Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry 10.0

Learning about Apps Manager

Last Updated March 13, 2025

The web-based Apps Manager application helps you manage users, organizations, spaces, and applications in Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry.

Apps Manager provides a visual interface for performing the following subset of functions available through the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI):

  • Orgs: Create and manage orgs.
  • Spaces: Create, manage, and delete spaces.
  • Apps: Scale apps, bind apps to services, manage environment variables and routes, view logs and usage information, start and stop apps, and delete apps.
  • Services: Bind services to apps, unbind services from apps, choose and edit service plans, and rename and delete service instances.
  • Users: Invite new users, manage user roles, and delete users.

To access Apps Manager as the admin user, see Logging in to Apps Manager.