Tanzu Platform Self-Managed 10.1

Configure a domain using your own GSLB

Last Updated March 03, 2025

This topic tells you how to configure domains if you want to use your own Global Server Load Balancer (GSLB). Use this topic if you have a GSLB that does not have an integration with Tanzu Platform.

Before you begin

Before you configure your domain, you must have a Space with Profiles that require the ingress.tanzu.vmware.com Capability. The Space must be scheduled and in the ready state.

Configure the domain

Tanzu Platform UI
To configure a domain that uses your own GSLB with the Tanzu Platform UI:
  1. Go to Administration > Infrastructure configuration > Networking.
  2. On the Domains tab, click Create Domain.
  3. In the Domain Name field, enter a domain name, for example, example.com.
  4. In the DNS Provider field, select Manage my own DNS solution.
  5. Fill in the remaining fields as required.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Go to Spaces > Overview and choose the Space in which you want to create a domain binding.
  8. Go to the Ingress tab.
  9. Click Create Domain Binding.
  10. Enter a name for your domain binding, for example, example.com.
  11. Select the domain you created.
  12. Click Create.

After you create the domain binding, a card with its information will show on the Ingress tab.

Tanzu CLI
To configure a domain that uses your own GSLB with the Tanzu CLI:
  1. Select the Project you want to use by running:

    tanzu project use PROJECT-NAME

    Where PROJECT-NAME is the project you want to use.

  2. Create a domain without providing a DNS provider by running:

    tanzu domain create NAME FLAGS


    • NAME is the name of the domain you want to create, for example, example.com.
    • (Optional) FLAGS are the flags you can use to configure your domain. For more information, see the Tanzu CLI documentation.

    For example:

    tanzu domain create example.com --allowed-ports "*" --auto-assignable-subdomains --auto-assignable-ports --allowed-spaces "*"
  3. After the domain is created, select the Space in which you want to create the domain binding by running:

    tanzu space use SPACE-NAME

    Where SPACE-NAME is the name of the Space you want to use.

  4. Create a domain binding by running:

    tanzu domain bind NAME FLAGS


    • NAME is the name you want for your domain binding.
    • (Optional) FLAGS are the flags you can use to configure your domain. For more information, see the Tanzu CLI documentation.

    For example:

    tanzu domain bind example.com --auto-assign-subdomain --auto-assign-port
  5. Output the domain bindings with corresponding IP addresses by running:

    tanzu domain get NAME

    Where NAME is the name of the domain you want to view information for.

    Example output:

      Name:     bold-aardvark.example.com
      FQDN                         PORT     ENTRYPOINT    ADDRESSES
      bold-aardvark.example.com    1234     main