Concourse for Tanzu 7.0

Restoring from a BBR Backup

Last Updated March 14, 2025

This topic describes how to restore your Concourse pipelines from a Bosh Backup and Restore (BBR) backup. Reasons to restore Concourse from a backup include:

  • Something went wrong with your Concourse pipelines
  • You want to validate that a backup works


  1. Run the bbr deployment restore command:

    bbr deployment \
    --deployment TARGET-CONCOURSE \
    restore \
    --artifact-path PATH-TO-BACKUP


    • TARGET-CONCOURSE is your target deployment, and
    • PATH-TO-BACKUP is the path to the backup directory you wish to restore from.
  2. Make sure that you are running the same version of Concourse that your backup was created from.

  3. Run the following command to verify that the state of your pipelines has been restored:

    fly -t TARGET-CONCOURSE pipelines

    Where TARGET-CONCOURSE is your target deployment.


Broken git Resources

Symptom: After a restore, git repository resources appear broken with an error like this:

unknown handle: UUID

Solution: Recreate the pipelines by running fly set-pipeline.