Tanzu Greenplum 7

Managing Data

Last Updated March 11, 2025

This collection of topics provides information about using SQL commands, Greenplum utilities, and advanced analytics integrations to manage data in your Greenplum Database cluster.

  • Defining Database Objects
    This topic covers data definition language (DDL) in Greenplum Database and how to create and manage database objects.
  • Working with External Data
    Both external and foreign tables provide access to data stored in data sources outside of Greenplum Database as if the data were stored in regular database tables. You can read data from and write data to external and foreign tables.
  • Loading and Unloading Data
    Greenplum Database supports high-performance parallel data loading and unloading, and for smaller amounts of data, single file, non-parallel data import and export. The topics in this section describe methods for loading and writing data into and out of a Greenplum Database, and how to format data files.
  • Querying Data
    This topic provides information about using SQL queries to view, change, and analyze data in a database using the psql interactive SQL client and other client tools.
  • Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
    This topic provides information about manipulating data and concurrent access in Greenplum Database.