Tanzu Greenplum Streaming Server 1.10


Last Updated February 26, 2025

Command utility for loading Kafka data into Greenplum.


gpkafka <subcommand> [<options>]

gpkafka load

gpkafka {help | -h | --help}

gpkafka --version


gpkafka is a wrapper around the Greenplum Streaming Server (GPSS) gpss and gpsscli utilities. If you want to use encryption, you must explicitly start a Greenplum Streaming Server instance with the gpss command, and use the gpsscli subcommands, not gpkafka, to submit and manage the load job.

VMware recommends that you migrate to using the GPSS utilities directly.

The Greenplum Streaming Server includes the gpkafka command utility. gpkafka provides a subcommand to load Kafka data into Greenplum Database:

  • gpkafka load - load data from a single Kafka topic into a Greenplum Database table
  • gpkafka help - display command help



Enable the use of color when displaying front-end log messages. When specified, GPSS colors the log level in messages that it writes to stdout. Color is deactivated by default.

GPSS ignores the --color option if you also specify --csv-log.
Write front-end log messages in CSV format. By default, GPSS writes log messages to stdout using spaces between fields for a more human-readable format.
-l | --log-dir directory

Specify the directory to which GPSS writes client command log files. gpkafka must have write permission to the directory. GPSS creates the log directory if it does not exist.

If you do not provide this option, GPSS writes client log files to the $HOME/gpAdminLogs directory.
The default behaviour of the command utility is to display information and error messages to stdout. When you specify the --verbose option, GPSS also outputs debug-level messages about the operation.
-h | --help
Show command utility help, and then exit.
Show the version of gpkafka, and then exit.

See Also

gpkafka load, gpss, gpsscli