Tanzu Greenplum 6


Last Updated March 11, 2025

The pg_exttable system catalog table is used to track external tables and web tables created by the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE command.

column type references description
reloid oid pg_class.oid The OID of this external table.
urilocation text[] The URI location(s) of the external table files.
execlocation text[] The ON segment locations defined for the external table.
fmttype char Format of the external table files: t for text, or c for csv.
fmtopts text Formatting options of the external table files, such as the field delimiter, null string, escape character, etc.
options text[] The options defined for the external table.
command text The OS command to run when the external table is accessed.
rejectlimit integer The per segment reject limit for rows with errors, after which the load will fail.
rejectlimittype char Type of reject limit threshold: r for number of rows.
logerrors bool 1 to log errors, 0 to not.
encoding text The client encoding.
writable boolean 0 for readable external tables, 1 for writable external tables.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions