Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes 1.0

Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes CRD property reference

Last Updated February 27, 2025

This topic describes the available fields of the Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD).


Valkey Standalone

apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: Valkey
  name: valkey-standalone

#### Specify the Valkey Version
#  valkeyVersion:
#    name: valkey-8.0.2

### Specify valkey commander configuration (Optional)
#  valkeyCommanderConfig:
#    enabled: true
#    image: valkey-commander:1.0.0
#    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret

### Specify usual kubernetes related configuration like image pull secrets, resource limits and requests
#  kubernetesConfig:
#    imagePullSecrets:
#    - registry-secret
#    resources:
#     requests:
#       cpu: 101m
#       memory: 128Mi
#     limits:
#       cpu: 101m
#       memory: 128Mi

### Specify valkey secret used for Valkey deployment
#    valkeySecret:
#      name: secret-name
#      key: secret-key

#### Set the persistence preference for the valkey
#  persistence:
#    enabled: true
#    type: "rdb"
#    keepAfterDelete: true
#    storageSize: 3Gi
#    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]


Applying this resource causes the Kubernetes operator to create a StatefulSet with a single pod and one container. The Valkey pod mounts a persistent volume claim (PVC) if the storage section is added and storage size is mentioned.

You specify Valkey instance configuration properties to Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes with a YAML-formatted manifest file. A sample manifest file is provided in valkey.yaml. For information about deploying a new Valkey instance using a manifest file, see Create and delete Valkey instances

The following list explains the properties that you can set in your Valkey resource.



Type: string


This is the name of the Valkey instance. It must be unique within a namespace. It cannot be modified after the Valkey instance has been created. The metadata can set the name, namespace, labels, annotations, and more for the Valkey object. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Example: valkey-sample



Type: string


Default: <latest Valkey release supported>

This is the Valkey version that is used for creating an instance. If the user does not specify a value, the latest supported version is as the default. For example, if Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes supports valkey-8.0.2, valkey-7.2.8 and valkey-7.2.6, this value is valkey-8.0.2 by default.

Each operator release supports several Valkey versions. Only the permitted version strings are valid input for the field. Entries that do not match a supported version generate an error. Run kubectl get valkeyversion to verify the Valkey versions of your operator release.

Example: valkey-8.0.2


Type: boolean


Default: false

If enabled, the Valkey Commander management UI will be deployed with the Valkey instance. Users can use this to connect to the instance and perform the supported operations.


Type: string

Required if valkeyCommanderConfig.enabled is enabled

If Valkey Commander is enabled, then the Valkey Commander image must be mentioned in order to create ValkeyCommander CR that uses this image to deploy the container.


Type: string


If Valkey Commander is enabled, the users can provide login credentials for Valkey Commander. The secret must contain two data fields:

  • username, which identifies the user name for the Valkey Commander
  • password, which identifies the password for the Valkey Commander


Type: string[]


Default: imagePullSecretName:, which is used during operator deployment as set in the operator’s values.yaml. For more information, see Install Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes.

The secret might need to be re-created within your pod’s namespace for your pod to access it.

Example: tanzu-image-registry


Type: object


This object is a mapping of strings to ResourceRequirements that describes the compute resource requirements (requests and limits of CPU and memory).

The supported keys are requests and limits.

Memory specifies the amount of memory allocated to a container and defines a memory limit. If a pod tries to exceed the limit, the pod is replaced by a new pod. Memory units can use a suffix, such as 4.5Gi. For more information about resource allocation in Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

CPU is the amount of CPU resources allocated to a container, specified as a Kubernetes CPU unit. For example, cpu: "1.2". If left empty, it inherits the default limit of its namespace, if a limit exists, or has no limit on CPU consumed. For more information about resource allocation in Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: object


This object is a mapping of the secret given for a Valkey instance. This is used as the master password when deploying the Valkey instance.

The supported keys are name and key.

name specifies the name of the secret. The secret must be present in the current namespace where the Valkey instance will be deployed.

key is the key in the secret that contains the password.


Type: object


This object is used to enable persistence for the Valkey instance. This is used to create PVC that stores the Valkey data.

The supported keys are:

  • enabled, which indicates whether persistence should be enabled or not.

  • type, which indicates the persistence type. Supported values are rdb, aof and rdb+aof

  • keepAfterDelete, which keeps the PVC after the Valkey instance is deleted.

  • storageSize, which specifies the size of the PVC.

  • accessModes, which specifies the operation that can be performed on the PVC supported by that particular volume. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation

  • name, which specifies the name of the PVC.

  • volumeMount, which specifies any additional volume mounts.


apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: Valkey
    app.kubernetes.io/name: tanzu-for-valkey-on-kubernetes
  name: valkey-sample
  namespace: valkey-operator
    name: valkey-8.0.2
    enabled: true
    image: tanzu-valkey.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-valkey-container/tanzu-valkey-commander:1.0.0
    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret
    - name: tanzu-image-registry
        cpu: 101m
        memory: 128Mi
        cpu: 101m
        memory: 128Mi
      name: valkey-secret
      key: valkey-password
    enabled: true
    type: "rdb"
    keepAfterDelete: true
    storageSize: 3Gi
    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]

Valkey Replication

apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: ValkeyReplication
  name: valkey-replication

#### Specify the replication size
#  clusterSize: 3

#### Specify the Valkey Version
#  valkeyVersion:
#    name: valkey-8.0.2

### Specify valkey commander configuration (Optional)
#  valkeyCommanderConfig:
#    enabled: true
#    image: valkey-commander:1.0.0
#    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret

### Specify usual kubernetes related configuration like image pull secrets, resource limits and requests
#  kubernetesConfig:
#    imagePullSecrets:
#    - registry-secret
#    resources:
#     requests:
#       cpu: 101m
#       memory: 128Mi
#     limits:
#       cpu: 101m
#       memory: 128Mi

### Specify valkey secret used for Valkey deployment
#    valkeySecret:
#      name: secret-name
#      key: secret-key

#### Set the persistence preference for the valkey
#  persistence:
#    enabled: true
#    type: "rdb"
#    keepAfterDelete: true
#    storageSize: 3Gi
#    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]


Applying this resource causes the Kubernetes operator to create a StatefulSet with a single Pod and one container. The Valkey pod mounts a persistent volume claim (PVC) if the storage section is added and the storage size is mentioned.

You specify Valkey instance configuration properties to Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes with a YAML-formatted manifest file. A sample manifest file is provided in valkey.yaml. For information about deploying a new Valkey instance using a manifest file, see Create and delete Valkey instances The list below explains the properties that you can set in your Valkey resource.



Type: string


This is the name of the Valkey instance. It must be unique within a namespace. It cannot be modified after the Valkey instance has been created. The metadata can set the name, namespace, labels, annotations, and more for the Valkey object. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Example: valkey-sample



Type: int


Default: 3

This is the number of replicas that must be created for Valkey replication.

Example: 3


Type: string


Default: <latest Valkey release supported>

This is the Valkey version that is used for creating an instance. If the user does not specify a value, the latest supported version is used as the default. For example, if Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes supports valkey-8.0.2, valkey-7.2.8 and valkey-7.2.6 then this value is valkey-8.0.2 by default.

Each operator release supports several Valkey versions. Only the permitted version strings are valid input for the field. Entries that do not match a supported version generate an error. Run kubectl get valkeyversion to verify the Valkey versions of your operator release.

Example: valkey-8.0.2


Type: boolean


Default: false

If enabled, the Valkey Commander management UI is deployed with the Valkey instance. Users can use this to connect to the instance and perform the supported operation.


Type: string

Required if valkeyCommanderConfig.enabled is enabled

If Valkey Commander is enabled, then the Valkey Commander image must be mentioned in order to create ValkeyCommander CR that uses this image to deploy the container.


Type: string


If Valkey Commander is enabled, users can provide login credentials for Valkey Commander. The secret must contain two data fields:

  • username, which identifies the user name for the Valkey Commander
  • password, which identifies the password for the Valkey Commander


Type: string[]


Default: imagePullSecretName:, which is used during operator deployment as set in the operator’s values.yaml. For more information, see Install Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes.

The secret might need to be re-created within your pod’s namespace for your pod to access it.

Example: tanzu-image-registry


Type: object


This object is a mapping of strings to ResourceRequirements that describes the compute resource requirements (requests and limits of CPU and memory).

The supported keys are requests and limits.

Memory specifies the amount of memory allocated to a container and defines a memory limit. If a pod tries to exceed the limit, the pod is replaced by a new pod. Memory units can use a suffix, such as 4.5Gi. For more information about resource allocation in Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

CPU is the amount of CPU resources allocated to a container, specified as a Kubernetes CPU unit. For example, cpu: "1.2". If left empty, it inherits the default limit of its namespace, if a limit exists, or has no limit on CPU consumed. For more information about resource allocation in Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: object


This object is a mapping of a secret given for a Valkey instance. This is used as the master password when deploying the Valkey instance.

The supported keys are name and key.

name specifies the name of the secret. The secret must be in the current namespace where the Valkey instance will be deployed.

key is the key in the secret that contains the password.


Type: object


This object is used to enable persistence for the Valkey instance. This is used to create PVC that stores the Valkey data.

The supported keys are:

  • enabled, which indicates whether persistence should be enabled or not.

  • type, which indicates the persistence type. Supported values are rdb, aof and rdb+aof

  • keepAfterDelete, which keeps the PVC after the Valkey instance is deleted.

  • storageSize, which specifies the size of the PVC.

  • accessModes, which specifies the operation that can be performed on the PVC supported by that particular volume. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation

  • name, which specifies the name of the PVC.

  • volumeMount, which specifies any additional volume mounts.


apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: ValkeyReplication
    app.kubernetes.io/name: tanzu-for-valkey-on-kubernetes
  name: valkey-replication
  namespace: valkey-operator
  clusterSize: 3
    name: valkey-8.0.2
    enabled: true
    image: tanzu-valkey.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-valkey-container/tanzu-valkey-commander:1.0.0
    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret
    - name: tanzu-image-registry
    imagePullPolicy: "Always"
        cpu: 101m
        memory: 128Mi
        cpu: 101m
        memory: 128Mi
      name: valkey-secret
      key: valkey-password
    enabled: true
    type: "rdb"
    keepAfterDelete: true
    storageSize: 3Gi
    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]

Valkey Sentinel

apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: ValkeySentinel
  name: valkey-sentinel

#### Specify the replication size for sentinel
#  clusterSize: 3

#### Set the persistence preference for the valkey
#  persistence:
#    enabled: true
#    type: "rdb"
#    keepAfterDelete: true
#    storageSize: 3Gi
#    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]

#### Set the service account for valkey sentinel
#  serviceAccountName: controller-manager

#### Specify the Valkey Version
#  valkeyVersion:
#    name: valkey-8.0.2

### Specify valkey commander configuration (Optional)
#  valkeyCommanderConfig:
#    enabled: true
#    image: valkey-commander:1.0.0
#    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret

### Specify usual kubernetes related configuration like image pull secrets, resource limits and requests
#  kubernetesConfig:
#    imagePullSecrets:
#    - registry-secret

### Specify valkey secret used for Valkey deployment
#    valkeySecret:
#      name: secret-name
#      key: secret-key

### Specify the configuration for Sentinel deployment
#  valkeySentinelConfig:
#    valkeyReplicationName: valkey-replication
#    quorum: "2"


Applying this resource causes the Kubernetes operator to create a StatefulSet with a single pod and one container. The Valkey pod mounts a persistent volume claim (PVC) if the storage section is added and the storage size is mentioned.

You specify Valkey instance configuration properties to Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes with a YAML-formatted manifest file. A sample manifest file is provided in valkey.yaml. For more information about deploying a new Valkey instance using a manifest file, see Create and delete Valkey instances.



Type: string


This is the name of the Valkey instance. It must be unique within a namespace. It cannot be modified after the Valkey instance has been created. The metadata can set the name, namespace, labels, annotations, and more for the Valkey object. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Example: valkey-sample



Type: int


Default: 3

This is the number of replicas that must be created for Valkey replication.

Example: 3


Type: string

The service account that has the associated role and rolebinding. When ValkeySentinel is created, it creates ValkeyReplication first. For this creation, the operator needs a role that has access to create, update, delete, patch, and get verbs.


Type: string


Default: <latest Valkey release supported>

The Valkey version that is used for creating an instance. If the user does not specify a value, the latest supported version is used as the default. For example, if Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes supports valkey-8.0.2, valkey-7.2.8 and valkey-7.2.6 then this value is valkey-8.0.2 by default.

Each operator release supports several Valkey versions. Only the permitted version strings are valid input for the field. Entries that do not match a supported version generate an error. Run kubectl get valkeyversion to verify the Valkey versions of your operator release.

Example: valkey-8.0.2


Type: boolean


Default: false

If enabled, the Valkey Commander management UI is deployed with the Valkey instance. Users can use this to connect to the instance and perform the supported operations.


Type: string

Required if valkeyCommanderConfig.enabled is enabled

If Valkey Commander is enabled, then the Valkey Commander image must be mentioned to create the ValkeyCommander CR that uses this image to deploy the container.


Type: string


If Valkey Commander is enabled, users can provide login credentials for Valkey Commander. The secret must contain two data fields:

  • username, which identifies the user name for the Valkey Commander
  • password, which identifies the password for the Valkey Commander


Type: string[]


Default: imagePullSecretName: is used during operator deployment, as set in the operator’s values.yaml. For more information, see Install Tanzu for Valkey on Kubernetes.

The secret might need to be re-created within your pod’s namespace for your pod to access it.

Example: tanzu-image-registry


Type: string


ValkeySentinel will create a ValkeyReplication. The field indicates the name of the ValkeyReplication that will be created.


Type: string


Default: 2

This is the quorum (majority) required for the Sentinel to come into conclusion during the election of a new leader when the actual primary goes down.


Type: object


This object is used to enable persistence for the Valkey instance. This is used to create PVC that stores the Valkey data.

The supported keys are:

  • enabled, which indicates whether persistence should be enabled or not.

  • type, which indicates the persistence type. Supported values are rdb, aof and rdb+aof

  • keepAfterDelete, which keeps the PVC after the Valkey instance is deleted.

  • storageSize, which specifies the size of the PVC.

  • accessModes, which specifies the operation that can be performed on the PVC supported by that particular volume. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation

  • name, which specifies the name of the PVC.

  • volumeMount, which specifies any additional volume mounts.


apiVersion: data.tanzu.vmware.com/v1
kind: ValkeySentinel
    app.kubernetes.io/name: tanzu-for-valkey-on-kubernetes
  name: valkey-sentinel
  namespace: valkey-operator
  clusterSize: 3
  serviceAccountName: valkey-sentinel-sa
    name: valkey-8.0.2
    - name: tanzu-image-registry
      name: valkey-secret
      key: valkey-password
    valkeyReplicationName: valkey-sample-replication
    quorum: "2"
    enabled: true
    image: tanzu-valkey.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-valkey-container/tanzu-valkey-commander:1.0.0
    loginSecret: valkey-commander-login-secret
    enabled: true
    type: "rdb"
    keepAfterDelete: true
    storageSize: 3Gi
    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]