Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 7.0.0-beta.1


Last Updated February 14, 2025

Manage the VMware Tanzu Greenplum platform extension framework (PXF) configuration and the PXF Service instance on the local PXF host.


pxf <command> [<option>]

where <command> is:



The pxf utility manages the PXF configuration and the PXF Service instance on the local PXF host with the default PXF cluster configuration file under $PXF_BASE/clusters/default. If the PXF cluster is deployed collocated with the Greenplum cluster, the local PXF host can be the Greenplum coordinator host, the Greenplum standby coordinator host, or a Greenplum segment host. If the PXF cluster is deployed outside the Greenplum cluster, the local PXF host can be one of the hosts specified in the file $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/conf/hosts.txt. You can use the utility to:

  • Prepare a new runtime configuration directory $PXF_BASE/clusters/default for the default PXF cluster on the host.
  • Synchronize the runtime configuration under the directory $PXF_BASE/clusters/default from the Greenplum coordinator host to one of the host in the Greenplum cluster or in the PXF cluster.
  • Copy the PXF extension control file from the PXF installation to the Greenplum installation on the host, and set the Greenplum configuration parameter pxf.pxf_base to be $PXF_BASE if the utility runs on the Greenplum coordinator host after a Greenplum upgrade.
  • Start, stop, or restart the PXF Service instance on the host.
  • Display the status of the PXF Service instance on the host.
  • Migrate PXF 6 configuration from $PXF_BASE to $PXF_BASE/clusters/default on the host.


Manage the PXF configuration and the PXF Service instance on all the PXF hosts with the defualt PXF cluster configuration file under $PXF_BASE/clusters/default. For more information, see pxf cluster.
Display the pxf management utility help message and then exit.
Migrate the configuration from the PXF 6 $PXF_BASE directory to the new nested runtime configuration directory $PXF_BASE/clusters/default on the host for PXF 7. When you run the command, you must identify the existing $PXF_BASE directory. PXF does an in-place migration from the PXF 6 configuration to the nested $PXF_BASE/clusters/default directory, copying and merging files and directories as necessary.
Note: You must manually migrate any adl-site.xml customizations to the abfss-site.xml file, and any keytabs under $PXF_BASE/keytabs to $PXF_BASE/clusters/default/keytabs for the host.
Prepare a new nested runtime configuration directory $PXF_BASE/clusters/default on the host for the default PXF cluster. When you run the command, you must identify the top level runtime configuration directory via an environment variable named PXF_BASE. PXF copies runtime configuration file templates and directories to the $PXF_BASE/clusters/default directory.
Copy the PXF extension files from the PXF installation to the Greenplum installation on the host. This command requires that $GPHOME be set. If you run this command from the Greenplum coordinator host and are using a custom $PXF_BASE value, this command be run on the Greenplum coordinator host with an environment variable PXF_RUN_ON_COORDINATOR=true set in the front. If $PXF_BASE is not set, will be used as the value of pxf.pxf_base. This command is either run after a fresh installation of PXF 7.x or run after you upgrade your Greenplum Database installation.
Restart the PXF Service instance running on the host.
Start the PXF Service instance on the host.
Display the status of the PXF Service instance running on the host.
Stop the PXF Service instance running on the host.
Synchronize the runtime configuration under the directory $PXF_BASE/clusters/default from the Greenplum coordinator host to a specific host in the Greenplum cluster or the PXF cluster. You must run pxf sync on the Greenplum coordinator host. By default, this command updates files on and copies files to the remote. You can instruct PXF to also delete files during the synchronization; see Options below.
Display the PXF version and then exit.


The pxf sync command, which you must run on the Greenplum coordinator host, takes the following option and argument:

–d | ––delete
Delete any files in the PXF user configuration on <host> that are not also present on the Greenplum coordinator host. If you specify this option, you must provide it on the command line before <host>.
The PXF host or the Greenplum host to which to synchronize the PXF configuration. Required. <host> must identify the standby coordinator host, a segment host or an external PXF host.


Start the PXF Service instance on the local PXF host:

$ pxf start

Copy the PXF extension files from the PXF installation to the Greenplum installation on the Greenplum coordinator host, and set the Greenplum configuration parameter pxf.pxf_base to be $PXF_BASE with pxf register:


See Also

pxf cluster