Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 6.10

VMware Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 6.x Release Notes

Last Updated February 14, 2025

The VMware Tanzu Greenplum platform extension framework for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Oracle Enterprise Linux is updated and distributed independently of Greenplum Database starting with version 5.13.0. Version 5.16.0 is the first independent release that includes an Ubuntu distribution. Version 6.3.0 is the first independent release that includes a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x distribution. Version 6.9.0 is the first independent release that includes a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x distribution.

You must download and install the PXF package to obtain the most recent version of this component.

Supported Platforms

The independent PXF 6.x distribution is compatible with these operating system platform versions and Greenplum Database versions:

PXF VersionOS VersionGreenplum Version
5.13+, 6.0+RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, OEL 7.x5.21.2+, 6.x
5.16+, 6.0+RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, OEL 7.x, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS6.x
6.3+RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, OEL 7.x, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, RHEL 8.x6.20+
6.8+RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, OEL 7.x, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, RHEL 8.x6.20+, 7.x
6.9+RHEL 7.x, CentOS 7.x, OEL 7.x, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, RHEL 8.x, RHEL 9.x6.26+

PXF is compatible with these Java and Hadoop component versions:

PXF VersionJava VersionsHadoop VersionsHive Server VersionsHBase Server Version
6.10.0, 6.9.x, 6.8.0, 6.7.0, 6.6.0, 6.5.x, 6.4.x, 6.3.x, 6.2.x, 6.1.0, 6.0.x8, 112.x, 3.1+1.x, 2.x, 3.1+1.3.2
5.16.x, 5.15.x, 5.14, 5.138, 112.x, 3.1+1.x, 2.x, 3.1+1.3.2

Upgrading to Version 6.x

Note: If you are currently using PXF with Greenplum Database, you may be required to perform upgrade actions for this release. Review Upgrading from Version 5 or Upgrading from an Earlier Version 6 Release to plan your upgrade to PXF version 6.9.x.

Release 6.10.2

Release Date: July 12, 2024

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.10.2 includes these new and changed features:

  • PXF now supports querying and migrating data encoded in GB18030.
  • The Spring Framework library dependency has been updated to version 5.3.34.
  • The gp-common-go-libs library dependency has been updated to version v1.0.20.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.10.2 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2024‑22262Updates Spring Framework to version 5.3.34. (Resolved by PR-1105.)
CVE‑2024‑45288Updates golang.org/x/net to version 0.23.0. (Resolved by PR-1105.)

Release 6.10.1

Release Date: March 27, 2024

Changed Features

PXF 6.10.1 includes these changes:

  • PXF improves performance when reading multi-line JSON files that contain multiple JSON objects on a single line.
  • The Spring Framework library dependency has been updated to version 5.3.33.
  • The Tomcat library dependency has been updated to version 9.0.87.
  • The gp-common-go-libs library dependency has been updated to version v1.0.16.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.10.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
33272Resolves slowness when reading multi-line Json files that have multiple Json objects on a single line. (Resolved by PR-1100.)
CVE‑2024‑22243Updates Spring Framework to version 5.3.33. (Resolved by PR-1105.)
CVE‑2024‑22259Updates Spring Framework to version 5.3.33. (Resolved by PR-1105.)
CVE‑2024‑24549Updates Tomcat to version 9.0.87. (Resolved by PR-1108.)
CVE‑2024‑27289Updates github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 to version v4.18.2. (Resolved by PR-1102.)
947Resolves an issue where a Greenplum query would fail with the error, “transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining”, due to race conditions between Tomcat and Spring MVC async error handling. (Resolved by PR-1105.)

Release 6.10.0

Release Date: March 4, 2024

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.10.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • The PXF JDBC Connector adds support for reading and writing the UUID data type.
  • PXF is now bundled with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver version 42.7.2.
  • For both the PXF external table and the FDW extensions, the PXF JDBC Connector will now error out on timestamp data in which the year has more than 4 digits, when date_wide_range is not enabled.
  • The PXF JDBC connector will now fail when reading date values with more than 4 digit years, when using Java 11.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.10.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2024‑1597Updates the postgresql JDBC JAR file to version 42.7.2.
N/AResolves an issue with the PXF JDBC Connector where the behavior of the PXF external table extension differed from the behavior of the PXF FDW extension when reading timestamp data in which the year had more than 4 digits. (Resolved by PR-1081.)
N/AResolves an issue where, when using Java 11, the PXF JDBC connector was not correctly reading date values with more than 4 digits. (Resolved by PR-1096.)

Release 6.9.1

Release Date: February 6, 2024

Changed Features

PXF 6.9.1 includes these changes:

  • PXF bundles a newer gp-common-go-libs supporting library along with its dependencies.
  • The Spring library dependency is updated to version 2.7.18.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.9.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2023‑48795Updates golang.org/x/crypto.
CVE‑2023‑41080Updates bundled Tomcat version.
CVE‑2023‑42795Updates bundled Tomcat version.
CVE‑2023‑45648Updates bundled Tomcat version.
CVE‑2023‑46589Updates bundled Tomcat version.
CVE‑2023‑34055Updates Springboot to version 2.7.18.

Release 6.9.0

Release Date: December 8, 2023

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.9.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • PXF now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit 9.x for VMware Greenplum version 6.26.x.
  • PXF improves error reporting by pxf register when installing the control file fails.
  • The snappy-java library dependency is updated to version
  • The golang.org/x/net library dependency is updated to 0.17.0.
  • The Go standard library dependency is updated to version 1.21.3.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.9.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
33104Resolves an issue where PXF was not reporting an error when pxf register failed to install the control file. (Resolved by PR-1047.)

Release 6.8.0

Release Date: September 28, 2023

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.8.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • PXF introduces a new property to the pxf-site.xml per-server configuration file. PXF uses this property, named pxf.service.kerberos.ticket-renew-window, to identify how much of a Kerberos ticket lifespan should elapse before it generates a new ticket.
  • The PXF Hadoop and Object Store Connectors (including S3-Select) now support predicate pushdown for the NUMERIC data type when reading non-Parquet data formats.
  • The PXF JDBC Connector now supports predicate pushdown for the CHAR, VARCHAR, and NUMERIC data types.
  • PXF command line output and log messages replace the term master with the term coordinator.
  • The azure-storage library dependency is updated to version 5.5.0.
  • PXF now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit 8.x for VMware Greenplum version 7.x.
  • PXF removes support for the MapR Hadoop distribution.

Release 6.7.0

Release Date: July 14, 2023

This version of the VMware Greenplum Platform Extension Framework documentation replaces the term master with the term coordinator.

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.7.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • PXF introduces support for reading data that contains a multi-byte delimiter or a delimiter with multiple characters. Refer to About Reading Data Containing Multi-Byte or Multi-Character Delimiters for more information and for examples.
  • PXF introduces the following new features for JSON data type support:

    • Assuming that the Greenplum Database data type is chosen properly, adds support for reading the original precision of numeric types.
    • Adds support for reading one-dimensional arrays of JSON primitive types.
    • Adds support for writing JSON primitive types and one-dimensional arrays.

    Refer to Reading and Write JSON Data for more information.

  • PXF enhances its message logging for write operations.

  • PXF exposes a new PXF Service application property, server.address, to specify the listen address for the PXF Service.
  • The default PXF Service listen address is changed from to localhost. If you have previously configured PXF to run on non-Greenplum hosts, or you wish to retain the previous listen address, you must re-configure the listen address.
  • The PXF JDBC Connector can now read/write a date that contains more than four alphanumeric characters in the year. Specify the DATE_WIDE_RANGE external table option or the jdbc.date.wideRange jdbc-site.xml server configuration file property to use this new feature.
  • The Spring library dependency is updated to version 2.7.12.
  • The snappy-java library dependency is updated to version
  • PXF v6.7.0 introduces these changes and features related to numeric precison overflow detection and action when writing to ORC files:

    • PXF logs a warning when it encounters an overflow condition and the decimal overflow option is set to ignore.
    • PXF now attempts to round numeric data to meet both precision and scale requirements before writing to an ORC file when the data exceeds the maximum supported precision of 38 and overflows. PXF previously rounded the data to meet only precision requirement, or wrote a NULL value if it failed to round. See Resolved Issues.
    • PXF uses the new pxf.orc.write.decimal.overflow property in the pxf-site.xml server configuration file to govern its action when numeric data that it writes to an ORC file exceeds the maximum supported precision of 38 and overflows. During upgrade, be sure to perform step 8 if you want to change the default value (round) of this property for an existing PXF server configuration.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.7.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2023‑34455Updates snappy-java to version (Resolved by PR-989.)
32890Adds enhanced message logging for write operations. (Partially resolved by PR-979.)
32723Resolves an issue where PXF wrote a NULL value to an ORC file when numeric data had a precision greater than 38. (Resolved by PR-978.)
974Resolves an issue where the default PXF listen address was not limited to local traffic. (Resolved by PR-976.)
N/AReduces the frequency of partial file transfer errors by updating the Spring library dependency to version 2.7.12. (Resolved by PR-983.)

Release 6.6.0

Release Date: April 10, 2023

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.6.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • PXF introduces new *:fixedwidth profiles to support fixed-width text data. Refer to Reading and Writing Fixed-Width Text Data for more information and for examples.
  • PXF v6.6.0 introduces these changes and features related to precison overflow detection and action when writing to Parquet files:

    • PXF now always logs a warning when it encounters an overflow condition.
    • PXF now attempts to round numeric data before writing to a Parquet file when the data exceeds the maximum supported precision of 38 and overflows. PXF previously wrote a NULL value. See Resolved Issues.
    • PXF uses the new pxf.parquet.write.decimal.overflow property in the pxf-site.xml server configuration file to govern its action when numeric data that it writes to a Parquet file exceeds the maximum supported precision of 38 and overflows. During upgrade, be sure to perform step 7 if you want to change the default value (round) of this property for an existing PXF server configuration.
  • PXF v6.6.0 deprecates the DATA-SCHEMA external table option (used with SequenceFile profiles) and replaces it with the option named DATA_SCHEMA.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.6.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
32723Partially resolves an issue where PXF wrote a NULL value to a Parquet file when numeric data had a precision greater than 38. (Resolved by PR-940.)
32715Partially resolves an issue where PXF returned an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when it wrote a numeric value with precision greater than 38 to a Parquet file. (Resolved by PR-940.)

Release 6.5.1

Release Date: March 20, 2023

Changed Features

PXF 6.5.1 includes these changes:

  • PXF is updated to work with the external table framework in Greenplum 7 (Beta 2).
  • PXF bundles a newer gp-common-go-libs supporting library along with its dependencies to resolve several CVEs (see Resolved Issues).

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.5.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2022‑41723Updates golang.org/x/net.
CVE‑2021‑43565Updates golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.
CVE‑2022‑27664Updates golang.org/x/net/http2
CVE‑2022‑27191Updates golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.
CVE‑2022‑32149Updates golang.org/x/text/language.
CVE‑2022‑30632Updates golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts.
CVE‑2020‑29652Updates golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.
CVE‑2021‑33194Updates golang.org/x/net/html.
CVE‑2021‑38561Updates golang.org/x/text/language.
CVE‑2022‑29526Updates golang.org/x/sys/unix.

Release 6.5.0

Release Date: December 22, 2022

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.5.0 includes these new features and changes:

  • PXF improves support for reading JSON records that span multiple lines both when the data includes special characters, and when the data is compressed with a splittable codec like BZip2.
  • PXF introduces a new CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE option for the *:json profiles named SPLIT_BY_FILE that you can use to specify how PXF splits the data it reads. The default value is false, PXF creates multiple splits for each file that will be processed in parallel. When set to true, PXF creates and processes a single split per file.
  • PXF adds support for specifying parallel execution parameters when you use the JDBC Connector to access an Oracle database. Refer to About Setting Oracle Parallel Query Session Parameters for more information.
  • PXF is now bundled with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver version 42.4.3.
  • PXF adds support for reading and writing Parquet LIST types. Refer to the PXF Parquet Data Type Mapping documentation for more information about the data types supported and the data type mappings.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.5.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2022‑41946Updates the postgresql JDBC JAR file to version 42.4.3.
32387PXF did not support reading or writing Parquet LIST types. PXF 6.5.0 includes native support for reading and writing LISTS of certain Parquet types. (Resolved by PR-885 and PR-876.)
32353When PXF read a JSON file containing multi-line records and the external table definition specified both a *:json profile and an IDENTIFIER, PXF could both return wrong results when the data included special characters, and return duplicate rows when the data was compressed with a splittable codec. These issues are resolved. (Resolved by PR-879.)
N/AResolves an issue where, in certain error conditions, PXF failed to close a connection to an external data source. PXF now closes the connection. (Resolved by PR-897.)
N/AResolves an out-of-buffer data access issue by adding additional buffer boundary checks to the PXF extension to guard against invalid reads. (Resolved by PR-885.)
N/AResolves an issue where PXF may have returned incomplete or incorrect results when it did not project a boolean column that was included in a WHERE clause but was not also present in the SELECT list. (Resolved by PR-875.)

Release 6.4.2

Release Date: September 20, 2022

Changed Features

PXF 6.4.2 includes these changes:

  • Reading a JSON file containing multi-line records may be less performant due to the fix implemented for resolved issue 32353.
  • Removes a string length check in the PXF extension that was added in version 6.3.2, and instead logs a message.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.4.2 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
32439Resolves an issue where PXF returned the error expected column <N> to have length <M>, actual length is 0 when it read an ORC or Parquet data file that contained a string that included ASCII NULL-bytes by removing a string length check. (Resolved by PR-870.)
32353Resolves an issue where PXF returned incomplete data when it read a JSON file containing multi-line records, and the external table definition specified both a *:json profile and an IDENTIFIER. (Resolved by PR-858.)

Release 6.4.0

Release Date: August 19, 2022

Changed Features

PXF 6.4.0 includes these changes:

  • Adds support for writing ORC primitive types and one-dimensional arrays.
  • Introduces a new configuration property named pxf.orc.write.timezone.utc to govern how PXF writes ORC timestamp values to the external data store. By default, PXF writes timestamp values using the UTC time zone.
  • Adds support for using a PreparedStatement when reading with the JDBC Connector, using the jdbc.read.prepared-statement property in jdbc-site.xml.
  • Updates the aws-java-sdk-s3 dependency to version 1.12.261 to resolve CVE-2022-31159.
  • Updates the snappy-java dependency to version
  • Updates the postgresql dependency to version 42.4.1 to resolve CVE-2022-31197.

Release 6.3.2

Release Date: July 21, 2022

Changed Features

PXF 6.3.2 includes these changes:

  • Improves the error messages returned when PXF encounters UnsupportedOperationExceptions.
  • Adds data buffer boundary checks to the PXF extension to guard against invalid reads.
  • Updates Spring to version 2.5.12 to resolve CVE-2022-22965. For more information about this vulnerability, including impacted product suites and release lines, please refer to VMSA-2022-0010.
  • Updates the bundled Log4j library to version 2.17.2 (pulled in with the Spring update to version 2.5.12).
  • Updates Hadoop libraries to version 2.10.2 to resolve CVE-2021-37404.
  • Updates the bundled version of the ORC library to version 1.6.13 to obtain the fix for ORC-1065.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.3.2 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2022‑22965Updates Spring to version 2.5.12. (Resolved by PR-789.)
CVE‑2021‑37404Updates Hadoop to version 2.10.2. (Resolved by PR-819.)
32264Resolves an ORC split generation failed error encountered when the HiveORC profile was used to read an ORC file by updating the bundled ORC library to version 1.6.13 to pull in the fix for ORC-1065. (Resolved by PR-815.)

Release 6.3.1

Release Date: April 27, 2022

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.3.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
32177Resolves an issue where PXF returned a NullPointerException while reading from a Hive table when the hive:orc profile and the VECTORIZE=true option were specified, and some of the table data contained repeating values. (Resolved by PR-794.)
32149Resolves an issue where the PXF post-installation script failed when the PXF rpm was installed with the --prefix option (install to a custom location). (Resolved by PR-788.)

Release 6.3.0

Release Date: March 18, 2022

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.3.0 includes these new and changed features:

  • Distributes a Broadcom Support Portal download package for Greenplum 6 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit 8.x.
  • Bundles version 42.3.3 of the postgresql JDBC JAR file to mitigate CVE-2022-21724.
  • Introduces support for reading the date, decimal, local-timestamp-millis, local-timestamp-micros, time-millis, time-micros, timestamp-millis, timestamp-micros, and uuid Avro logical types.
  • Supports upgrading when you use gpupgrade to upgrade from Greenplum 5 to Greenplum 6. The PXF package now includes two new scripts, pxf-pre-gpupgrade and pxf-post-gpupgrade, that you use during this upgrade process.
  • Supports Kerberos constrained delegation (also known as S4U2proxy) for accessing HDFS and Hive. This feature allows you to configure the PXF service principal in Microsoft Active Directory or a Red Hat IPA Server, and to direct the service to act as a delegate for obtaining Kerberos tickets from end users to the HDFS namenode service principal. With Kerberos constrained delegation, configuring the PXF service principal to be a Hadoop proxy user is no longer required to access a Kerberos-secured Hadoop cluster. This feature is deactivated by default. PXF introduces a new configuration property named pxf.service.kerberos.constrained-delegation to activate this feature.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.3.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2022‑21724Updates the postgresql JDBC JAR file to version 42.3.3. (Resolved by PR-760.)
31992Resolves an issue where PXF returned duplicate rows when the hdfs:json profile was used to read a JSON file with multi-line records and the data contained multi-byte characters. (Resolved by PR-738.)
31112Resolves an issue where PXF required that its service principal be configured as a Hadoop proxy user to access a Kerberos-secured Hadoop cluster. (Resolved by PR-707.)
N/AResolves an issue where PXF did not close Hive Metastore connections in a timely manner, which eventually resulted in the exhaustion of the Metastore connection pool. (Resolved by PR-756.)

Release 6.2.3

Release Date: February 1, 2022

Changed Features

PXF 6.2.3 includes these changes:

  • PXF bundles version 2.17.1 of the log4j2 library to mitigate CVE-2021-44832.
  • PXF updates the version of go that it uses to build the pxf CLI tool to version 1.17.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-44716.
  • PXF now writes early startup messages that were previously directed to stdout/stderr and ignored to the file $PXF_LOG_DIR/pxf_app.out.
  • PXF introduces a performance improvement when it iterates over a list of fragments.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.2.3 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2021‑44832Updates the bundled log4j2 library to version 2.17.1. (Resolved by PR-735.)
CVE‑2021‑44716Updates the go library to version 1.17.6. (Resolved by PR-740.)

Release 6.2.2

Release Date: December 22, 2021

Changed Features

PXF 6.2.2 includes these changes:

  • PXF bundles version 2.17.0 of the log4j2 library to mitigate CVE-2021-45105.
  • PXF downgrades the bundled version of Spring Boot to resolve issue 31927.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.2.2 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2021‑45105Updates the bundled log4j2 library to version 2.17.0. (Resolved by PR-733.)
31927Resolves an issue where the PXF C extension reported a partial file transfer error when a data-less response that the PXF server sent to Greenplum Database failed to include a zero-length chunk. PXF 6.2.2 downgrades the bundled version of Spring Boot to 2.4.3, which does not exhibit the error behavior. (Resolved by PR-732.)

Release 6.2.1

Release Date: December 17, 2021

Changed Features

PXF 6.2.1 includes these changes:

  • PXF bundles version 2.16.0 of the log4j2 library to mitigate CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046.
  • PXF now returns an UnsupportedOperationException when it accesses a Hive transactional table.
  • PXF now supports the SKIP_HEADER_COUNT option for external tables that specified a *:text:multi profile.
  • When reading from a MySQL database, PXF now uses a jdbc.statement.fetchSize default value of -2147483648 (Integer.MIN_VALUE). This setting enables the MySQL JDBC driver to stream the results from a MySQL server, lessening the memory requirements when reading large data sets.
  • The PXF Hive connector now uses the hive-site.xml hive.metastore.failure.retries property setting to identify the maximum number of times to retry a failed connection to the Hive MetaStore. The default value is one retry. Addressing Hive MetaStore Connection Errors describes when and how to configure this property.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.2.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
CVE‑2021‑45046Updates the bundled log4j2 library to version 2.16.0. (Resolved by PR-727.)
CVE‑2021‑44228Updates the bundled log4j2 library to version 2.15.0. (Resolved by PR-723.)
31955Resolves an issue where PXF failed to access a Hive table due to a MetaStore connection issue. PXF now includes retry logic for the MetaStore connection based on the hive.metastore.failure.retries property setting in the hive-site.xml file. (Resolved by PR‑726.)
31948Resolves an issue where PXF ran out of memory when it read a large data set from a MySQL database. PXF now uses a jdbc.statement.fetchSize default value of -2147483648 (Integer.MIN_VALUE) when it accesses MySQL, which streams the results from a MySQL server to PXF. (Resolved by PR‑721.)
31906Resolves an issue where PXF returned 0 rows when a query was performed on a Hive transactional table instead of reporting that transactional tables are unsupported. PXF now more clearly identifies the problem by returning an UnsupportedOperationException and the error: PXF does not support Hive transactional tables. (Resolved by PR-719.)
31791Resolves an issue where PXF ignored the SKIP_HEADER_COUNT custom option when it read from an external data source via an external table that specified a *:text:multi profile. PXF now recognizes and implements this option for *:text:multi profiles. (Resolved by PR-710.)

Release 6.2.0

Release Date: September 13, 2021

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.2.0 includes these new and changed features:

  • PXF adds support for reading a JSON array into a Greenplum Database text array (TEXT[]). Refer to Working with JSON Data for additional information.
  • PXF adds support for reading lists of certain ORC scalar types into a Greenplum Database array of native type. Refer to the PXF ORC data type mapping documentation for more information about the data type mapping.
  • PXF bundles newer versions of ORC, Spring Boot, and other dependent libraries.
  • PXF improves its message logging by:

    • Better aligning the log message text.
    • Also logging the affected fragment when it encounters a read error.
  • PXF introduces a new property to the pxf-site.xml per-server configuration file. PXF uses this property, pxf.sasl.connection.retries, to specify the maximum number of times that it retries a SASL connection request to an external data source after a refused connection returns a GSS initiate failed error.
  • PXF introduces a new PXF Service application property, pxf.fragmenter-cache.expiration, to specify the amount of time after which an entry expires and is removed from the fragment cache.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.2.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
N/AResolves an issue when using the jdbc profile to write data to a Hive table. The Hive JDBC driver always returned 0 when running an update, and PXF would return an error even if the INSERT ran correctly. (Resolved by PR-662.)
31675Resolves a fragment cache issue that appeared when an external table was re-created within the same transaction in a stored procedure, and the new external table referenced a different LOCATION. (Resolved by PR-691.)
31657Queries on an external table intermittently failed in some Kerberos-secured environments because the Hadoop NameNode erroneously detected a replay attack during Kerberos authentication. This issue is resolved by PR-688.
31571PXF did not support ORC lists. PXF 6.2.0 includes support for reading lists of certain ORC scalar types into a Greenplum Database array of native type. (Resolved by PR-675.)
31326PXF did not support reading a JSON array into a Greenplum Database array-type column. PXF 6.2.0 includes support for reading a JSON array into a text array (TEXT[]). (Resolved by PR-646.)
683Resolves an issue where PXF incorrectly casted an enum value from the external data source to a string. (Resolved by PR-696.)

Release 6.1.0

Release Date: June 24, 2021

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.1.0 includes these new and changed features:

  • PXF now natively supports reading and writing Avro arrays.
  • PXF adds support for reading JSON objects, such as embedded arrays, as text. The data returned by PXF is a valid JSON string that you can manipulate with the existing Greenplum Database JSON functions and operators.
  • PXF improves its error reporting by displaying the exception class when there is no error message available.
  • PXF introduces a new property that you can use to configure the connection timeout for data upload/write operations to an external datastore. This property is named pxf.connection.upload-timeout, and is located in the pxf-application.properties file.
  • PXF now uses the pxf.connection.timeout configuration property to set the connection timeout only for read operations. If you previously set this property to specify the write timeout, you should now use pxf.connection.upload-timeout instead.
  • PXF bundles a newer gp-common-go-libs supporting library along with its dependencies.

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.1.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
31389Resolves an issue where certain pxf cluster commands returned the error connect: no such file or directory when the current working directory contained a directory with the same name as the hostname. This issue was resolved by upgrading a dependent library. (Resolved by PR-633.)
31317PXF did not support writing Avro arrays. PXF 6.1.0 includes native support for reading and writing Avro arrays. (Resolved by PR-636.)

Release 6.0.1

Release Date: May 11, 2021

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.0.1 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
N/AResolves an issue where PXF returned wrong results for batches of ORC data that were shorter than the default batch size. (Resolved by PR-630.)
N/AResolves an issue where PXF threw a NullPointerException when it encountered a repeating ORC column value of type string. (Resolved by PR-627.)
178013439Resolves an issue where using the profile HiveVectorizedORC did not result in vectorized execution. (Resolved by PR-624.)
31409Resolves an issue where PXF intermittently failed with the error ERROR: PXF server error(500) : Failed to initialize HiveResolver when it accessed Hive tables STORED AS ORC. (Resolved by PR-626.)

Release 6.0.0

Release Date: March 29, 2021

New and Changed Features

PXF 6.0.0 includes these new and changed features:

Architecture and Bundled Libraries

  • PXF 6.0.0 is built on the Spring Boot framework:

    • PXF distributes a single JAR file that includes all of its dependencies.
    • PXF no longer installs and uses a standalone Tomcat server; it uses the Tomcat version 9.0.43 embedded in the PXF Spring Boot application.
  • PXF bundles the postgresql-42.2.14.jar PostgreSQL driver JAR file.
  • PXF library dependencies have changed with new, updated, and removed libraries.
  • The PXF API has changed. If you are upgrading from PXF 5.x, you must update the PXF extension in each database in which it is registered as described in Upgrading from PXF 5.
  • PXF 6 moves fragment allocation from its C extension to the PXF Service running on each segment host.
  • The PXF Service now also runs on the Greenplum Database master and standby master hosts. If you used PXF 5.x to access Kerberos-secured HDFS, you must now generate principals and keytabs for the master and standby master as described in Upgrading from PXF 5.

Files, Configuration, and Commands

  • PXF 6 uses the $PXF_BASE environment variable to identify its runtime configuration directory; it no longer uses $PXF_CONF for this purpose.
  • By default, PXF installs its executables and runtime configuration into the same directory, $PXF_HOME, and PXF_BASE=$PXF_HOME. See About the PXF Installation and Configuration Directories for the new installation file layout.
  • You can relocate the $PXF_BASE runtime configuration directory to a different directory after you install PXF by running the new pxf [cluster] prepare command as described in Relocating $PXF_BASE.
  • PXF template server configuration files now reside in $PXF_HOME/templates; they were previously located in the $PXF_CONF/templates directory.
  • The pxf [cluster] register command now copies only the PXF pxf.control extension file to the Greenplum Database installation. Run this command after your first installation of PXF, and/or after you upgrade your Greenplum Database installation.
  • PXF 6 no longer requires initialization, and deprecates the init and reset commands. pxf [cluster] init is now equivalent to pxf [cluster] register, and pxf [cluster] reset is a no-op.
  • PXF 6 includes new and changed configuration; see About the PXF Configuration Files for more information:

    • PXF 6 integrates with Apache Log4j 2; the PXF logging configuration file is now named pxf-log4j2.xml, and is in xml format.
    • PXF 6 adds a new configuration file for the PXF server application, pxf-application.properties; this file includes:

      • New properties to configure the PXF streaming thread pool.
      • New pxf.log.level property to set the PXF logging level.
      • Configuration properties moved from the PXF 5 pxf-env.sh file and renamed:

        pxf-env.sh Property Namepxf-application.properties Property Name
    • PXF 6 adds new configuration environment variables to pxf-env.sh to simplify the registration of external library dependencies:

      New Property NameDescription
      PXF_LOADER_PATHAdditional directories and JARs for PXF to class-load.
      LD_LIBRARY_PATHAdditional directories and native libraries for PXF to load.

      See Registering PXF Library Dependencies for more information.

    • PXF 6 deprecates the PXF_FRAGMENTER_CACHE configuration property; fragment metadata caching is no longer configurable and is now always activated.


  • PXF 6 introduces new profile names and deprecates some older profile names. The old profile names still work, but it is highly recommended to switch to using the new profile names:

    New Profile NameOld/Deprecated Profile Name

    1 To use the HiveVectorizedORC profile in PXF 6, specify the hive:orc profile name with the new VECTORIZE=true custom option.

  • PXF adds support for natively reading an ORC file located in Hadoop, an object store, or a network file system. See the Hadoop ORC and Object Store ORC documentation for prerequisites and usage information.
  • PXF adds support for reading and writing comma-separated value form text data located in Hadoop, an object store, or a network file system though a separate CSV profile. See the Hadoop Text and Object Store Text documentation for usage information.
  • PXF supports predicate pushdown on VARCHAR data types.
  • PXF supports predicate pushdown for the IN operator when you specify one of the *:parquet profiles to read a parquet file.
  • PXF supports specifying a codec short name (alias) rather than the Java class name when you create a writable external table for a *:text, *:csv, or *:SequenceFile profile that includes a COMPRESSION_CODEC.



  • PXF improves the display of error messages in the psql client, in some cases including a HINT that provides possible error resolution actions.
  • When PXF is configured to auto-terminate on detection of an out of memory condition, it now logs messages to $PXF_LOGDIR/pxf-oom.log rather than catalina.out.

Removed Features

PXF version 6.0.0 removes:

  • The THREAD-SAFE external table custom option (deprecated since 5.10.0).
  • The PXF_USER_IMPERSONATION, PXF_PRINCIPAL, and PXF_KEYTAB configuration properties in pxf-env.sh (deprecated since 5.10.0).
  • The jdbc.user.impersonation configuration property in jdbc-site.xml (deprecated since 5.10.0).
  • The Hadoop profile names HdfsTextSimple, HdfsTextMulti, Avro, Json, Parquet, and SequenceWritable (deprecated since 5.0.1).

Resolved Issues

PXF 6.0.0 resolves these issues:

Issue #Summary
30987Resolves an issue where PXF returned an out of memory error while running a query on a Hive table backed by a large number of files when it could not enlarge a string buffer during the fragmentation process. PXF 6.0.0 moves fragment distribution logic and fragment allocation to the PXF Service running on each segment host.

Deprecated Features

Deprecated features may be removed in a future major release of PXF. PXF version 6.x deprecates:

  • The DATA-SCHEMA external table option (deprecated since PXF version 6.6.0).
  • The PXF_FRAGMENTER_CACHE configuration property (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0).
  • The pxf [cluster] init commands (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0).
  • The pxf [cluster] reset commands (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0).
  • The Hive profile names Hive, HiveText, HiveRC, HiveORC, and HiveVectorizedORC (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0). Refer to Connectors, Data Formats, and Profiles in the PXF Hadoop documentation for the new profile names.
  • The HBase profile name (now hbase) (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0).
  • The Jdbc profile name (now jdbc) (deprecated since PXF version 6.0.0).
  • Specifying a COMPRESSION_CODEC using the Java class name; use the codec short name instead.

Known Issues and Limitations

PXF 6.x has these known issues and limitations:

Issue #Description
178013439(Resolved in 6.0.1) Using the deprecated HiveVectorizedORC profile does not result in vectorized execution.
Workaround: Use the hive:orc profile with the option VECTORIZE=true.
31409(Resolved in 6.0.1) PXF can intermittently fail with the following error when it accesses Hive tables STORED AS ORC:
ERROR: PXF server error(500) : Failed to initialize HiveResolver
Workaround: Use vectorized query execution by adding the VECTORIZE=true custom option to the LOCATION URL. (Note that PXF does not support predicate pushdown, complex types, and the timestamp data type with ORC vectorized execution.)
168957894The PXF Hive Connector does not support using the hive[:*] profiles to access Hive 3 managed (CRUD and insert-only transactional, and temporary) tables.
Workaround: Use the PXF JDBC Connector to access Hive 3 managed tables.