Tanzu Platform Self-Managed 10.1

VMware Tanzu Platform known issues

Last Updated March 03, 2025

This topic lists the known issues in this Tanzu Platform release.

  • After you create a new business application, the application is not shown on the business application page.

    Workaround: Reload the page for the business application to be listed.

  • In the application view in Applications > Apps, the topology might be incomplete for some applications, and you cannot scroll up or down.

  • An unnecessary pop-up message is displayed during cluster detachment with instructions for removing the Tanzu Platform collector from a cluster.

    Workaround: You can safely ignore this pop-up message. Following the displayed instructions results in a no-op (no operation) and does not negatively impact the system or the cluster.

  • When you try to delete a Space, it might become stuck in the deletion phase indefinitely.

    Workaround: The root cause is a finalizer that remains on the Space-level resource, such as a DomainBinding. To resolve the issue, manually remove the finalizer to allow the Space deletion to proceed. You might also need to manually delete some external resources such as DNS records.

  • You cannot onboard the same vCenter or vROps collector twice.

    • Onboarding a vCenter or vROps collector that points to the same vCenter leads to inconsistencies in the inventory and is not supported in this release.
    • You cannot update the Project associations for a collector. To change the Project association for a collector, you must off-board and re-onboard the collector.
  • In certain scenarios, there might be a delay of up to 12 hours for the state of entities to be displayed or reconciled after you make changes. This can also include the status of pods or namespaces.

  • If you request help from Tanzu Intelligent Assist for tasks such as adding a new Git repository, the responses might be inaccurate due to renamed, moved, or newly created UI elements.

  • In Administration > Networking, some or all of the domains, DNS providers, and certificate providers might not become ready until you create a domain binding that references these resources and the domain binding is in the Ready state.

  • When editing a domain binding or DNS provider, the following changes are not supported:

    • In Spaces > Overview > YOUR-SPACE > Ingress, editing Domain and Subdomain in an existing domain binding.
    • In Administration > Networking > DNS Providers, editing the Zone field in an existing DNS provider.
    • In Administration > Networking > DNS Providers, editing the Zone field in the Health Check section of an existing DNS Provider.

    Updating these fields causes un-defined behaviors such as leaked DNS records. VMware plans to mark these fields as immutable in a future release to fix the un-defined behavior.

  • In the My Accounts widget on the home page, the section labeled Top 5 Service Instances with a drop-down menu for selecting daily, weekly, and monthly views is not applicable to Tanzu Platform Self-Managed. You can ignore the feature.

  • GraphQL links in Administration > Tanzu Resources require Internet access.

  • When you delete a GitLab endpoint, it does not delete all repositories in the endpoint.

  • When you View All Changes for an application after multiple business applications are merged, the UI does not show the new business application name.

  • The Tanzu Salt Returner as a Service (RaaS) API does not properly monitor runner jobs for completions and times out early.

  • Incorrect Foundation Count and Recently Viewed Foundations might be displayed in Projects.

    Workaround: There is no direct workaround to prevent the count of foundations and recently viewed foundations from appearing incorrectly. You can ignore the foundation count and recently viewed foundations that do not belong to the selected Project.

  • You can create role bindings, in Administration > Identity and access > Roles and permissions, for any email ID. The email ID is not validated when you create the role binding. However, the email ID must exist in the authentication system (LDAP) configured in Tanzu Platform for the email ID to access the requisite permissions.

  • Tanzu Platform Self-Managed makes calls to the Tanzu Platform SaaS service when loading. This causes cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) errors.

  • You might see the options Create EKS cluster and Manage an existing EKS cluster. These options are invalid and should be ignored.

  • In rare cases, attaching a Kubernetes cluster can cause cluster enrollment to fail because the aria-k8s-collector pod in the tanzu-system namespace fails with the error signature validation failed from agentId.

    Workaround: To fix the issue, detach the newly attached cluster then re-attach it.

  • Applications might not be accessible through the ingress endpoints after upgrading Tanzu Platform.

    Workaround: Re-deploy affected applications by running the tanzu deploy command.

  • In certain scenarios in the evaluation Profile, Kafka pods might run out of space.

    Workaround: Reduce the Kafka retention for the following topics using by running:

    kubectl exec -it ops-kafka-0 -- bash
    /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/consumer.properties  --entity-type topics --entity-name ensemble.inventory  --alter  --add-config retention.ms=1800000
    /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/consumer.properties  --entity-type topics --entity-name cloud.account.entity.ingestion  --alter  --add-config retention.ms=1800000
    /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/consumer.properties  --entity-type topics --entity-name tss-ingestion-pipeline-stream  --alter  --add-config retention.ms=1800000
    /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/consumer.properties  --entity-type topics --entity-name tss-proto  --alter  --add-config retention.ms=1800000
  • If you create a DeployWorkflow supply chain, you must specify the env field in the deployment credentials provided to the workflow. The secret must look similar to the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    # required
    env: prod
    # Tanzu Platform endpoint
    # CA Certificate for tanzu login (base64 encoded, and optional)
    # Tanzu Platform project to run tanzu deploy on.
    # API Token for tanzu login
    kind: Secret
    name: deploy-creds
    type: Opaque
  • The Business Applications page might not show recently deployed apps.

    This is because Tanzu Platform incrementally discovers Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes apps. This data must be stored for APIs to render it in UI. This data sometimes takes more time to be indexed, which causes the related app not to show in Business Applications.

    Workaround: Wait for at most 30 minutes for your deployed app to appear in Business Applications.