Spring Cloud Services for Cloud Foundry 3.2

Using the dashboard

Last Updated February 27, 2025

You can find the Spring Cloud Services dashboard for your Config Server service instance using the Cloud Foundry CLI tool (cf CLI). Run cf service SERVICE_NAME, where SERVICE_NAME is the name of the Config Server service instance.

$ cf service cook-config-server
Showing info of service cook-config-server in org bklein / space dev as admin...

name:            cook-config-server
service:         p.config-server
plan:            standard
description:     Spring Cloud Config Server service
dashboard:       https://config-server-a6b2a01b-9685-4f1b-a94b-5b5b45679d15.apps.tripoli.cf-app.com/dashboard


Visit the URL returned for dashboard.

Dashboard information

The dashboard shows the current health of the Config Server along with the JSON object used to configure its settings. It also includes a button that you can use to Synchronize Mirrors for the Config Server’s Git repositories, and lists information about each configured Git repository.

The Synchronize Mirrors button is available only in Spring Cloud Services v3.0.3 and later.

Config Server Dashboard

Using the Git repository information

If you have configured one or more Git repositories for the Config Server, information for each repository will be shown in a list under the heading Git Repositories at the end of the Config Server dashboard.

Config Server Dashboard, Git Repositories

For each repository, the dashboard lists the Source URI, the configured Label, and the hash of the most recent Git Commit that the Config Server’s repository mirror includes.

You can use the Git commit hash to check for updates to the configuration that are in the external Git repository and have not yet been included in the Config Server’s mirror. For example, given the commit hash (shortened form) 9a33719 and label main, you can run the git log command on your local machine’s working copy of the external repository to find commits made since that commit:

$ git log 9a33719..main