Schedule a Backup
You can automate
the backup process by creating a schedule that runs backup jobs at specific
- Verify that you can access the backup server and you have read and write permissions.
- Verify that you have established a connection to the vAPI services.
You can keep existing backups
on the backup server. The retention policy defines the maximum number of
backups that the server keeps. You can also specify whether the backup job
should run once, or on a recurring basis. The recurrence policy defines the
days of the week and specific times at which the backup job is scheduled to
- Create aSchedulesobject.
- Specify the retention and recurrence information.
- Create a schedule by passing the backup location, user credentials to access the location, retention, and recurrence information.
- Create anUpdateSpecand pass the updated information.
- Get a backup schedule by passing a schedule ID.
Run the backup job by using
the schedule.