After opening a Greenplum Database table with a specific open mode, a GPSS client can write one or more rows of data to the table. The client must map the source data to a gRPC data type. The GPSS server maps the gRPC type to a Greenplum Database type as specified in Data Type Mapping.
The Write
service definition and relevant messages follow:
rpc Write(WriteRequest) returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
message DBValue {
oneof DBType {
int32 Int32Value = 1;
int64 Int64Value = 2;
float Float32Value = 5;
double Float64Value = 6;
string StringValue = 7;
bytes BytesValue = 8;
google.protobuf.Timestamp TimeStampValue = 10;
google.protobuf.NullValue NullValue = 11;
message Row {
repeated DBValue Columns = 1;
message RowData {
bytes Data = 1;
message WriteRequest {
Session Session = 1;
repeated RowData Rows = 2;
The GPSS client application must provide values for all columns declared in the Greenplum table definition. If there is no data to write for a specific column, you must explicitly specify a null
value for the column when generating the row's RowData
Sample Java code to write two rows of data to the loaninfo
table that you opened in insert mode in the previous section follows:
// create an array of rows
ArrayList<RowData> rows = new ArrayList<>();
for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) {
// create a row builder
api.Row.Builder builder = api.Row.newBuilder();
// create builders for each column, in order, and set values - text, int, text
api.DBValue.Builder colbuilder1 = api.DBValue.newBuilder();
api.DBValue.Builder colbuilder2 = api.DBValue.newBuilder();
api.DBValue.Builder colbuilder3 = api.DBValue.newBuilder();
// build the row
RowData.Builder rowbuilder = RowData.newBuilder().setData(;
// add the row
// create a write request builder
WriteRequest wReq = WriteRequest.newBuilder()
// use the blocking stub to call the Write service; it returns nothing
If GPSS encounters an error, it rolls back the pending write transaction; rolling back all writes since the Open
The client determines the success or failure of the write operation from the TransferStats
returned when the client invokes the Close
service to close the table.
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