Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for GCP 1.6

Release Notes for Cloud Service Broker for GCP

Last Updated February 20, 2025

This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for GCP.


Release Date: September 5, 2024

Breaking Changes

  • Google Beta Dataproc Service Is No Longer Available: The Google Beta Dataproc service offering is no longer available. You must delete all instances of this service before upgrading to this version.


  • Tofu upgraded to v1.8.1:

    The Tofu version used to apply changes is upgraded from v1.6.2 to v1.8.1. You must upgrade all service instances. When you upgrade, ensure that you follow the Upgrade procedure.

  • Postgres Service Offering new properties: disk_autoresize and disk_autoresize_limit added

    • disk_autoresize: This new property allows users to enable or disable the auto-resize feature for storage. When enabled, the storage_gb value is ignored, and the storage size automatically adjusts based on usage to prevent running out of space. By default, this feature is enabled, ensuring flexibility and reducing the need for manual storage adjustments. This behavior is replicated in the Google Cloud SQL for MySQL service offering.
    • disk_autoresize_limit: This property sets a maximum limit for the auto-resized storage capacity. By default, the limit is set to 0, indicating that there is no restriction on how much the storage can grow, allowing for dynamic scaling to meet the application’s needs. Users can specify a maximum size to control and limit the auto-resize functionality according to their storage requirements and budget considerations. Learn more about the new configuration here.

    Note: If any plans has storage_gb defined as larger than 10GB and you want that storage_gb value to persist during future service instance creation, auto-resize must be set to false during the service creation process.

    cf create-service csb-google-postgres <plan-name> <service-instance> -c '{"disk_autoresize": false}'

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • Improved Management of Disk Auto-Resize Feature on MySQL and Postgres: In previous versions, the disk auto-resize feature was enabled by default. This would cause service instance update and upgrade operations to fail when the disk size was automatically increased by GCP Cloud SQL. This release resolves this issue by allowing customers to explicitly enable or disable the disk auto-resize feature. When enabled, the default initial storage size is always set to 10GB. If there are MySQL or Postgres plans defining storage size larger than 10GB there might be changes required during upgrading to this version. Learn more about the upgrading process and necessary steps here.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

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