This guide describes a process for installing Concourse for use with Platform Automation Toolkit. This approach to deploying Concourse uses the BOSH Director deployed by Tanzu Operations Manager to deploy and maintain Concourse, CredHub, and UAA.
This approach is appropriate for those who need a Concourse to run Platform Automation Toolkit. Platform Automation Toolkit requires a secret store. CredHub satisfies this requirement, but requires UAA in turn. So these directions include both. Platform Automation Toolkit supports all credential managers supported by Concourse.
Before you install Concourse with BOSH, you must have the following:
- A supported IaaS provider: AWS, Azure, GCP, or vSphere
- Terraform v0.13+ (or manual creation of IaaS components): Download
- Docker: Download
- The om v4.5+ CLI: For more information, see Installation in the README.
- BOSH CLI v5.x: For more information, see Installing the CLI in the BOSH documentation.
Platform Automation Toolkit Docker Image: Download this from the Broadcom Support portal. The Platform Automation Toolkit docs have instructions to use the docker image on your local workstation.
Concourse for Platform Automation: Download all components for the
Platform Automation
release from the Broadcom Support portal - Operations Manager Image for your IaaS: You can download the image reference (a YAML file) or VM image file from the Broadcom Support portal.
The stemcell for your IaaS: You’ll need these when you create your Concourse deployment manifest.
Concourse was tested on Stemcell line 1 (Jammy) upon release and supports the 1.* Stemcell family.
You can download an Ubuntu Jammy stemcell from the Broadcom Support portal.
This stemcell will be referenced as
in this guide.
Get your Working Directory and Shell Set up
Create a single directory to work in:
Choose which IaaS you’ll be working with and set that as a variable for use in future commands:
If working with... | ...then run |
AWS | export IAAS="aws" |
Azure | export IAAS="azure" |
GCP | export IAAS="gcp" |
vSphere | export IAAS="nsxt" |
Next Steps
When you have all of the prerequisites and have prepared your working directory and IaaS environment variable, see Creating the required IaaS infrastructure.
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