Tanzu Greenplum Streaming Server 1.10

gpsscli progress

Last Updated February 26, 2025

Check the progress of a Greenplum Streaming Server job.


gpsscli progress {<job_name> | <job_id>}
     [--config <gpsscliconfig.json>]
     [--gpss-host <host>] [--gpss-port <port>]
     [-U | --username <client_auth_user> -P | --password <client_auth_passwd>]
     [--no-check-ca] [-l | --log-dir <directory>] [--verbose]

gpsscli progress {-h | --help}


GPSS currently supports job progress tracking only for Kafka data sources.

The gpsscli progress command displays the progress of a Kafka job submitted to a Greenplum Streaming Server (GPSS) instance. The command displays time, offset information, message size, and transfer speed for each data load operation real-time. By default, gpsscli progress displays information per-batch. You can specify the --partition option to display progress information on a per-partition basis.

gpsscli progress waits indefinitely; the command exits when the job is stopped or GPSS encounters an error.

If the GPSS instance to which you want to send the request is not running on the default host ( or the default port number (5000), you can specify the GPSS host and/or port via command line options.


job_name | job_id
The identifier of a previously-submitted GPSS job. You can specify a job name when you run gpsscli submit, or the command returns a unique job identifier.
By default, GPSS outputs the job progress by batch, and displays the start and end times, the message number and size, the number of inserted and rejected rows, and the transfer speed per batch. When you specify the --partition option, GPSS outputs the job progress by partition, and displays the partition identifier, the start and end times, the beginning and ending offsets, the message size, and the transfer speed per partition.
--config gpsscliconfig.json

The GPSS configuration file. This file includes properties that identify the gpss instance that services the command. When SSL encryption is enabled between the GPSS client and server, you also use this file to identify the file system location of the client SSL certificates. Refer to gpss.json for detailed information about the format of this file and the configuration properties supported.

gpsscli subcommands read the configuration specified in the ListenAddress block of the gpsscliconfig.json file, and ignore the gpfdist configuration specified in the Gpfdist block of the file.


Enable the use of color when displaying front-end log messages. When specified, GPSS colors the log level in messages that it writes to stdout. Color is deactivated by default.

GPSS ignores the --color option if you also specify --csv-log.
Write front-end log messages in CSV format. By default, GPSS writes log messages to stdout using spaces between fields for a more human-readable format.
--gpss-host host
The GPSS host. The default host address is If specified, overrides a ListenAddress:Host value provided in gpsscliconfig.json
--gpss-port port
The GPSS port number. The default port number is 5000. If specified, overrides a ListenAddress:Port value provided in gpsscliconfig.json
Deactivate certificate verification when SSL is enabled between the GPSS client and server. By default, GPSS checks the certificate authority (CA) each time that you invoke a gpsscli subcommand.
-U | --username client_auth_username
The user name with which the GPSS server instance authenticates the client.
-P | --password client_auth_passwd
The password with which the GPSS server instance authenticates the client.
-l | --log-dir directory

The directory to which GPSS writes client command log files. GPSS must have write permission to the directory. GPSS creates the log directory if it does not exist.

If you do not provide this option, GPSS writes gpsscli client log files to the $HOME/gpAdminLogs directory.
The default behaviour of the command utility is to display information and error messages to stdout. When you specify the --verbose option, GPSS also outputs debug-level messages about the operation.
-h | --help
Show command utility help, and then exit.


Display the progress of the GPSS job identified by the name nsync_121118:

$ gpsscli progress nsync_121118

Display the per-partition progress of the GPSS job identified by the name nsync_121118:

$ gpsscli progress nsync_121118 --partition

See Also

gpss, gpsscli list, gpsscli submit