Tanzu GemFire Management Console 1.3


Last Updated February 26, 2025

This topic describes installing VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console.


To run the Tanzu GemFire Management Console, you must have the following:

  • A Broadcom Customer Support Portal account.

  • Operating System:

    • macOS
    • Windows 10, Windows 11
  • If installing from a JAR file, JDK 11 or JDK 17.

    Java 8 is not supported.

    When using Java 17, the Tanzu GemFire Management Console requires the following access flags (in the example below we use version 1.3.0 of the Management Console):

    java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED \
    -jar gemfire-management-console-1.3.0.jar --server.port=7077
  • Browser:

    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari
  • A running VMware Tanzu GemFire environment (Tanzu GemFire 9.15.x, 10.0.x, 10.1.x, Tanzu GemFire for Cloud Foundry 1.14.5+. Tanzu GemFire on Kubernetes 2.1+)

Access to the VMware Tanzu GemFire Documentation.


Install Tanzu GemFire Management Console from a JAR, an OVA, or as an OCI Image.

JAR File Installation

To run Tanzu GemFire Management Console JAR file:

  1. Log in to Broadcom Customer Support Portal with your customer credentials. For more information, see the Download Broadcom products and software article.
  2. Go to the VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console downloads page. Select VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console, and select a version.
  3. Click I agree to Terms and Conditions. Click the HTTPS Download icon next to VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console.
  4. After the download has completed, move the JAR file into the file directory from which you intend to run it. The application creates a folder called VMware_GemFire_Management_Console in the directory where the application is started.
  5. In a terminal window, run the JAR file. For example, run:

    java -jar /Path/to/jar/file/gemfire-management-console-1.3.0.jar

    By default, the app starts at http://localhost:8080. If you use SSL/TLS for the Management Console, use the --server.port property to change the port number to 443 when starting the app.

    java -jar /Path/to/jar/file/gemfire-management-console-1.3.0.jar --server.port=443
  6. After you run this command, output is displayed in your terminal that shows the Spring Boot app starting.
  7. After the Spring Boot app has started, open a web browser and navigate to the host and port that you defined when you started the app.

OVA Installation

To use the Tanzu GemFire Management Console OVA:

  1. Log in to Broadcom Customer Support Portal with your customer credentials. For more information, see the Download Broadcom products and software article.
  2. Go to the VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console downloads page. Select VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console, and select a version.
  3. Click I agree to Terms and Conditions. Click the HTTPS Download icon next to VMware Tanzu GemFire Management Console OVA.
  4. To deploy the downloaded OVA, follow the instructions in Deploy an OVF or OVA Template in the VMware vSphere product documentation.

OCI Image Installation on Docker

To run the Tanzu GemFire Management Console OCI Image on Docker:

  1. In a terminal window, run the docker login command. Enter your customer credentials when prompted:

    docker login registry.packages.broadcom.com
  2. Pull the image from the Tanzu Network by running the following command:

    docker pull registry.packages.broadcom.com/gemfire-management-console/gemfire-management-console:1.3.0
  3. Run the image that you pulled from Docker by using the docker run command and map the port for the web browser to 8080. For example, the command below maps the host’s port 8080 to the container’s 8080 port, where the app is running. If you use SSL/TLS for the Management Console, set the port number to 443

    docker run -p 8080:8080 registry.packages.broadcom.com/gemfire-management-console/gemfire-management-console:1.3.0
  4. After the Spring Boot app has started, open a web browser and navigate to the host and port that you defined when you started the app. For the example above, navigate to http://localhost:8080.

OCI Image Installation on Kubernetes

To run the Tanzu GemFire Management Console OCI Image on Kubernetes, use the following example yml file which creates a namespace, service, and stateful set for Tanzu GemFire Management Console.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: gemfire-management-console
    name: gemfire-management-console
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: gmc-service
  namespace: gemfire-management-console
    app: gmc
    - name: http
      port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080
      protocol: TCP
  type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: gmc
  namespace: gemfire-management-console
      app: gmc
  serviceName: "gmc-service"
  replicas: 1
        app: gmc
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
        fsGroup: 1000
      - name: gmc
        image: gemfire/gemfire-management-console:1.3.0
        - containerPort: 8080
          name: gmc
        - name: gmc
          mountPath: /opt/gemfire/VMware_GemFire_Management_Console
        - name: server.port
          value: "8080"
          value: "5120000"
          value: "2s"

  - metadata:
      name: gmc
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 4Gi

Enabling SSL/TLS for Tanzu GemFire Management Console

It is recommended that you encrypt the traffic between your user’s browsers and the Tanzu GemFire Management Console using SSL/TLS. Tanzu GemFire Management Console builds on Spring Boot, and the SSL/TLS configuration follows the same patterns as for any Spring Boot application.

If you enable SSL/TLS for Tanzu GemFire Management Console, set the server port to 443.


If you leave the server port set to 8080, the Management Console runs on https://HOSTNAME:8080, and when logging out in LDAP and OAuth, Spring redirects the logout to port 8443. If you set the server port to 443, the logout redirection works as expected.

The other relevant server properties are in Server Properties in Common Application Properties in the Spring Boot product documentation. They are namespaced under server.ssl.*. You can save an application.properties file in the same directory as the Tanzu GemFire Management Console JAR file and the Java process will pick it up automatically.

Example application.properties:


Enable/Disable Hostname Verification

To connect to TLS-enabled GemFire clusters, you must upload keystore and truststore files and passwords. By default, Tanzu GemFire Management Console verifies that the cluster host is present in the Subject Alternative Names. However, for specific use cases where you need to disable hostname verification in your keystore and truststore files for all clusters, follow the instructions below.

  • JAR File Deployment:

    • Configure the property gmc.ssl-hostname-verification-enabled=false in the application.properties file.
    • Place the application.properties file in the same directory as the JAR file.
    • Restart the JAR.
  • OVA Deployment:

    • Configure the property gmc.ssl-hostname-verification-enabled=false in the application.properties file.
    • Place the application.properties file in the /opt/gemfire directory.
    • Restart the VM.
  • OCI Image Deployment:

    • Configure the property gmc.ssl-hostname-verification-enabled=false in the application.properties file.
    • Mount the application.properties file when starting the container.
    • Example command:
      docker run -it -v ./application.properties:/opt/gemfire/application.properties -p 8080:8080 gemfire-management-console:1.3.0