. Once created this user can add more SRE admins to SRE organization.


For all identity types, admin users can optionally apply policies that specify the identity’s permissions for accessing data service instances deployed by Tanzu Data Management Console.

For more information about policies, see Policies and Rules.

Create an Identity

As Org Admin user

Admin can grant access to Tanzu Data Management Console or its service instances. In this example, we are adding a new user from customer organization:

  1. Click Identity & Access Management > Identities to open the Manage Identities pane.


  2. Click Add Identity at top right. An Add Identity page opens. Add the email address of the user you wish to invite to TDMC. Multiple user email addresses can be added to invite the users to the current organization.

  3. Click Next. Select the roles that apply to this user. The roles selected here controls access of this user to TDMC control plane.


  4. (Optional) Associate a Policy with the user. You can also do this later via Manage Identities > Edit User.


  5. Once the user is created, an invitation email is sent to them. The newly-created identity appears in the Manage Identities pane.

As SRE user

SRE can grant access to Tanzu Data Management Console or its service instances. In this example, SRE is trying to add a new user:

  1. Click Identity & Access Management > Identities to open the Manage Identities pane.

  2. Click Add Identity at top right. An Add Identity page opens. Add the email address of the user you wish to invite to TDMC. Multiple user email addresses can be added to invite the users.

  3. Select the organization to which the user needs to be added. Multiple organizations can be selected here.


  4. Click Next. Select the roles that apply to this user. The roles selected here controls access of this user to TDMC control plane.


  5. Once the user is created, an invitation email is sent to them. The newly-created identity appears in the Manage Identities pane.

Manage Identities

Users can view or manage identities by navigating to Identity & Access Management > Identities to open the Manage Identities pane.

The pane lists identities in user’s currently-selected organization, listed under their name in the top-right corner of the GUI.

All users can view details for an identity, such as roles and policies, by clicking the identity name. Admin users can click Edit User and Policies links on the Manage Identities pane or Actions > Update Service Roles on the identity details pane to change identity details.

  • Changing an identity’s details triggers an email alert created from a template configured by an SRE as described in Email Templates.

Create a Service Account

To create a new Service account as an Admin user:

  1. Navigate to Identity & Access Management > Identities > Service Account option from the left menu


  2. Click Add Identity, enter required details like name of service account and labels (optional). Associate the account with the correct policy created in the Create Policy step.


  3. Click Add. The new service account is created. A pop up screen appears, prompting you to save the client id and client secret for the account, in JSON format. Record this information for use when accessing the TDMC API programmatically.


Create a Local User Account

To create a new Local User account you need to navigate to Identity & Access Management > Identities > Local Users option from the left menu

  1. Click on Add Identity button, enter required details like local user name, password.

  2. Associate this local user with any Policy and click Add. This runs a task that creates a local user account on the data service instance, with permissions governed by the associated Policy.


Create an Organization

To create a new organization as a SRE User:

  1. Navigate to Organization option from the left menu.


  2. Click Create New Organization.

  3. Enter the Organization name and an email address for its first admin user.


  4. On clicking Create, new Organization is created and admin user is invited via email.