Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 6.10

Monitoring PXF

Last Updated February 14, 2025

You can monitor the status of PXF from the command line.

PXF also provides additional information about the runtime status of the PXF Service by exposing HTTP endpoints that you can use to query the health, build information, and various metrics of the running process.

Viewing PXF Status on the Command Line

The pxf cluster status command displays the status of the PXF Service instance on all hosts in your Greenplum Database cluster. pxf status displays the status of the PXF Service instance on the local Greenplum host.

Only the gpadmin user can request the status of the PXF Service.

Perform the following procedure to request the PXF status of your Greenplum Database cluster.

  1. Log in to the Greenplum Database coordinator host:

    $ ssh gpadmin@<coordinator>
  2. Run the pxf cluster status command:

    gpadmin@coordinator$ pxf cluster status

About PXF Service Runtime Monitoring

PXF exposes the following HTTP endpoints that you can use to monitor a running PXF Service on the local host:

  • actuator/health - Returns the status of the PXF Service.
  • actuator/info - Returns build information for the PXF Service.
  • actuator/metrics - Returns JVM, extended Tomcat, system, process, Log4j2, and PXF-specific metrics for the PXF Service.
  • actuator/prometheus - Returns all metrics in a format that can be scraped by a Prometheus server.

Any user can access the HTTP endpoints and view the monitoring information that PXF returns.

You can view the data associated with a specific endpoint by viewing in a browser, or curl-ing, a URL of the following format (default PXF deployment topology):


If you chose the alternate deployment topology for PXF, the URL is:


For example, to view the build information for the PXF service running on localhost, query the actuator/info endpoint:


Sample output:


To view the status of the PXF Service running on the local Greenplum Database host, query the actuator/health endpoint:


Sample output:


Examining PXF Metrics

PXF exposes JVM, extended Tomcat, and system metrics via its integration with Spring Boot. Refer to Supported Metrics in the Spring Boot documentation for more information about these metrics.

PXF also exposes metrics that are specific to its processing, including:

Metric NameDescription
pxf.fragments.sentThe number of fragments, and the total time that it took to send all fragments to Greenplum Database.
pxf.records.sentThe number of records that PXF sent to Greenplum Database.
pxf.records.receivedThe number of records that PXF received from Greenplum Database.
pxf.bytes.sentThe number of bytes that PXF sent to Greenplum Database.
pxf.bytes.receivedThe number of bytes that PXF received from Greenplum Database.
http.server.requestsStandard metric augmented with PXF tags.

The information that PXF returns when you query a metric is the aggregate data collected since the last (re)start of the PXF Service.

To view a list of all of the metrics (names) available from the PXF Service, query just the metrics endpoint:


Filtering Metric Data

PXF tags all metrics that it returns with an application label; the value of this tag is always pxf-service.

PXF tags its specific metrics with the additional labels: user, segment, profile, and server. All of these tags are present for each PXF metric. PXF returns the tag value unknown when the value cannot be determined.

You can use the tags to filter the information returned for PXF-specific metrics. For example, to examine the pxf.records.received metric for the PXF server named hadoop1 located on segment 1 on the local host:


Certain metrics, such as pxf.fragments.sent, include an additional tag named outcome; you can examine its value (success or error) to determine if all data for the fragment was sent. You can also use this tag to filter the aggregated data.