Tanzu Greenplum 5


Last Updated February 12, 2025

Plugin command to move streaming data from stdin to the remote storage system.


<plugin_executable> backup_data <plugin_config_file> <data_filenamekey>


gpbackup invokes the backup_data plugin command on each segment host during a streaming backup.

The backup_data implementation should read a potentially large stream of data from stdin and write the data to a single file on the remote storage system. The data is sent to the command as a single continuous stream per Greenplum Database segment. If backup_data modifies the data in any manner (i.e. compresses), restore_data must perform the reverse operation.

Name or maintain a mapping from the destination file to data_filenamekey. This will be the file key used for the restore operation.


The absolute path to the plugin configuration YAML file.
The mapping key for a specially-named backup file for streamed data.

Exit Code

The backup_data command must exit with a value of 0 on success, non-zero if an error occurs. In the case of a non-zero exit code, gpbackup displays the contents of stderr to the user.