Tanzu Data Management Console 1.0

Tanzu Data Management Console CLI Reference

Last Updated March 13, 2025

The tdmc CLI provides supports all data service operations and fleet management functions provided by Tanzu Data Management Console (TDMC). Supported data services include RabbitMQ, Postgres, MySQL, and Redis.


tdmc [flags]
  tdmc [command]


completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure        Configure Default Options for tdmc
  dev              Perform operations on the environment.
  help             Help about any command
  iam              Perform Identity and Access Management Operations
  mysql-cluster    Operations for MySQL Cluster
  object-store     Operations for Object Store
  postgres-cluster Operations for Postgres Cluster
  profile          Create/Update/Delete a profile.
  redis-cluster    Operations for Redis Cluster
  rmq-cluster      Operations for RabbitMQ Cluster
  sre              Perform SRE Related Operations
  task             Perform Task Related Operations

Global Flags

-h, --help                   help for tdmc
      --no-pagination string   Specify whether to use pagination or not. Give false if you want to use pagination (default "true")
      --no-verify-ssl string   Specify whether to ignore ssl (default "false")
  -o, --output-type string     Response Output Type(json)
      --page int               Specify Page Number : Default 0
      --pretty string          Specify whether you want formatted console output
      --profile-name string    Profile to Use
      --size int               Specify Size : Default 10 (default 10)

tdmc completion

Generate the autocompletion script for tdmc for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.


tdmc completion [command]


bash        Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  fish        Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  powershell  Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  zsh         Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

Run tdmc completion [command] -h for more information about a command.

< id=“completion-bash”> tdmc completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(tdmc completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


tdmc completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/tdmc


tdmc completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/tdmc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


tdmc completion bash


--no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

tdmc completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

tdmc completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

tdmc completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/tdmc.fish

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


tdmc completion fish [flags]


--no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

tdmc completion powershell

Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

tdmc completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.


tdmc completion powershell [flags]


--no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

tdmc completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(tdmc completion zsh); compdef _tdmc tdmc

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


tdmc completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_tdmc"


tdmc completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_tdmc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


tdmc completion zsh [flags]


--no-descriptions   disable completion descriptions

tdmc configure

Configure command will be used to configure various default options for the CLI:

endpoint-url: To determine the endpoint to reach e.g. https://console.managed-ds.cloud.vmware.com/ output-type: the type of output you want to fetch. Available formats is json. profile-name: Name of the Profile to use no-pagination: To determine whether we want to have a paginated response or full response no-verify-ssl: To Enable/Disable SSL


tdmc configure [flags]
  tdmc configure [command]


tdmc configure


list        Command to list the Current Configuration

Run tdmc configure list -h for more information.


--endpoint-url string   End Point URL

tdmc configure list

To Show the current value of configuration that is being used


tdmc configure list [flags]


tdmc configure list

tdmc dev

Perform operations on the environment that are not related to using the product.


tdmc dev [flags]
  tdmc dev [command]


log-bundle  Extract the product logs.

tdmc dev log-bundle

Downloads logs by utilizing the Elasticsearch API running on the specified control plane or data plane cluster.


tdmc dev log-bundle [flags]


tdmc dev log-bundle --lte 2025-02-01T12:35:00 --gte 2024-12-25T10:00:00


-d, --dataPlaneId string   Id of a data plane. If specified, logs will be collected from that data plane cluster.
  -g, --gte string           A datetime string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS'. Will be used as a 'greater than or equals' filter for the logs.
  -l, --lte string           A datetime string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS'. Will be used as a 'less than or equals' filter for the logs.

tdmc iam

Perform Identity and Access Management Operations:

  • network-policy : create, update, list, delete
  • rabbitmq-policy : create, update, list, delete
  • user-account : create, update, list, delete
  • service-account : create, update, list, delete


tdmc iam [flags]
  tdmc iam [command]


local-user      Commands related to local user
  mysql-policy    Commands related to MySQL Policy
  network-policy  Commands related to Network Policy
  postgres-policy Commands related to Postgres Policy
  rabbitmq-policy Commands related to RabbitMQ Policy
  redis-policy    Commands related to Redis Policy
  service-account Commands related to Service Account
  user-account    Commands related to User Account

tdmc iam local-user

Commands related to local user.


tdmc iam local-user [flags]
  tdmc iam local-user [command]


create      Create a Local User
  delete      Delete a Local User
  list        List Local Users
  update      Update a Local User

Run tdmc iam local-user [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam mysql-policy

Commands related to MySQL Policy


tdmc iam mysql-policy [flags]
  tdmc iam mysql-policy [command]


create      Create a MySQL Policy
  delete      Delete a MySQL Policy
  list        List MySQL Policies
  update      Update a MySQL Policy

Run tdmc iam mysql-policy [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam network-policy

Commands related to Network Policy


tdmc iam network-policy [flags]
  tdmc iam network-policy [command]


create      Create a Network Policy
  delete      Delete a Network Policy
  list        List Network Policies
  update      Update a Network Policy

Run tdmc iam network-policy [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam postgres-policy

Commands related to Postgres Policy


tdmc iam postgres-policy [flags]
  tdmc iam postgres-policy [command]


create      Create a Postgres Policy
  delete      Delete a Postgres Policy
  list        List Postgres Policies
  update      Update a Postgres Policy

Run tdmc iam postgres-policy [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam rabbitmq-policy

Commands related to RabbitMQ Policy


tdmc iam rabbitmq-policy [flags]
  tdmc iam rabbitmq-policy [command]


create      Create a RabbitMQ Policy
  delete      Delete a RabbitMQ Policy
  list        List RabbitMQ Policies
  update      Update a RabbitMQ Policy

Run tdmc iam rabbitmq-policy [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam redis-policy

Commands related to Redis Policy


tdmc iam redis-policy [flags]
  tdmc iam redis-policy [command]


create      Create a Redis Policy
  delete      Delete a Redis Policy
  list        List Redis Policies
  update      Update a Redis Policy

Run tdmc iam redis-policy [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam service-account

Commands related to Service Account


tdmc iam service-account [flags]
  tdmc iam service-account [command]


create      Create a Service Account
  delete      Delete a Service Account
  list        List Service Accounts
  update      Update a Service Account

Run tdmc iam service-account [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc iam user-account

Commands related to User Account


tdmc iam user-account [flags]
  tdmc iam user-account [command]


create      Create a User Account
  delete      Delete a User Account
  list        List User Accounts
  update      Update a User Account

Run tdmc iam user-account [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc mysql-cluster


tdmc mysql-cluster [flags]
  tdmc mysql-cluster [command]


attach-network-policy Attach the Given Network Policy to MySQL Cluster
  backup                Perform backup operations on a MySQL Cluster
  create                Create a MySQL Cluster
  delete                Delete a MySQL Cluster
  list                  List MySQL Cluster instances
  restore               Perform restore operatons on a MySQL Cluster
  update                Update the tags for the MySQL Cluster
  upgrade               Tpgrade MySQL Cluster to next Target version

tdmc mysql-cluster attach-network-policy

Attach the Given Network Policy to MySQL Cluster.

This will update the network policy associated with the MySQL Cluster with the provided policy IDs

A list of network policies can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of policy ids. For example attach-network-policy will update the given mysql-cluster with the new changes specified by the --policy-id flag; Old network policies will be replaced.


tdmc mysql-cluster attach-network-policy [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>
tdmc mysql-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>,<NETWORK_POLICY_ID2>


--id string          Cluster Id
  --policy-id string   Policy Id's

tdmc mysql-cluster backup

To perform backup operations for a MySQL cluster: create-backup, delete-backup, list


tdmc mysql-cluster backup [flags]
  tdmc mysql-cluster backup [command]


create      Back up a MySQL Cluster
  delete      Delete a MySQL Backup
  list        List MySQL Cluster Backups

Run tdmc mysql-cluster backup [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc mysql-cluster create

Create a MySQL Cluster for the given service type

To get the sample template for MySQL Cluster create please type the command : “tdmc mysql-cluster create” This will generate a sample json file in the current working directory


tdmc mysql-cluster create [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster create -p <Provider details> -f <TEMPLATE_FILE>


-f, --file string       FilePath For Payload (Path & FileName)
  -p, --provider string   Provider Details - Supported are tkgs, tkgm, tkgi, openshift, aws, azure, and gcp

tkgs refers to vSphere Kubernetes Service, which was renamed from Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service.

tdmc mysql-cluster delete

Delete a MySQL Cluster for a given id if exists


tdmc mysql-cluster delete [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster delete --id <ID>


--id string   Cluster Id

tdmc mysql-cluster list

List a MySQL Cluster Instance or All MySQL Cluster Instances

This will generate the list of MySQL Cluster Instances present in the org. You can export it and store it in a file via export option To list the details of a specific MySQL Cluster Instance, please provide it via --id flag


tdmc mysql-cluster list [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster list
  tdmc mysql-cluster list --id <ID>
  tdmc mysql-cluster list --export <FILE>
  tdmc mysql-cluster list --id <ID> --export <FILE>


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)
  --id string       Cluster Id

tdmc mysql-cluster restore

To perform restore operations for MySQL Cluster: backup, list


tdmc mysql-cluster restore [flags]
  tdmc mysql-cluster restore [command]


backup      To restore MySQL Cluster
  list        List MySQL Cluster Restores

Run tdmc mysql-cluster restore [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc mysql-cluster update

To Update the tags for the MySQL Cluster.

This will update the tags associated with the MySQL Cluster with the provided tags

A list of tags can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of tags. For example, with the new changes specified by the --tags flag; Old tags will be replaced


tdmc mysql-cluster update [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME>
  tdmc mysql-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME1>,<TAG_NAME2>


--id string     Cluster Id
  --tags string   Policy Id's

tdmc mysql-cluster upgrade

To upgrade MySQL Cluster to next Target version.

To get the target version of the cluster, run:

tdmc mysql-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID>


tdmc mysql-cluster upgrade [flags]


tdmc mysql-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> : To get Target Version
  tdmc mysql-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> --targetVersion <Target-Version> --omitBackup <true/false>: To upgrade to target version and Omit backup


--id string              Cluster ID
  --omitBackup string      Omit Backup
  --targetVersion string   Target Version

tdmc object-store

To Perform Operations for Object Store: list


tdmc object-store [flags]
  tdmc object-store [command]


list        List Object Stores

tdmc object-store list

List All Object Store Instances This will generate the list of Object Store Instances present in the org. You can export it and store it in a file via export option


tdmc object-store list [flags]


tdmc object-store list
  tdmc object-store list --export <FILE>


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)

tdmc postgres-cluster

To Perform Operations for Postgres Cluster Following operations are supported


tdmc postgres-cluster [flags]
  tdmc postgres-cluster [command]


attach-network-policy Attach the Given Network Policy to Postgres Cluster
  backup                Perform backup operations on a Postgres Cluster
  create                Create Postgres Cluster
  delete                Delete a Postgres Cluster
  list                  List Postgres Cluster instances
  restore               Perform restore operatons on a Postgres Cluster
  update                Update the tags for the Postgres Cluster
  upgrade               Upgrade postgres Cluster to next Target version

tdmc postgres-cluster attach-network-policy

Attach the Given Network Policy to a Postgres Cluster.

This will update the network policy associated with the Postgres Cluster with the provided policy IDs

A list of network policies can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of policy IDs. For example attach-network-policy will update the given postgres-cluster with the new changes specified by the –policy-id flag; Old network policies will be replaced


tdmc postgres-cluster attach-network-policy [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>
  tdmc postgres-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>,<NETWORK_POLICY_ID2>


--id string          Cluster Id
  --policy-id string   Policy Id's

tdmc postgres-cluster backup

Perform backup Operations of Postgres Cluster: create-backup, delete-backup, list


tdmc postgres-cluster backup [flags]
  tdmc postgres-cluster backup [command]


create      Back up a Postgres Cluster
  delete      Delete a Postgres Backup
  list        List Postgres cluster backups

Run tdmc postgres-cluster backup [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc postgres-cluster create

Create a Postgres Cluster for the given service type

To get the sample template for Postgres Cluster create please type the command : “tdmc postgres-cluster create” This will generate a sample json file in the current working directory


tdmc postgres-cluster create [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster create -p <Provider details>-f <TEMPLATE_FILE>


-f, --file string       FilePath For Payload (Path & FileName)
  -p, --provider string   Provider Details - Supported are tkgs, tkgm, tkgi, openshift, aws, azure, and gcp

tkgs refers to vSphere Kubernetes Service, which was renamed from Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service.

tdmc postgres-cluster delete

Delete a Postgres Cluster for a given id if exists


tdmc postgres-cluster delete [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster delete --id <ID>


--id string   Cluster Id

tdmc postgres-cluster list

List A Postgres Cluster Instance or All Postgres Cluster Instances

This will generate the list of Postgres Cluster Instances present in the org. You can export it and store it in a file via export option To list the details of a specific Postgres Cluster Instance, please provide it via –id flag


tdmc postgres-cluster list [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster list
  tdmc postgres-cluster list --id <ID>
  tdmc postgres-cluster list --export <FILE>
  tdmc postgres-cluster list --id <ID> --export <FILE>


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)
  --id string       Cluster Id

tdmc postgres-cluster restore

To perform restore Operations of Postgres Cluster: backup, list


tdmc postgres-cluster restore [flags]
  tdmc postgres-cluster restore [command]


backup      To restore Postgres Cluster
  list        List Postgres Cluster Restores

Run tdmc postgres-cluster restore [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc postgres-cluster update

To Update the tags for the Postgres Cluster.

This will update the tags associated with the Postgres Cluster with the provided tags

A list of tags can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of tags. For example updates the given postgres-cluster with the new changes specified by the –tags flag; Old tags will be replaced


tdmc postgres-cluster update [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME>
  tdmc postgres-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME1>,<TAG_NAME2>


--id string     Cluster Id
  --tags string   Policy Id's

tdmc postgres-cluster upgrade

Upgrades a Postgres Cluster to next Target version

To get the target version of the cluster,Please type the command: “tdmc postgres-cluster upgrade –id <CLUSTER_ID>”


tdmc postgres-cluster upgrade [flags]


tdmc postgres-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> : To get Target Version
  tdmc postgres-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> --targetVersion <Target-Version> --omitBackup <true/false>: To upgrade to target version and Omit backup


--id string              Cluster ID
  --omitBackup string      Omit Backup
  --targetVersion string   Target Version

tdmc profile

For performing operations related to profiles. You can Add, Delete, List or Update profiles.


tdmc profile [flags]
  tdmc profile [command]


create      create a profile
  delete      delete a profile.
  get         Get profile details.
  list        To list profiles.
  update      To update a profile.


-n, --profile-name string   Profile Name

tdmc profile create

Create an authentication profile.

If “type” is “api_token”, attribute “api-token” will be required. If “type” is “client_credentials”, attributes “client-id”, “client-secret” and “org-id” will be required.


tdmc profile create [flags]


tdmc profile create --profile-name <NAME>
  tdmc profile create --profile-name <NAME> --org <ORG_ID> --api-token <TOKEN>


-a, --api-token string       User API Token
      --client-id string       Client Id
      --client-secret string   Client Secret
      --org string             User Org ID
  -t, --type string            Credential Type (api_token/client_credentials)

tdmc profile delete

Delete a profile if it exists.


tdmc profile delete [flags]


tdmc profile delete --profile-name <PROFILE_NAME>

tdmc profile get

Get profile details for the given name if it exists.


tdmc profile get [flags]


tdmc profile get --profile-name <PROFILE_NAME>

tdmc profile list

List all the profiles present.


tdmc profile list [flags]


tdmc profile list

tdmc profile update

To update a profile if it exists.


tdmc profile update [flags]


tdmc profile update --profile-name <PROFILE_NAME>

tdmc redis-cluster

To Perform Operations for Redis Cluster


tdmc redis-cluster [flags]
  tdmc redis-cluster [command]


attach-network-policy Attach the Given Network Policy to Redis Cluster
  backup                Perform backup operations on a Redis Cluster
  create                Create a Redis Cluster
  delete                Delete a Redis Cluster
  list                  List Redis Cluster instances
  restore               Perform restore operatons on a Redis Cluster
  update                Update the tags for the Redis Cluster
  upgrade               Upgrade a Redis Cluster to next Target version

tdmc redis-cluster attach-network-policy

Attach a Network Policy to Redis Cluster.

This will update the network policy associated with the Redis Cluster with the provided policy IDs

A list of network policies can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of polidy ids. For example, attach-network-policy will update the given redis-cluster with the new changes specified by the –policy-id flag; Old network policies will be replaced


tdmc redis-cluster attach-network-policy [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>
  tdmc redis-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>,<NETWORK_POLICY_ID2>


--id string          Cluster Id
  --policy-id string   Policy Id's

tdmc redis-cluster backup

Perform backup Operations on a Redis Cluster: create-backup, delete-backup, list


tdmc redis-cluster backup [flags]
  tdmc redis-cluster backup [command]


create      Back up a Redis Cluster
  delete      Delete a Redis Backup
  list        List Redis cluster backups

Run tdmc redis-cluster backup [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc redis-cluster create

Create a Redis Cluster for the given service type

To get the sample template for Redis Cluster create please type the command : “tdmc redis-cluster create” This will generate a sample json file in the current working directory


tdmc redis-cluster create [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster create -p <Provider Details> -f <TEMPLATE_FILE>


-f, --file string       FilePath For Payload (Path & FileName)
  -p, --provider string   Provider Details - Supported are tkgs, tkgm, tkgi, openshift, aws, azure, and gcp

tkgs refers to vSphere Kubernetes Service, which was renamed from Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service.

tdmc redis-cluster delete

Delete a Redis Cluster for a given id if exists


tdmc redis-cluster delete [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster delete --id <ID>


--id string   Cluster Id

tdmc redis-cluster list

List a Redis Cluster Instance or All Redis Cluster Instances

This will generate the list of Redis Cluster Instances present in the org. You can export it and store it in a file via export option To list the details of a specific Redis Cluster Instance, please provide it via –id flag


tdmc redis-cluster list [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster list
  tdmc redis-cluster list --id <ID>
  tdmc redis-cluster list --export <FILE>
  tdmc redis-cluster list --id <ID> --export <FILE>


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)
  --id string       Cluster Id

tdmc redis-cluster restore

To perform restore Operations of Redis Cluster

You perform the following operations related to the following: - restore : backup, list


tdmc redis-cluster restore [flags]
  tdmc redis-cluster restore [command]


backup      To restore Redis Cluster
  list        List Redis Cluster Restores

Run tdmc redis-cluster restore [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc redis-cluster update

Update the tags for the Redis Cluster.

This will update the tags associated with the Redis Cluster with the provided tags

A list of tags can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of tags. For example updates the given Redis Cluster with the new changes specified by the –tags flag; Old tags will be replaced


tdmc redis-cluster update [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME>
  tdmc redis-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME1>,<TAG_NAME2>


--id string     Cluster Id
  --tags string   Policy Id's

tdmc redis-cluster upgrade

To upgrade Redis Cluster to next Target version To get the target version of the cluster,Please type the command: “tdmc redis-cluster upgrade –id <CLUSTER_ID>”


tdmc redis-cluster upgrade [flags]


tdmc redis-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> : To get Target Version
  tdmc redis-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> --targetVersion <Target-Version> --omitBackup <true/false>: To upgrade to target version and Omit backup


--id string              Cluster ID
  --omitBackup string      Omit Backup
  --targetVersion string   Target Version

tdmc rmq-cluster

To Perform Operations for RabbitMQ Cluster


tdmc rmq-cluster [flags]
  tdmc rmq-cluster [command]


attach-network-policy Attach the Given Network Policy to RabbitMQ Cluster
  create                Create RabbitMQ Cluster
  delete                Delete a RabbitMQ Cluster
  list                  List RabbitMQ Cluster instances
  update                Update the tags for the RabbitMQ Cluster
  upgrade               To upgrade RMQ Cluster to next Target version

tdmc rmq-cluster attach-network-policy

To Attach the Given Network Policy to RabbitMQ Cluster.

This will update the network policy associated with the RabbitMQ Cluster with the provided policy IDs

A list of network policies can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of polidy ids. For example, attach-network-policy will update the given rmq-cluster with the new changes specified by the –policy-id flag; Old network policies will be replaced


tdmc rmq-cluster attach-network-policy [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>
  tdmc rmq-cluster attach-network-policy --id <CLUSTER_ID> --policy-id <NETWORK_POLICY_ID>,<NETWORK_POLICY_ID2>


--id string          Cluster Id
  --policy-id string   Policy Id's

tdmc rmq-cluster create

Create a RabbitMQ Cluster for the given service type

To get the sample template for RabbitMQ Cluster create please type the command : “tdmc rmq-cluster create” This will generate a sample json file in the current working directory


tdmc rmq-cluster create [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster create -p <Provider details> -f <TEMPLATE_FILE>


-f, --file string       FilePath For Payload (Path & FileName)
  -p, --provider string   Provider Details - Supported are tkgs, tkgm, tkgi, openshift, aws, azure, and gcp

tkgs refers to vSphere Kubernetes Service, which was renamed from Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service.

tdmc rmq-cluster delete

Delete a RabbitMQ Cluster for a given id if exists


tdmc rmq-cluster delete [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster delete --id <ID>


--id string   Cluster Id

tdmc rmq-cluster list

List A RabbitMQ Cluster Instance or All RabbitMQ Cluster Instances

This will generate the list of RabbitMQ Cluster Instances present in the org. You can export it and store it in a file via export option To list the details of a specific RabbitMQ Cluster Instance, please provide it via –id flag


tdmc rmq-cluster list [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster list
  tdmc rmq-cluster list --id <ID>
  tdmc rmq-cluster list --export <FILE>
  tdmc rmq-cluster list --id <ID> --export <FILE>


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)
  --id string       Cluster Id

tdmc rmq-cluster update

Update the tags for the RabbitMQ Cluster.

This will update the tags associated with the RabbitMQ Cluster with the provided tags

A list of tags can be attached to the cluster by providing a comma separated list of tags. For example updates the given rmq-cluster with the new changes specified by the –tags flag; Old tags will be replaced


tdmc rmq-cluster update [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME>
  tdmc rmq-cluster update --id <CLUSTER_ID> --tags <TAG_NAME1>,<TAG_NAME2>


--id string     Cluster Id
  --tags string   Policy Id's

tdmc rmq-cluster upgrade

Upgrade RMQ Cluster to next Target version

To get the target version of the cluster,Please type the command: “tdmc rmq-cluster upgrade –id <CLUSTER_ID>”


tdmc rmq-cluster upgrade [flags]


tdmc rmq-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> : To get Target Version
  tdmc rmq-cluster upgrade --id <CLUSTER_ID> --targetVersion <Target-Version> : To upgrade to target version


--id string              Cluster ID
  --targetVersion string   Target Version

tdmc sre

Perform SRE Related Operations.


tdmc sre [flags]
  tdmc sre [command]


certificate     Operations for Certificates
  cloud-account   Operations for SRE Cloud Account
  data-plane      Manage Data Planes
  dns             Manage all the DNS configs
  fleet-health    Get the Fleet Health Of the Customers
  object-store    Operations for Object Store
  org             Operations for Org
  service-account List service account as SRE user
  smtp            Manage SMTP
  t-shirt-size    Operations for T-shirt size
  user-account    List user account as SRE user

tdmc sre certificate

Perform Operations for Certificates


tdmc sre certificate [flags]
  tdmc sre certificate [command]


add         Add a Certificate
  delete      Delete a Certificate
  list        Get the Certificate list

Run tdmc sre certificate [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre cloud-account

To Perform Operations for SRE Cloud Account


tdmc sre cloud-account [flags]
  tdmc sre cloud-account [command]


create      Create a Cloud Provider Account Cluster
  delete      Delete a Cloud Provider Account
  list        Get the Cloud Provider Account list 
  update      Update a Cloud Provider Account Cluster

Run tdmc sre cloud-account [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre data-plane

To allow the SRE to manage Data Planes.


tdmc sre data-plane [flags]
  tdmc sre data-plane [command]


create             Create a DataPlane
  delete             Delete a DataPlane
  disable            To disable DataPlane
  enable             To Enable sre DataPlane
  list               Get the Data Planes
  service-add        To Add service to DataPlane
  storage-policy-add To Add storage policy to DataPlane
  sync               To Sync sre DataPlane
  update             Update a DataPlane

Run tdmc sre data-plane [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre dns

Manage all the DNS configs

The following operations are supported:

  • list


tdmc sre dns list [flags]
  tdmc sre dns list [command]


list        Get the DNS Configs list

Run tdmc sre dns list -h for more information.

tdmc sre fleet-health

Get the Fleet Health Of the Customers

The following operations are supported:

  • list


tdmc sre fleet-health [flags]


tdmc sre fleet-health
  tdmc sre fleet-health list


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)

tdmc sre object-store

Perform Operations for Object Store

The following operations are supported:

  • create (for sre users)
  • list
  • delete (for sre users)


tdmc sre object-store [flags]
  tdmc sre object-store [command]


create      Create an Object Store
  delete      Delete an Object Store
  list        List Object Stores

Run tdmc sre object-store [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre org

To Perform Operations for Org

The following operations are supporte

  • create (for sre users)
  • list (for sre users)


tdmc sre org [flags]
  tdmc sre org [command]


create      Create an Org
  list        Get the Org list

Run tdmc sre org [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre service-account

List service account as SRE user


tdmc sre service-account [flags]


tdmc sre service-account list


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)

tdmc sre smtp

Commands that allow the SRE to manage SMTP.


tdmc sre smtp [flags]
  tdmc sre smtp [command]


list        Get the SMTP Config list 
  update      Update an SMTP

Run tdmc sre smtp [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre t-shirt-size

To Perform Operations for T-shirt size

The following operations are supporte

  • list
  • create
  • delete


tdmc sre t-shirt-size [flags]
  tdmc sre t-shirt-size [command]


create      Create a Custom T-Shirt size
  delete      Delete a Custom T-Shirt size
  list        List T-Shirt Sizes

Run tdmc sre t-shirt-size [command] -h for more information about a command.

tdmc sre user-account

List user account as SRE user


tdmc sre user-account [flags]


tdmc sre user-account list


-e, --export string   Export Result To Path (Path & FileName)

tdmc task

Perform Task Related Operations


tdmc task [flags]
  tdmc task [command]


get         To Get the Task Status for the provided ID

tdmc task get

Get the Task Status for the provided ID


tdmc task get [flags]


tdmc task get --id <ID>


--id string   Task Id