You can use optional parameters to change server defaults.
Optional Parameters to change server defaults
You can configure optional parameters to change certain VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service server defaults. You might want to configure optional parameters in the following cases:
- You have a read-heavy or write-heavy application. See Workloads.
- You are migrating from a case-insensitive database. See Lowercase Table Names.
- You want to use a different character set or collation than the default. See Character Sets.
- You want to configure leader-follower replication. See Synchronous Replication.
- You have heavy traffic, or spikes in traffic, while using a high availability topology. See WSREP Applier Threads.
The procedures in this topic use the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI). You can also use Apps Manager to perform the same tasks using a graphical UI.
The VMware Tanzu for MySQL service instances are configured by default with industry best practices. For information about the configured server defaults, see About MySQL Server Defaults.
Set Optional parameters
You can change the default configuration of optional parameters by creating a new service instance or updating an existing service instance.
The available optional parameters include workload
, enable_lower_case_table_names
, default-charset
and default-collation
, replication_mode
, backup-schedule
, optimize_for_short_words
, and wsrep_applier_threads
To set optional parameters:
Do one of the following:
If you want to create a new service instance, run:
cf create-service p.mysql PLAN SERVICE-INSTANCE \ -c '{ "PARAMETER": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'
If you want to update an existing service instance, run:
flag accepts a valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file.
Verify that the
command ran successfully by running:watch cf services
Wait for the
last operation
for your instance to show ascreate succeeded
For example:$ watch cf services Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as\ OK name service plan bound apps last operation myDB p.mysql db-small create succeeded
The following table describes how to use the workload
optional parameter to adjust server default settings for different workload profiles:
workload | |
Type | String |
Default | mixed |
Description | Set this parameter to mixed ,
read-heavy or write-heavy .
See Workload Profile Types. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
Workload Profile Types
The following table lists the workload profiles that developers can use to configure MySQL instances based on their specific app workloads:
Profile | Description |
Mixed Workload | By default, each MySQL service instance is configured for a mixed workload.
This workload is equally heavy on reads and writes. The configuration for this profile is described in About MySQL Server Defaults. |
Read-Heavy Workload | For apps that have a large number of reads, you can configure your
service instances with a read-heavy workload. The read-heavy profile changes the following server defaults listed in About MySQL Server Defaults:
Write-Heavy Workload | For apps that write to the database frequently, you can configure your
service instances with a write heavy workload. The write heavy profile changes the following server defaults that are listed in About MySQL Server Defaults:
Lowercase table names
If you are migrating a database from a system that was case insensitive, you can enable lowercase table names to change all table names to lowercase.
For example, if your database had the table names TableName
and TABLEname
, when you enable lowercase table names both of the names change to tablename
and are interpreted as the same table.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
The following table describes how to use the enable_lower_case_table_names
optional parameter:
enable_lower_case_table_names | |
Type | Boolean |
Default | Set by the operator in the Mysql Configuration pane in the tile. See Configure MySQL. |
Description | The operator can set a default for this parameter and permit developers to override the default.
If you set this to true , table names are stored in lowercase.
See About lowercase table names.
Before you enable this feature, ensure all tables have lowercase names. Tables with uppercase names are inaccessible after enabling lowercase table names. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
Character sets
The following table describes how to use the default-charset
and default-collation
optional parameters to change the character sets used in databases:
default-charset | |
Type | String |
Default | utf8 |
Description | You can set this to any MySQL 5.7 supported character set. For information about character sets and collations, see the MySQL documentation. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
default-collation | |
Type | String |
Default | utf8_general_ci |
Description | The default-collation changes based on the default-charset .
To set the default-collation , first set the default-charset . For instructions for viewing available and default collations, see the MySQL documentation. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
Synchronous replication for leader-follower
If you use a leader-follower service instance, VMware Tanzu for MySQL supports synchronous replication in addition to the default asynchronous replication. In sync replication, data does not get committed to the leader node until the follower acknowledges the commit and can replicate it.
The guarantee of redundancy gives sync replication an advantage over asynchronous replication in data integrity. However, depending on latency, sync replication reduces the performance of write operations.
The following table describes how to use the replication_mode
optional parameter:
does not work for single node, HA cluster, or multi-site replication plans.
replication_mode | |
Type | String |
Default | async |
Description | Set this parameter to one of the following:
Usage | create-service or update-service |
In VMware Tanzu for MySQL, replication is called sync, rather than semi-sync. This is because it is as synchronous as possible given the limits of MySQL. For more information about MySQL semi-sync replication, see the MySQL documentation.
Synchronous replication timeout
By default, the timeout for sync replication is set to approximately 292 million years. Therefore, the leader always waits for the follower to confirm receipt of the transaction. This guarantees that if the leader is lost, a redundant copy of the data exists on the follower.
When the replication mode timeout is reached, the replication mode automatically reverts to asynchronous without any user intervention. You can manually override this timeout by setting a lower value.
The following table describes how to use the semi_sync_ack_timeout_in_ms
optional parameter:
semi_sync_ack_timeout_in_ms | |
Type | Integer |
Default | 263 milliseconds |
Description | Sets the timeout in milliseconds for the leader to acknowledge a replication operation. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
Backup schedule
The following table describes how to use the backup-schedule
optional parameter:
backup-schedule | |
Type | Cron expression |
Default | The operator sets the default |
Description |
Enter a cron expression using standard syntax.
The cron expression sets the backup schedule for your service instance.
For example, entering a cron expression of 15 10 * * * triggers a backup 10:15 AM every day.
Test your cron expression using a website such as Crontab Guru.
Configuring a cron expression overrides the default schedule for your service instance. |
Usage | create-service or update-service |
Optimize for short words
The following table describes how to use the optimize_for_short_words
optional parameter:
optimize_for_short_words | |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Description |
Set this parameter to true to change the MySQL system variable
innodb_ft_min_token_size to 1.
This allows shorter words to be stored in the InnoDB full-text index.Because this has the side effect of increasing the size of the index, you must monitor the memory usage of the service instance and choose a larger VM type when necessary. Also, the operator needs to prevent the index from becoming too large and ineffective by removing entries as described in the following paragraphs. How often this needs to be done depends on the workload and how much data is changed in the full-text index. For more information about the innodb_ft_min_token_size system variable,
see the MySQL
To remove full-text index entries for deleted records or old records:
Usage | create-service or update-service |
WSREP applier threads
The following table describes how to use the wsrep_applier_threads
optional parameter:
wsrep_applier_threads | |
Type | Integer |
Default | 4 |
Description |
Specifies the number of threads that can apply replication transactions in parallel in a high-availability cluster. VMware MySQL for VMs defaults to 4 threads, whereas Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 defaults to 1.
For further details, see the
Percona XtraDB Cluster Docs.
This parameter only applies to "high-availablity" service plans, and is rejected for service plans using other topologies. |
Usage | create-service or update-service as per Set Optional Parameters |
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