Viewing Audit
Information of NSX objects in
VMware Aria
Operations for NetworksLast Updated October 23, 2024
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
can capture an audit information of NSX objects quickly from the NSX-T Manager and NSX-V
Manager. The information includes the user name who created or modified the NSX object, when
the operation happened and the operation details on the object. If you have enabled audit logs in NSX-T Manager or
NSX-V Manager,
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
can collect the audit details for some of the NSX-T and
NSX-V objects. NSX-V
List of NSX-V objects for which
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
collects audit details
within three to five minutes.- SecurityGroup
- SecurityGroupTranslation
- FirewallConfiguration
- FirewallStatus
- IPSet
- SecurityTag
- UniversalSecurityGroup
- UniversalSecurityGroupTranslation
- UniversalIPSet
The audit details of the NSX-V objects are captured
for the Discovery, Property Change, and Delete alerts:
- Discovery
- Properties Change
- Delete
You can view the audit information on the
timeline of the object also.

List of NSX-T objects for which
VMware Aria
Operations for Networks
collects audit
details.The audit
information is not available for the VMC Policy entities.
- NSGroup
- NSService
- NSServiceGroup
- NSFirewallRuleThe audit information is not available for the Delete alert of the NSFirewallRule.
- IPSet
- NSX Policy Group
- NSX Policy Firewall Rule
The audit details of the NSX-T objects are
captured for the Discovery, Property Change and the Delete alerts:
- Discovery
- Properties Change
- Delete
The Delete alerts are not available on the
enity dashboard. However, you can search the alert to see the audit
Sample queries to see audit
- alerts where user =username
- discovery alerts where user =username
- delete alerts where user =username
- change alerts where user =username