VMware Greenplum 7 retains most aspects of the partitioning syntax of prior versions of Greenplum, now referred to as the classic partitioning syntax. Version 7 also introduces support for a modern syntax, derived from the PostgreSQL declarative partitioning syntax.
This topic describes the Greenplum 7 partitioning syntax and behavior changes, and is geared toward existing users of Greenplum 6.
(Refer to Partitioning Large Tables for information about using both syntaxes to create and manage partitioned tables.)
Parent topic: Defining Database Objects
What's New?
The following partitioning-related features are new in Greenplum 7:
Support for PostgreSQL declarative partitioning syntax, which introduces these new features for the modern syntax only:
- Partitions are first-class tables.
- The table name of a partition is just that, not an alias.
- Support for the hash partitioning strategy.
- Support for multi-column range partitioning.
- Support for specifying an expression in the partition key.
- A partitioned table may have zero partitions.
- Support for a heterogeneous partition hierarchy that allows child partitions of different levels and allows for different partitioning strategies amongst the child partitions.
Less restrictive locking in
. You can now attach a partition to a partition hierarchy without disrupting many normal query executions on the partition.GRANT ... ONLY
syntaxes that direct Greenplum to apply the operation to the named table only (does not recurse the operation to child tables).ALTER TABLE ONLY
syntax that directs Greenplum to apply the operation to the named table only (does not recurse the operation to child tables).
What Hasn't Changed With Classic Syntax?
The following classic partitioning syntax and behaviors have not changed in Greenplum 7:
- Greenplum 7 supports the classic partitioning syntax of Greenplum 6 except where called out in the What Has Changed? section.
- Support for range and list partition strategies.
- Support for sub-partition templates.
- A partitioned table must be defined with at least one partition.
- Only leaf partitions contain data.
- The name that you assign a partition table is an alias.
- By default, a
operation on a parent partitioned table recurses to its child tables. - By default, an
operation on a parent partitioned table recurses to its child tables.
What Has Changed?
The following items describe the Greenplum 7 changes to classic partitioning syntax and behaviors compared to Greenplum 6:
New internal data structures and catalogs are used to represent partitioned tables.
Greenplum 7 represents and operates on partitioned tables using the new internal data structures and catalog, regardless of the partitioning syntax used to create the table. Operations that you invoke using the classic partitioning syntax are internally mapped to the new data structures, and any output generated by Greenplum, such as DDL, is displayed in that format.
These partitioning-related catalog tables, views, and functions are removed:
The new pg_partitioned_table catalog table and
, andpg_partition_root()
functions provide similar information. Refer to About Viewing Your Partition Design for more information on these new functions.The
FOR (RANK(<value>))
clause is no longer supported. When creating or altering a partitioned table, you must locate a partition byVALUE
.Partition boundaries are no longer represented as
constraints, but rather internally-constructed partition constraints.The level of a partition in the partition hierarchy differs in Greenplum 6 and Greenplum 7. In Greenplum 6, the level of the immediate child of a partitioned table is 0. In Greenplum 7, the level of the partitioned table itself is 0, and the level of its immediate child is 1.
The interpretation of
clauses for range partition boundaries has changed:- When a clause is not specified, the start boundary is always inclusive and the end boundary exclusive (same behaviour as Greenplum 6).
- When
is specified, Greenplum now implicitly converts this to aSTART INCLUSIVE <n>+1
. - When an
is specified, Greenplum now implicitly converts this to anEND EXCLUSIVE <n>+1
. - Because of the implicit conversion mentioned in the previous points,
boundaries are now permitted only for data types that have a suitable+
operator likeinteger
(but notfloat
Partition-specific information displayed in
output has changed:Partition boundaries are now tagged
Partition constraint
.Instead of
, the parent table is now identified with the tagPartition of
Range partition boundaries defined with
are displayed using the (modern syntax)FOR VALUES [ FROM/TO | IN | WITH ]
\d+ jan_sales Table "public.jan_sales" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description |--------+---------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | | | plain | | date | date | | | | plain | | amt | numeric(10,2) | | | | main | | Partition of: sales FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2023-02-01') Partition constraint: ((date IS NOT NULL) AND (date >= '2023-01-01'::date) AND (date < '2023-02-01'::date)) Distributed by: (id)
command has changed:- This command is now internally implemented with the
commands introduced with the modern syntax. - The partition-to-exchange is no longer required to have the same owner as the parent table.
- The partition-to-exchange is no longer required to have the same index as the parent table. The command will create one if it is missing.
- The partition-to-exchange must have the same constraint as the parent table.
- Previous versions renamed the tables and also renamed the index and constraints, in Greenplum 7, this command only renames the table.
- This command is now internally implemented with the
Property inheritance changes:
- A created/added partition inherits the properties of its parent.
- The partitions created from a
inherit the properties of the split child. - An attached partition maintains its original properties.
The Greenplum query optimizer (GPORCA) does not support multi-level partitioned tables.
Additional Considerations
Additional factors to consider:
- You must change any scripts that you wrote that depend on DDL or
psql \d
output. - Greenplum 7 dumps and restores the DDL of partitioned tables defined with classic syntax using the new catalog structures.
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