Delete a tenant
Last Updated January 26, 2025

When you delete a tenant from
VMware Workspace ONE Access
, you also delete the resources created under it. So before deleting a tenant using the Tenant Management Controller APIs, you must verify that it is not associated with a product.
  • Verify that all general prerequisites have been satisfied. See Tenant management usingVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle APIs.
  • Verify that
    VMware Workspace ONE Access
    has multi-tenancy enabled.
  • Verify that you have the following input values for the tenant created in
    VMware Workspace ONE Access
    • vidmHostname
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
      domain name.
    • baseTenantHostname
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
      base tenant or default tenant alias.
    • VMware Workspace ONE Access
      administrator password.
    • VMware Workspace ONE Access
      administrator user name.
    • vidmHost
      Hostname or load-balanced FQDN of the
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
    • vidmOAuthServiceClientId
      Use the default value
    • vidmOAuthServiceClientSecret
      To obtain the value, see the client configuration on the OAuth2 Client page in
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
      . From the
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
      console Catalog tab, select
      Remote App Access
    • VMware Workspace ONE Access
      tenant name.
The following procedure shows how to check for tenant association with a product before deleting the tenant. To help you understand the required input, the steps include example values.
  1. Check to see if the tenant is associated with a product.
    curl -X POST \
      '$url/lcm/authzn/api/idp/tenants/referenceexists' \
      -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{    
        "vidmDomainName": "sqa.local",
        "baseTenantHostname": "newmaster48-179.sqa.local",
        "vidmAdminPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword",
        "vidmHost": "newmaster48-179.sqa.local",
        "vidmAdminUser": "admin",
        "vidmVersion": "3.3.6",
        "vidmRootPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword",
        "vidmSshPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword",
        "vidmOAuthServiceClientId": "Service__OAuth2Client",
        "vidmOAuthServiceClientSecret": "5ICAFUqkN32yiAPK0fByW8MEtpzfmnog",
        "tenancyEnabled": true,
        "vidmProductCertificate": "locker:certificate:74902017-aa3e-4d4c-b85a-7ebb0d97f3bf:GSAN",
        "clusteredVidm": true,
        "vidmTenant": "PEPSITEST48-179"
    } ' | jq "."
    Examine the response. The
    is the request ID that you use to track your request.
        "vmid": "698cf49c-2ce4-496f-9804-6534527be83e",
        "transactionId": null,
        "tenant": "default",
        "requestName": "tenantreferenceexists",
        "requestReason": "Validate if the tenant has references",
        "requestType": "Validate if the tenant has references",
        "requestSource": null,
        "requestSourceType": "user",
            "outputMap": {},
            "state": "CREATED",
            "executionId": null,
            "executionPath": null,
            "executionStatus": null,
            "errorCause": null,
            "resultSet": null,
            "isCancelEnabled": null,
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1658400394933,
            "createdBy": null
  2. Assign the variable for the requestId.
    requestId = "698cf49c-2ce4-496f-9804-6534527be83e"
  3. Use the
    to track your request.
    curl -X GET '$url/lcm/request/api/requests/$requestId' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' | jq "."
  4. Examine the response.
    When the status shows
    , check the values for
    • If both are false, then the tenant is not associated with a product.
    • If both are true, then the tenant is associated with a product and cannot be deleted.
            "errorCause": null,
            "isCancelEnabled": null,
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1658836817630,
            "createdBy": "admin@local"                   
    In this example,
    so you can delete the tenant.
  5. Delete the tenant.
    curl -X POST \
      '$url/lcm/authzn/api/idp/tenants/delete' \
      -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "vidmDomainName": "sqa.local", 
        "baseTenantHostname": "newmaster48-179.sqa.local", 
        "vidmAdminPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword", 
        "vidmHost": "newmaster48-179.sqa.local", 
        "vidmAdminUser": "admin", 
        "vidmVersion": "3.3.6", 
        "vidmRootPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword", 
        "vidmSshPassword": "locker:password:33e75543-9e32-4232-9b2f-8d92d6e2888b:installerPassword", 
        "vidmOAuthServiceClientId": "Service__OAuth2Client", 
        "vidmOAuthServiceClientSecret": "5ICAFUqkN32yiAPK0fByW8MEtpzfmnog", 
        "tenancyEnabled": true, 
        "vidmProductCertificate": "locker:certificate:74902017-aa3e-4d4c-b85a-7ebb0d97f3bf:GSAN", 
        "clusteredVidm": true, 
        "tenantToBeDeleted": "PEPSITEST48-179" 
    } ' | jq "."
    Examine the response. The
    is the request ID that you use to track your request.
        "vmid": "540e7eb7-1bed-4d59-b516-ac1176998548",
        "transactionId": null,
        "tenant": "default",
        "requestName": "deletetenant",
        "requestReason": "Delete tenant",
        "requestType": "Delete tenant",
        "requestSource": null,
        "requestSourceType": "user",
            "tenantvalandassocproducts": "false"
        "outputMap": {},
        "state": "CREATED",
        "executionId": null,
        "executionPath": null,
        "executionStatus": null,
        "errorCause": null,
        "resultSet": null,
        "isCancelEnabled": null,
        "lastUpdatedOn": 1658837473065,
        "createdBy": null
  6. Assign the variable for the requestId.
    requestId = "540e7eb7-1bed-4d59-b516-ac1176998548"
  7. Use the
    to track your request.
    curl -X GET '$url/lcm/request/api/requests/$requestId' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' | jq "."
    Examine the response. When the status shows
    , and the values for
    Tenant deleted successfully
    , the tenant is deleted.
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1658837473978
        "errorCause": null,
                        "status": "SUCCESS",
                        "statusCode": 200,
                        "responseType": "String",
                        "response": "Tenant deleted successfully",
                        "message": "Tenant deleted successfully",
                        "currentState": null,
                        "currentTask": null
                "eventId": "86a8631b-733b-4f21-aa08-7abbcd1ce6cc",
                "machineInstanceId": "7dae400c-7f29-47ee-9b42-f1f7c0fff692"
        "isCancelEnabled": null,
        "lastUpdatedOn": 1658837477052,
        "createdBy": "admin@local"