Create Instant-Clone Desktop PoolsLast Updated January 20, 2025
An instant-clone desktop pool is an automated desktop pool. vCenter Server creates
the desktop VMs based on the settings that you specify when you create the pool.
- Log in to your Horizon Connection Server host.
- Click
- 按一下新增。
- 選取自動桌面平台集區,然後按下一步。
- 選取即時複製,接著選取 vCenter Server 執行個體,然後按下一步。
- Select one of the following and clickNext:
- Floating: In a floating user assignment, users are assigned random desktops from the pool. Floating instant-clones are compatible with App Volumes. For a floating instant-clone desktop pool, the MAC address is preserved on a resync or refresh.
- DedicatedIn a dedicated user assignment, each user is assigned a particular remote desktop and returns to the same desktop at each login. Between each login and logout, the computer name and MAC address is retained for the same desktop. Any other changes that the user makes to the desktop are not preserved. Dedicated instant-clones with Refresh OS Disk After Logoff to Always are compatible with App Volumes.
- SelectUse VMware vSAN, and clickNext.
- Enter an ID and unique name for the pool and clickNext.If you have multiple Horizon Connection Server configurations, ensure that another Connection Server configuration does not use the same pool ID. A Connection Server configuration can consist of a single Connection Server or multiple Connection Servers.
- Specify the pool provisioning settings and clickNext.
- Select the parent VM.
- Select the snapshot of the master image to use for the desktop pool.The instant-clone desktop pool that is created is based on the snapshot and inherits those memory settings.
- Select the folder in vCenter Server for the desktop VMs.
- Select the vCenter Server cluster for the desktop VMs.For example, select Horizon-User-ResourcePool.
- Select the datastores for the desktop VMs.For example, select WorkloadDatastores.
- Select the networks to use for the instant-clone desktop pool.
- In thevCenter Settingswizard, verify the details in and clickNext.
- In theDesktop Pool Settingswizard, edit the settings, if necessary and clickNext.
- Specify the following and clickNext:
- Default Display Protocol: The remote display protocol to use as the default for the remote desktop.
- Allow Users to Choose Protocol: Indicates whether to allow the users to override the default or not.
- Specify the following and clickNext:
- AD Container: Specify the Active Directory container's relative distinguished name. For example: CN=Computers.
- Allow reuse of preexisting computer account: Select this option to use existing computer accounts in Active Directory when the virtual machine names of new instant clones match the existing computer account names.
- in theReady to Complete wizard, selectEntitle users after adding Pool, and clickSubmit.