Tanzu Spring Commercial

VMware Tanzu Spring

Last Updated February 28, 2025

VMware Tanzu Spring is an enterprise support subscription that includes multiple benefits in addition to the value that the Spring open source projects and ecosystem provide. The following sections cover these high level benefits and point to where you can learn more about each.

Extended support

With Tanzu Spring, you can get premium support for the following open source software:

  • Spring
  • Apache Tomcat
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • OpenJDK™

Spring Enterprise Subscription artifact repository

For Spring Boot minor versions that have entered Enterprise support and are no longer under OSS support, patch releases are made available through a Spring Enterprise Subscription, our VMware Spring artifact repository. The Spring Boot support page shows the current state of minor versions and their support status.

Spring Application Advisor

Spring Application Advisor is a set of tools for continuously and incrementally upgrading Spring application dependencies, source code, and configuration across all your Git repositories. The Spring Application Advisor CLI can be integrated into Continuous Integration pipelines to generate source code updates and merge requests for specific upgrade steps.

Enterprise Spring Boot Extensions

The Enterprise Spring Boot Governance Starter extension generates compliance standard and governance audit information on the /actuator/governance endpoint for your application. You may also extend Governance Starter to create your own governance and compliance policy validations inside your applications. Governance Starter is available for inclusion in your application dependencies via the Spring Enterprise Subscription artifact repository.

Spring Cloud Enterprise Components

Customers can use enterprise-ready implementations of Spring Cloud application infrastructure based on popular Spring projects with capabilities such as integrated access control, day-2 operations, and platform-native integrations. These Spring Cloud enterprise components are targeted for VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry (formerly called Tanzu Application Service) and Kubernetes environments.

For Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry (formerly called Tanzu Application Service)

Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry is a modern runtime for microservices built on Cloud Foundry. The following list includes Spring Cloud tiles that can be installed and made available as services to your applications. These Spring Cloud tiles go beyond default OSS project libraries and provide dynamic service binding, automated security patterns, and platform integrations for Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry.

For Kubernetes

The following Spring Enterprise offerings are available as part of Tanzu Spring and can be deployed on any Kubernetes environment based on their respective prerequisite version support. The use of these Spring Enterprise offerings is enhanced when used as part of Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes that provides secure build and deployment of your Spring applications through a pre-paved path to production.

VMware Tanzu tc Server

VMware Tanzu tc Server provides tooling to manage the lifecycle of a Java servlet container with enterprise expertise built in, along with a repeatable and scalable configuration approach with templates.

VMware Distribution of OpenJDK

VMware provides a binary distribution of OpenJDK that is supported as part of Tanzu Spring.

Reference Information