Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for GCP 1.0

Release Notes for Cloud Service Broker for GCP

Last Updated October 24, 2024

This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for GCP.


Release Date: May 24, 2022

Breaking Changes

This release has the following breaking change:

GA PostgreSQL service offering: PostgreSQL is no longer in beta and can be used in production. Because of new features in the PostgreSQL service offering, it is not possible to upgrade from a previous (beta) version to this version. Before upgrading, delete all existing PostgreSQL instances or run cf purge-service-instance on the instances to remove them from Cloud Foundry management.


New features and changes in this release:

  • PostgreSQL supports TLS: PostgreSQL connections must be through TLS by default. You can disable the TLS requirement when creating a plan or service instance by setting require_ssl to false.
  • PostgreSQL enables backup: PostgreSQL backups are enabled by default. You can configure them by using the new backups_retain_number, backups_location, backups_start_time and backups_point_in_time_log_retain_days properties.
  • Secure PostgreSQL password: PostgreSQL password is stored using scram-sha-256 for additional security. The PostgreSQL admin password is now 64 bytes.
  • Some PostgreSQL properties can now be updated: You can now update the PostgreSQL properties tiers, storage_gb, credentials, authorized_network, authorized_network_id, authorized_networks_cidrs, and public_ip.
  • Enable support for GCP tiers: Google SQL service tiers are now exposed when provisioning or updating an instance. The previous “cores” abstraction is removed, in favor of using the underlying Google tier.
  • CSB database TLS config: Users are allowed to configure the TLS skip-verify option when using custom certificates.

Resolved issues

This release has the following fix:

Enforce storage minimum constraints: Minimum constraints on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Spanner storage_gb are now enforced.

Known issues

  • Object access issues in Google PostgreSQL: If an app creates an object, such as a table, with permissions that do not allow other users to see that object, subsequent bindings might fail, and other apps might fail to read the objects. For more information, see Binding Process Known Issue.

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