Adding or Configuring Data Sources in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
Last Updated October 25, 2024

What if I am getting a "Request timed out" message while adding vCenter Server using IP address?

  • Verify that the vCenter Server IP address is reachable from the
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector VM.
  • Log in to
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector CLI and use the ping to ensure that IP is reachable and telnet to ensure that the vCenter Server is reachable on port 443.
  • If vCenter Server is reachable, then retry adding.
  • If IP address is not reachable, then verify whether the gateway is correctly configured from
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector VM using command
  • If gateway is incorrect, then correct it using the

What if I am getting a "IP/FQDN is invalid" message while adding vCenter Server?

  • Verify whether provided IP/FQDN for vCenter Server is correct.
  • Verify whether FQDN is reachable from
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector VM using
  • If it is not reachable, then verify if the DNS is configured correctly on
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector VM using
    nslookup FQDN
  • If DNS is incorrect, then correct it using the

What privileges does the
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
Security and Operations Platform require?

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
requires the VMware vCenter Server credentials with the following privileges:
  • Distributed Switch: Modify
  • dvPort group: Modify

What if I am getting error "User does not have required privileges." while enabling IPFIX on vCenter Server Data source page?

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
requires the VMware vCenter Server credentials with the following privileges to enable IPFIX:
  • Distributed Switch: Modify
  • dvPort group: Modify
Please make sure that provided VMware vCenter Server user have permission on vCenter Server's root folder and all of its child entities e.g all folders and all datacenters.

How frequently is the data fetched from environment?

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
collector fetches data every 10 minutes from environment.

How soon the analysis of data will start after adding the vCenter Server?

Analysis of data starts right away after adding a vCenter Server. Product UI will show partial picture of data within few minutes which can take two hours to get complete.
Flow traffic data changes continuously and include at least 24 hours of data in its analysis.

How do I clean up IPFIX settings in vCenter Server if I have deleted
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

  • Using VMware vSphere Web Client: Go to
    Home > Networking > VDS (Name) > Netflow
    Settings. Remove
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector IP from Collector settings.
  • Using VMware vSphere Windows Client: Go to
    Home > Inventory > Networking > VDS (Name) > Edit
    Settings. Remove v
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector IP from Collector settings in Netflow tab. This step is required to be done for each VDS for which IPFIX is enabled.

How do I clean up IPFIX configuration in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
UI, goto
Settings > Data Sources
, delete the vCenter server. This removes IPFIX configuration done by
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

How much time does it take to show correct firewall rules in the VM-VM path after adding VMware NSX Manager in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

After you add VMware NSX Manager in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
, it can take up to 24 hours to compute the VM to the firewall rule relationship.

Why I am unable to see the PNIC in the VM-VM path after adding VMware vCenter in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

Normally, it takes around 2 hours for
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
to compute the VM-VM path after you add a VMware vCenter in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
as a data source. But in some rare situations, it can take around 8-10 hours to show the PNIC correctly in the VM-VM path after you add the VMware vCenter in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks