Tanzu Greenplum 5

Procedural Language, Machine Learning, and Geospatial Extensions

Last Updated February 12, 2025

Optional. Use the Greenplum package manager (gppkg) to install Greenplum Database extensions such as PL/Java, PL/R, PostGIS, and MADlib, along with their dependencies, across an entire cluster. The package manager also integrates with existing scripts so that any packages are automatically installed on any new hosts introduced into the system following cluster expansion or segment host recovery.

See gppkg for more information, including usage.

Extension packages can be downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal under the specific Greenplum release. The extension documentation in the Greenplum Database Reference Guide contains information about installing extension packages and using extensions.

For more information about download prerequisites, troubleshooting, and instructions, see Download Broadcom products and software.

Important: If you intend to use an extension package with Greenplum Database 5.x you must install and use a Greenplum Database extension package (gppkg files and contrib modules) that is built for Greenplum Database 5.x. Any custom modules that were used with earlier versions must be rebuilt for use with Greenplum Database 5.x.

Parent topic: Installing Optional Extensions