Tanzu Spring Commercial

Tanzu Local Authorization Server Reference Configuration

Last Updated February 28, 2025

VMware Tanzu Local Authorization Server can be further customized with the following configuration properties. When a user is defined through custom configuration, the default user will not be registered. When a client is defined through custom configuration, the default client is not configured. Clients registered through configuration can be configured to enable redirect_uri and scope validation.

The following configuration can also be created by running the Tanzu Local Authorization Server with the --print-sample-config flag.

server: # OPTIONAL
  # The port on which Tanzu Local Authorization Server runs. Defaults to 9000.
  port: 9000
    # OPTIONAL: whether to use a hardcoded RSA key for JWT signing, or a randomly generated one.
    # Hardcoded keys mean faster startup time.
      # Defaults to false
      random: false
    # OPTIONAL: custom users for logging in
      - username: my-user # REQUIRED
        password: clear-text-password # REQUIRED
        # Attributes are added to the id_token based on requested scopes.
        # All attributes are optional.
        attributes: # OPTIONAL
          # standard OpenID Connect attributes:

          # scope: profile
          name: "Jane T. Spring"
          given_name: "Jane"
          family_name: "Spring"
          middle_name: "Team"
          nickname: "Spring"
          preferred_username: "jtspring"
          profile: "https://spring.io/team"
          picture: "https://spring.io/img/spring-2.svg"
          website: "https://spring.io"
          gender: "unspecified"
          birthdate: "1970-01-01"
          zoneinfo: "Europe/Paris"
          locale: "fr-FR"

          # scope: email
          email: "jane.spring@example.com"
          email_verified: true

          # scope: phone_number
          phone_number: "+1 (555) 555-1234"
          phone_number_verified: true

          # scope: address
            formatted: "1, OpenID St., Openid.net City, 1234 Identity Realm, Internet"
            street_address: "1, OpenID St."
            locality: "Openid.net City"
            region: "Identity Realm"
            postal_code: "1234"
            country: "Internet"

          # all other attributes are custom ("user-defined"), and added to the id_token claims when
          # the "profile" scope is requested
          some-claim: "some-value"
          custom-age: 42
      - username: other-user
        password: other-password

    # OPTIONAL: custom client registrations, which must match the client application's
    # spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.<id>.* properties
      - client-id: "custom-client"
        client-secret: "custom-secret"
        # MUST be one or more of the following
          - "client_secret_basic"
          - "client_secret_post"
          - "none"
        # MUST be one or more of the following
          - "authorization_code"
          - "client_credentials"
          - "refresh_token"
        # OPTIONAL, can be anything
          - "openid"
          - "email"
          - "profile"
          - "address"
          - "phone"
          - "message.read"
          - "message.write"
        # REQUIRED when authorization-grant-type contains authorization_code, otherwise OPTIONAL
          # This is default Spring Boot redirect URI for the tanzu-local-authorization-server provider
          - ""
          - "http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/tanzu-local-authorization-server"
          # Here are other examples:
          - ""
          - ""
        # OPTIONAL: show the "consent" screen on the /oauth2/authorize call. Defaults to false.
        require-consent: false
        # OPTIONAL: enforce redirect_uri validation. When set to true, Clients may only use one of
        # the redirect_uris defined for this client. Defaults to false.
        validate-redirect-uri: false
        # OPTIONAL: enforce scope validation. When set to true, clients may only request
        # the scopes defined for this client. Defaults to false.
        validate-scope: false

      - client-id: "other-client"
        client-secret: "other-secret"
          - "client_secret_basic"
          - "client_credentials"