Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 7.0.0-beta.1

Configuring the JDBC Connector for Hive Access (Optional)

Last Updated February 14, 2025

You can use the VMware Tanzu Greenplum platform extension framework (PXF) JDBC Connector to retrieve data from Hive. You can also use a JDBC named query to submit a custom SQL query to Hive and retrieve the results using the JDBC Connector.

This topic describes how to configure the PXF JDBC Connector to access Hive. When you configure Hive access with JDBC, you must take into account the Hive user impersonation setting, as well as whether or not the Hadoop cluster is secured with Kerberos.

If you do not plan to use the PXF JDBC Connector to access Hive, then you do not need to perform this procedure.

JDBC Server Configuration

The PXF JDBC Connector is installed with the JAR files required to access Hive via JDBC, hive-jdbc-<version>.jar and hive-service-<version>.jar, and automatically registers these JARs.

When you configure a PXF JDBC server for Hive access, you must specify the JDBC driver class name, database URL, and client credentials just as you would when configuring a client connection to an SQL database.

To access Hive via JDBC, you must specify the following properties and values in the jdbc-site.xml server configuration file:


The value of the HiveServer2 authentication (hive.server2.authentication) and impersonation (hive.server2.enable.doAs) properties, and whether or not the Hive service is utilizing Kerberos authentication, will inform the setting of other JDBC server configuration properties. These properties are defined in the hive-site.xml configuration file in the Hadoop cluster. You will need to obtain the values of these properties.

The following table enumerates the Hive2 authentication and impersonation combinations supported by the PXF JDBC Connector. It identifies the possible Hive user identities and the JDBC server configuration required for each.

Table heading key:

  • authentication -> Hive hive.server2.authentication Setting
  • enable.doAs -> Hive hive.server2.enable.doAs Setting
  • User Identity -> Identity that HiveServer2 will use to access data
  • Configuration Required -> PXF JDBC Connector or Hive configuration required for User Identity
authenticationenable.doAsUser IdentityConfiguration Required
NOSASLn/aNo authenticationMust set jdbc.connection.property.auth = noSasl.
NONE, or not specifiedTRUEUser name that you provideSet jdbc.user.
NONE, or not specifiedTRUEGreenplum user nameSet pxf.service.user.impersonation to true in jdbc-site.xml.
NONE, or not specifiedFALSEName of the user who started Hive, typically hiveNone
KERBEROSTRUEIdentity provided in the PXF Kerberos principal, typically gpadminMust set hadoop.security.authentication to kerberos in jdbc-site.xml.
KERBEROSTRUEUser name that you provideSet hive.server2.proxy.user in jdbc.url and set hadoop.security.authentication to kerberos in jdbc-site.xml.
KERBEROSTRUEGreenplum user nameSet pxf.service.user.impersonation to true and hadoop.security.authentication to kerberos in jdbc-site.xml.
KERBEROSFALSEIdentity provided in the jdbc.url principal parameter, typically hiveMust set hadoop.security.authentication to kerberos in jdbc-site.xml.

There are additional configuration steps required when Hive utilizes Kerberos authentication.

Example Configuration Procedure

Perform the following procedure to configure a PXF JDBC server for Hive:

  1. Log in to your Greenplum coordinator host:

    $ ssh gpadmin@<coordinator>
  2. Choose a name for the JDBC server.

  3. Create the $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/servers/<server_name> directory. For example, use the following command to create a JDBC server configuration named hivejdbc1:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ mkdir $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/servers/hivejdbc1
  4. Navigate to the server configuration directory. For example:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ cd $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/servers/hivejdbc1
  5. Copy the PXF JDBC server template file to the server configuration directory. For example:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ cp <PXF_INSTALL_DIR>/templates/server/jdbc-site.xml .
  6. When you access Hive secured with Kerberos, you also need to specify configuration properties in the pxf-site.xml file. If this file does not yet exist in your server configuration, copy the pxf-site.xml template file to the server config directory. For example:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ cp <PXF_INSTALL_DIR>/templates/server/pxf-site.xml .
  7. Open the jdbc-site.xml file in the editor of your choice and set the jdbc.driver and jdbc.url properties. Be sure to specify your Hive host, port, and database name:

  8. Obtain the hive-site.xml file from your Hadoop cluster and examine the file.

  9. If the hive.server2.authentication property in hive-site.xml is set to NOSASL, HiveServer2 performs no authentication. Add the following connection-level property to jdbc-site.xml:


    Alternatively, you may choose to add ;auth=noSasl to the jdbc.url.

  10. If the hive.server2.authentication property in hive-site.xml is set to NONE, or the property is not specified, you must set the jdbc.user property. The value to which you set the jdbc.user property is dependent upon the hive.server2.enable.doAs impersonation setting in hive-site.xml:

    1. If hive.server2.enable.doAs is set to TRUE (the default), Hive runs Hadoop operations on behalf of the user connecting to Hive. Choose/perform one of the following options:

      Set jdbc.user to specify the user that has read permission on all Hive data accessed by Greenplum Database. For example, to connect to Hive and run all requests as user gpadmin:


      Or, turn on JDBC server-level user impersonation so that PXF automatically uses the Greenplum Database user name to connect to Hive; uncomment the pxf.service.user.impersonation property in jdbc-site.xml and set the value to `true:


      If you enable JDBC impersonation in this manner, you must not specify a jdbc.user nor include the setting in the jdbc.url.

    2. If required, create a PXF user configuration file as described in Configuring a PXF User to manage the password setting.

    3. If hive.server2.enable.doAs is set to FALSE, Hive runs Hadoop operations as the user who started the HiveServer2 process, usually the user hive. PXF ignores the jdbc.user setting in this circumstance.
  11. If the hive.server2.authentication property in hive-site.xml is set to KERBEROS:

    1. Identify the name of the server configuration.
    2. Ensure that you have configured Kerberos authentication for PXF as described in Configuring PXF for Secure HDFS, and that you have specified the Kerberos principal and keytab in the pxf-site.xml properties as described in the procedure.
    3. Comment out the pxf.service.user.impersonation property in the pxf-site.xml file. If you require user impersonation, you will uncomment and set the property in an upcoming step.
    4. Uncomment the hadoop.security.authentication setting in $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/servers/<name>/jdbc-site.xml:

    5. Add the saslQop property to jdbc.url, and set it to match the hive.server2.thrift.sasl.qop property setting in hive-site.xml. For example, if the hive-site.xml file includes the following property setting:


      You would add ;saslQop=auth-conf to the jdbc.url.

    6. Add the HiverServer2 principal name to the jdbc.url. For example:

    7. If hive.server2.enable.doAs is set to TRUE (the default), Hive runs Hadoop operations on behalf of the user connecting to Hive. Choose/perform one of the following options:

      Do not specify any additional properties. In this case, PXF initiates all Hadoop access with the identity provided in the PXF Kerberos principal (usually gpadmin).

      Or, set the hive.server2.proxy.user property in the jdbc.url to specify the user that has read permission on all Hive data. For example, to connect to Hive and run all requests as the user named integration use the following jdbc.url:


      Or, enable PXF JDBC impersonation in the pxf-site.xml file so that PXF automatically uses the Greenplum Database user name to connect to Hive. Add or uncomment the pxf.service.user.impersonation property and set the value to true. For example:


      If you enable JDBC impersonation, you must not explicitly specify a hive.server2.proxy.user in the jdbc.url.

    8. If required, create a PXF user configuration file to manage the password setting.
    9. If hive.server2.enable.doAs is set to FALSE, Hive runs Hadoop operations with the identity provided by the PXF Kerberos principal (usually gpadmin).
  12. Save your changes and exit the editor.

  13. Use the pxf cluster sync command to copy the new server configuration to all hosts in the Greenplum cluster and any external PXF hosts:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ pxf cluster sync