The Tanzu Greenplum streaming server (GPSS) components are included in the VMware Tanzu Greenplum 5 and 6 server distributions. If you want to install the newest version of these components, you may be required to download a package from the VMware Tanzu Greenplum Streaming Server tile on Broadcom Support Portal.
The GPSS packages available for Greenplum 5/6/7 for download include:
- GPSS gppkg Installer - A
file that you install to upgrade GPSS on all hosts in your Tanzu Greenplum cluster. - GPSS ETL Installer - An
file that you use to install or upgrade GPSS on a dedicated ETL server host with no Tanzu Greenplum bits installed. - GPSS tarball - A
file that you install to upgrade GPSS on a single dedicated ETL server host that includes a Tanzu Greenplum server installation.
Refer to the Supported Platforms section in the Release Notes to determine specific Tanzu Greenplum and operating system version support for GPSS.
About the Download Packages
The GPSS gppkg Installer and the GPSS tarball package files install the libraries, executables, and script files required to register and use the Tanzu Greenplum streaming server client and server utilities directly into your Tanzu Greenplum installation.
The GPSS ETL Installer package file installs the client side executables and dependent libraries, and a script to set up the ETL runtime environment.
Name | Description |
gpkafka | Load Kafka data into Tanzu Greenplum using a single command. |
gpss | Start a Tanzu Greenplum streaming server instance. |
gpsscli | Manage (submit, start, stop, and so forth) a Tanzu Greenplum streaming server data load job; currently supports Kafka, file, RabbitMQ, and S3 (Beta) data sources. |
kafkacat | Kafka test and debug utility. |
Downloading a GPSS Installer
Download the appropriate GPSS installer package for your Tanzu Greenplum version and operating system platform from Broadcom Support Portal. For example, to download the Greenplum 6 .gppkg
package for Red Hat/CentOS 7, click to select the RHEL7->GPSS gppkg Installer for GPDB6 RHEL7 file.
For more information about download prerequisites, troubleshooting, and instructions, see Download Broadcom products and software.
The naming format of the GPSS installer files is:
For example, the GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 5 for Red Hat/CentOS 6 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 6 for Red Hat 7 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 6 for Red Hat 8 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 6 for Photon 3 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 6 for Ubuntu 18.04 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 6 for Rocky Linux 9 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 7 for Red Hat 9 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 7 for OEL 8 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 7 for OEL 9 are named:
The GPSS installer files for Tanzu Greenplum 7 for Rocky Linux 8 are named:
Note the name and the file system location of the downloaded file.
Follow the instructions in Verifying the VMware Tanzu Greenplum Software Download to verify the integrity of the Tanzu Greenplum streaming server software.
Before you install a GPSS package, ensure that you have stopped all Tanzu Greenplum streaming server load jobs and gpss
server instances running in the Tanzu Greenplum cluster and on the ETL host system.
Installing the GPSS gppkg
The GPSS gppkg Installer updates the GPSS components on all hosts in the Tanzu Greenplum cluster.
The GPSS executables, libraries, and supporting files are installed directly into
, overwriting the previous versions of the files.
Perform the following procedure to install the GPSS .gppkg
Locate the installer file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal and copy the file to the Tanzu Greenplum coordinator host.
Log in to the Tanzu Greenplum coordinator host as the
administrative user and set up your environment. For example:$ ssh gpadmin@<gpcoord> gpadmin@gpcoord$ . /usr/local/greenplum-db/
Ensure that Tanzu Greenplum is running.
Run the
command to install the GPSS.gppkg
on all hosts in the Tanzu Greenplum cluster.For example, to install the package on a Greenplum 6 cluster running on Red Hat/CentOS 7:
$ gppkg -i gpss-gpdb6-1.10.4-rhel7-x86_64.gppkg
To install the package on a Greenplum 7 cluster running on Red Hat/CentOS 8:
$ gppkg install gpss-gpdb7-1.10.4-rhel8-x86_64.gppkg
Installing the GPSS Tarball
The GPSS tarball .tar.gz
installer updates the GPSS components on a single Tanzu Greenplum host.
The GPSS executables, libraries, and supporting files are installed directly into
, overwriting the previous versions of the files.
Perform the following procedure to install the GPSS .tar.gz
Locate the installer file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal and copy the file to the Tanzu Greenplum host.
Log in to the Tanzu Greenplum host as the
administrative user and set up your environment. For example:$ ssh gpadmin@<gphost> gpadmin@gphost$ . /usr/local/greenplum-db/
Unpack the
file. For example, to unpack the file for Greenplum 5 on Red Hat/CentOS 6:gpadmin@gphost$ tar xzvf gpss-gpdb5-1.10.4-rhel6-x86_64.tar.gz
Unpacking the file creates a directory named
in the current working directory. Its contents includebin/
, andshare/
directories, as well as an install script namedinstall_gpdb_component
.Navigate to the unpacked directory. For example:
gpadmin@gphost$ cd gpss-gpdb5-1.10.4-rhel6_x86_64
Run the install script to install the new GPSS components into
. For example:gpadmin@gphost$ ./install_gpdb_component
Installing the GPSS ETL Package
The GPSS ETL Installer installs the GPSS executables, libraries, and supporting files on a single ETL host.
Perform the following procedure to install the GPSS ETL package:
Locate the installer file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal and copy the file to the ETL host.
Log in to the ETL host. For example:
$ ssh <etluser>@<etlhost>
Install the package using your package management utility. You must be the superuser or have
access to install packages.For example, to install the ETL package for Greenplum 6 on Red Hat/CentOS 7:
etluser@etlhost$ sudo yum install gpss-gpdb6-1.10.4-rhel7-x86_64.rpm
To install the ETL package for Greenplum 6 on Ubuntu 18.04:
etluser@etlhost$ sudo dpkg --install gpss-gpdb6-1.10.4-ubuntu18.04-x86_64.deb
The GPSS ETL tools are installed into the
directory. The installation process creates a symbolic link from/usr/local/gpss
to this install directory.Before using the GPSS ETL tools, you must first source the
environment file:etluser@etlhost$ . /usr/local/gpss/
Inspecting the Quickstart Guide
When you install Tanzu Greenplum streaming server in your system, it creates a directory under your installation path named docs/cli_help
. This directory contains a quick start guide with useful information and examples to set up load jobs, along with some sample configuration files. You may copy the provided configuration files and adjust them to your environment settings.
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