Here you will find information about manually rotating the Spring Cloud Services certificates stored in the Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry runtime CredHub.
Preparing to rotate certificates
The following procedure uses the jq command-line JSON processing tool.
To rotate the certificates, you must authenticate with the BOSH Director VM.
After you have authenticated, locate the Spring Cloud Services BOSH deployment:
$ bosh deployments
The Spring Cloud Services deployment is named
. You can now search for the certificates used for this deployment. -
Use the CredHub CLI to list the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates:
$ credhub curl -p "/api/v1/certificates" -X GET | jq '.certificates[] \ | select((.name | contains("p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9")) and \ .versions[0].certificate_authority == true) | .name' "/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_server_ca" "/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_galera_ca"
Locate the intermediate (or leaf) certificates, which are signed by the CA certificates:
$ credhub curl -p "/api/v1/certificates" -X GET | jq '.certificates[] | \ select((.name | contains("p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9")) and \ .versions[0].certificate_authority == false) | .name' "/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_mysql_server_certificate" "/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_galera_server_certificate"
After rotating a CA certificate, you must regenerate the intermediate certificates signed by that CA certificate.
Rotating certificates
Perform the following procedure for each of the Spring Cloud Services deployment’s two CA certificates.
Look up the CA certificate:
$ credhub curl -p "/api/v1/certificates?name=/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_server_ca"
You should see only one entry in the
list. Copy theid
of this version. -
Using the
copied in the previous step, generate a new transitional certificate version:$ credhub curl -p "/api/v1/certificates/be51e4a2-6b4a-47ea-a5e8-58034b0742ba/regenerate" -d '{"set_as_transitional": true}' -X POST
Go to the Operations Manager Installation Dashboard and apply your changes.
Look up the CA certificate again:
$ credhub curl -p "/api/v1/certificates?name=/p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_server_ca"
The new certificate version currently has
“transitional”: true
, and the old version has“transitional”: false
. Copy theid
of the old version and use it to update the CA certificate, making the old versiontransitional
:$ credhub curl -p /api/v1/certificates/be51e4a2-6b4a-47ea-a5e8-58034b0742ba/update_transitional_version -d '{"version": "834a4d40-d925-49f1-aced-a4362819d173"}' -X PUT
Regenerate the intermediate certificates that are signed by this CA certificate:
$ credhub regenerate -n /p-bosh/p_spring-cloud-services-b97ed088d2495d6813a9/pxc_mysql_server_certificate
Return to the Operations Manager Installation Dashboard and apply your changes.
Remove the old version of the certificate, leaving only the new version, which is no longer transitional:
$ credhub curl -p /api/v1/certificates/be51e4a2-6b4a-47ea-a5e8-58034b0742ba/update_transitional_version -d '{"version": null}' -X PUT
Return to the Operations Manager Installation Dashboard, apply your changes.
If applications fail to connect after rotation, it is recommended that you restart the affected service instances to resolve the issue.
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