Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Microsoft Azure 1.12

Pre-Configured Server Pairs for Azure SQL (MSSQL) Failover Groups Reference

Last Updated February 26, 2025

This topic gives you reference information about the csb-azure-mssql-db-failover-group service. It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.

This service manages Azure SQL Failover Group databases on pre-configured server pairs on Azure. If you already have a failover group database server pre-configured, use this service instead of the more general Azure SQL Failover Group service.


The table below lists the plans available for the csb-azure-mssql-db-failover-group service:

PlanCPUsStorage Size
small250 GB
medium8200 GB
large32500 GB

The existing plan connects to an existing failover group database to allow apps, typically in a second foundation, to bind to the database.

Plan Configuration Parameters

When configuring Cloud Service Broker for Azure you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for Azure.

Note To effectively leverage the capabilities of the Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure, VMware advises creating and managing custom plans. These plans are configurable through the tile, providing a user-friendly method to define and adjust service characteristics. For more information about custom plans, see Custom Plans.

The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:

Parameter NameValuesDefaultRequired
nameThe plan namen/aYes
idA unique GUIDn/aYes
descriptionDescription of the new plann/aYes
metadata.displayNameName to use when displaying the plan in the Marketplace.n/aNo
metadata.bulletsList of bullet points to display in Apps Manager.n/aNo

You can also add any of the configuration parameters listed in the parameters section to your plan. To create plans with specific size limits we recommend setting sku_name or cores and max_storage_gb properties.

NoteIf you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision a service by running:

cf create-service csb-azure-mssql-db-failover-group PLAN-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c '{"PARAMETER-NAME": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'

You can update the plan or configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The table below lists the parameters that you can configure, using the -c flag, when provisioning a csb-azure-mssql-db-failover-group service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Operation
instance_name string The name of the failover group service instance. csb-azsql-fog-INSTANCE-ID provision and update
db_name string The name of the database. csb-fog-db-INSTANCE-ID provision and update
server_pair string This must match one of the server_credential_pairs parameters in one of the servers configured when configuring the service. None provision and update
read_write_endpoint_failover_policy string The Read/Write failover policy. The options are Automatic or Manual Automatic provision and update
failover_grace_minutes number The grace period in minutes before failover with data loss is attempted. 60 provision and update
azure_tenant_id string The ID of the Azure tenant for the service instance. The value the operator entered for Tenant ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_subscription_id string The ID of the Azure subscription for the service instance. The value the operator entered for Subscription ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_client_id string The ID of the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_client_secret string The secret (password) for the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client Secret in Ops Manager. provision and update
cores number Number of vCores for the instance (up to the maximum allowed for the service tier). 1–80, multiples of 2 2 provision and update
max_storage_gb number Maximum storage allocated to the database instance in GB. 5 provision and update
sku_name string The Azure stock-keeping unit (SKU). For more information about configuring this parameter, see SKUs section. "" provision and update
skip_provider_registration boolean Set to true to skip automatic Azure provider registration. Set if the service principal being used does not have the rights to register providers. false provision and update
short_term_retention_days number Retention period in days for the short-term retention (Point in Time Restore) policy. The maximum period is 35 days. 7 provision and update
ltr_weekly_retention string The weekly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. A valid value is 1 to 520 weeks. For example, P3W indicates 3 weeks. To unset this parameter, use PT0S. PT0S provision and update
ltr_monthly_retention string The monthly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. A valid value is 1 to 120 months. For example, P3M indicates 3 months. To unset this parameter, use PT0S. PT0S provision and update
ltr_yearly_retention string The yearly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. A valid value is 1 to 10 years. For example, P3Y indicates 3 years. To unset this parameter, use PT0S. PT0S provision and update
ltr_week_of_year number The week of the year to make the yearly backup. The value must be 1 to 52. 1 provision and update
existing boolean Whether to connect to an existing database or create a new one. false provision and update


SKUs are usually formatted as TIER_FAMILY_NUMBER-OF-CORES. Where:

  • Examples of TIER are GP_S, GP, and HS
  • Examples of FAMILY are Gen4 and Gen5

Example SKUs are GP_S_Gen4_1 and GP_Gen5_8.

If you do not define a SKU using the sku_name parameter, the SKU is computed from the number of cores in your plan. See Plans above.

For a list of all valid SKUs, run:

az sql db list-editions -l LOCATION -o table

The table below shows the mapping of number of cores to the corresponding SKU:


For information about the vCore purchasing model, see this Microsoft documentation.
For information about the DTU purchasing model, see this Microsoft documentation.

NoteAzure SQL service instances use the vCore model and the Gen5 hardware generation unless you override this default using the sku_name parameter. For more information about the vCore model, see the Microsoft documentation.

Binding Credentials

The format for binding credentials for Azure SQL Failover Group is as follows:

    "name" : "DATABASE-NAME",
    "hostname" : "DATABASE-SERVER-HOST",
    "port" : "DATABASE-SERVER-PORT",
    "server_pair" : "SERVER-PAIR-USED",
    "sqldbName" : "DATABASE-NAME",
    "sqlServerName" : "SERVER-NAME",
    "sqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName" : "SERVER-FQDN",
    "databaseLogin" : "AUTHENTICATION-USERNAME",
    "databaseLoginPassword" : "AUTHENTICATION-PASSWORD"