Tanzu for MySQL on Cloud Foundry 3.1

About MySQL server defaults

Last Updated January 29, 2025

This topic provides information about the defaults that VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service applies to its Percona Server components.

Learn about the server defaults for VMware Tanzu for MySQL service plans. Most of the server defaults are the same for all service plans, however, some server defaults differ depending on the service plan.

For server defaults that are:

You can use optional parameters to change certain server defaults. For more information, see Changing Defaults Using Arbitrary Parameters.

Server Defaults for All Plans

The following table lists the VMware Tanzu for MySQL server defaults that are common to all service plans:

Name Variable Name Default Notes
Applier Threads wsrep_applier_threads Number of CPU cores Defines the number of threads to use when applying write-sets. For more information, see the Percona XtraDB Cluster documentation. This property can be overriden using a arbitrary parameter, or reset to the default (Number of CPU cores) by setting an arbitrary parameter value of -1.
Audit Log audit-log OFF To set to ON, select Enable Server Activity Logging in Monitoring. Logs are written in JSON to /var/vcap/store/mysql_audit_logs/mysql_server_audit.log.
Space Limit for Binary Logs binlog_space_limit 33% of the disk space on each service instance if Limit binary log disk use is selected. For more information, see Configure MySQL and the Percona blog site.
If Limit binary log disk use is not selected, then no space limit is applied.
Character Set character-set-server utf8 This setting defaults all character sets. You can override this during a session.
Binary Log Removal expire_log_days 3 This setting is the number of days before binary log files are automatically removed.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
InnoDB Transaction Log Durability innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 1 At each transaction commit, logs are written and flushed to disk.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
InnoDB Flush Method innodb_flush_method fsync This setting defines the method used to flush data to InnoDB data and log files.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
InnoDB Auto Increment Lock Mode innodb-autoinc-lock-mode 2 This setting uses the interleaved mode. This enables multiple statements to execute at the same time. There can be gaps in auto-incrementing columns.
InnoDB Buffer Pool Size innodb-buffer-pool-size 50% of the available memory on each service instance This setting is dynamically configured to be 50% of the available memory on each service instance.
InnoDB Log Buffer Size innodb-log-buffer-size 32 MB This setting defaults to 32 MB to avoid excessive disk I/O when issuing large transactions.
Log Bin Trust Function Creators log-bin-trust-function-creators ON This setting relaxes constraints on how MySQL writes stored procedures to the binary log.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
Lower Case Table Names lower-case-table-names 0 By default, all table names are case sensitive. Operators can change this default setting on the MySQL Configuration page and permit developers to override the default when they create a service instance.
For more information about using lowercase table names, see the MySQL documentation.
Max Allowed Packet max-allowed-packet 256 MB If necessary, you can change this size setting in a session variable.
Max Size Allowed for Binary Logs max_binlog_size default ~1/3 of the Space Limit for Binary Logs if Limit binary log disk use is selected. For more information, see Configure MySQL and Percona documentation.
If Limit binary log disk use is not selected, then no maximum is set.
Reverse Name Resolution skip-name-resolve ON This deactivates reverse DNS lookups to improve performance. VMware Tanzu for MySQL uses user credentials, rather than hostnames, to authenticate access. Therefore, most deployments do not need reverse DNS lookups.

To activate reverse name resolution, deselect this option.
Skip Symbolic Links symbolic-links OFF VMware Tanzu for MySQL is configured to prevent the use of symlinks to tables. VMware recommends this security setting to prevent users from manipulating files on the server file system.
For more information, see Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers.
Table Definition Cache table-definition-cache 8192 For information about changing this setting, see the MySQL documentation.

Server defaults for single node and leader-follower plans

In addition to the server default settings that are common to all plans, single node and leader-follower plans use the server defaults listed in the following table:

Name Variable Name Default Notes
Max Connections max-connections 5000 connections per service instance System processes count towards this limit.
MyISAM Recover Options myisam-recover-options BACKUP, FORCE This setting enables VMware Tanzu for MySQL to recover from most MyISAM problems without human intervention.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
Event Scheduler event-scheduler ON VMware Tanzu for MySQL enables the event scheduler so users can create and use events in their dedicated service instances.
InnoDB Log File Size innodb-log-file-size 256 MB VMware Tanzu for MySQL clusters default to a log-file size of 256 MB.
Collation Server collation-server utf8_general_ci You can override this during a session.
For instructions about viewing available and default collations, see the MySQL documentation.
Relay Log Recovery relay-log-recovery ON When enabled, relay log recovery happens automatically after server startup.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.

Server defaults for highly available cluster plans

In addition to the server default settings that are common to all plans, HA cluster plans use the server defaults listed in the following table:

Name Variable Name Default Notes
Max Connections max-connections 5000 connections per service instance System processes count towards this limit.
MyISAM Recover Options myisam-recover-options OFF This setting enables VMware Tanzu for MySQL to recover from most MyISAM problems without human intervention.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
Event Scheduler event-scheduler OFF VMware Tanzu for MySQL enables the event scheduler so users can create and use events in their dedicated service instances.
InnoDB Log File Size innodb-log-file-size 1024 MB VMware Tanzu for MySQL clusters default to a log-file size of 256 MB.
Collation Server collation-server utf8_unicode_ci You can override this during a session.
For instructions about viewing available and default collations, see the MySQL documentation.
Relay Log Recovery relay-log-recovery ON When enabled, relay log recovery happens automatically after server startup.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.

Server defaults for Multi‑Site Replication plans

In addition to the server default settings that are common to all plans, multi‑site replication plans use the server defaults listed in the following table.

Name Variable Name Default Notes
Max Connections max-connections 5000 connections per service instance System processes count towards this limit.
MyISAM Recover Options myisam-recover-options OFF This setting activates VMware Tanzu for MySQL to recover from most MyISAM problems without human intervention.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.
Event Scheduler event-scheduler OFF VMware Tanzu for MySQL activates the event scheduler so users can create and use events in their dedicated service instances.
InnoDB Log File Size innodb-log-file-size 1024 MB VMware Tanzu for MySQL clusters default to a log-file size of 256 MB.
Collation Server collation-server utf8_unicode_ci You can override this setting during a session.
For instructions about viewing available and default collations, see the MySQL documentation.
Relay Log Recovery relay-log-recovery OFF When enabled, relay log recovery happens automatically after server startup.
For more information, see the MySQL documentation.