This topic tells you how to update the configuration of identity providers by using the User Account and Authentication Command Line Interface (UAAC).
For instructions on configuring identity providers, see Configuring Identity Providers.
Create a UAA Identity Zone Admin Client
To use the UAAC with your Single Sign‑On for VMware Tanzu Application Service service plan, you need an identity zone admin client. To create the identity zone admin client, you must create a UAA admin client that corresponds to your Single Sign‑On service plan.
Create an admin client
To create a UAA admin client:
Follow the procedure in Create an admin client.
Using the preceding instructions, give the admin client the
scopes. -
Record the App ID and App Secret. You need these for the procedure below.
Create a UAA identity zone admin client
To create a UAA identity zone admin client:
Install the UAAC as follows:
gem install cf-uaac
For information about the UAAC, see the UAAC Github Repository.
Use the UAAC to target your service plan:
uaac target
is the Auth Domain you entered when you created the Service Plan. -
Run the following command to authenticate and obtain an access token for the admin client for your service plan. UAAC stores the token in
.uaac token client get MY-APP-ID -s MY-APP-SECRET
is your admin app ID.MY-APP-SECRET
is your app secret.
Use the App ID and App Secret provided when you created the admin client in the preceding procedure.
Run the following command to display your client context and verify that you have
, andclients.admin
under the scope section.uaac context
For example:
$ uaac context [1]*[ExampleAppID] client_id: ExampleAppID access_token: aBcdEfg0hIJKlm123.e token_type: bearer expires_in: 43200 scope: uaa.resource idps.write clients.admin jti: 91b3-abcd1233
Run this command to create an identity zone admin client.
uaac client add ZONE-ADMIN-CLIENT-ID --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities uaa.admin
is an ID you want to use to identify this zone admin client.When prompted for a
New client secret
, provide a client secret for this identity zone admin client. Ensure that you use a secure value for your client secret.For example:
$ uaac client add ExampleZoneAdminClientID --authorized\_grant\_types client\_credentials --authorities uaa.admin New client secret: ***** Verify new client secret: *****
Record the values you provide for
andNew client secret
.You can delete the original admin client created through the SSO Operator Dashboard after you create the identity zone client.
Run this command to authenticate and obtain an access token for the identity zone admin client for your service plan.
uaac token client get ZONE-ADMIN-CLIENT-ID
is zone admin client ID you provided earlier in the procedure.When prompted for a
Client secret
, use the client secret you provided earlier.For example:
$ uaac token client get ExampleZoneAdminClientID Client secret: *****
Use the following command to display your client context and verify that you have
under the scope section.uaac context
For example:
$ uaac context [1]*[ExampleZoneAdminClientID] client_id: ExampleZoneAdminClientID access_token: asdioqwuelk12312.e21e token_type: bearer expires_in: 43200 scope: uaa.admin jti: 123908dkl1-23298
You can now do operator level API configurations for the Single Sign‑On service plan. You do not have permissions for any other Single Sign‑On service plan.
Update UAA Identity Provider Configurations with the API
This section shows how to use the UAAC to update UAA identity provider configurations, using a PUT
This flow is for advanced users only.
You must always run the PUT
with the latest data by doing a GET
before the PUT
You must also provide all configuration values, otherwise, data can be lost.
For general information about UAAC, see the CF UAA API documentation page.
To make UAA identity provider API calls, do the following:
Create an identity zone admin client following Create a UAA Identity Zone Admin Client above.
To retrieve your identity provider ID, run the following command:
uaac curl -k /identity-providers > ID-TEXT.txt
is your identity provider ID.ID-TEXT.txt
is the name of your text file.
The command above outputs a JSON blob similar to the example below.
{ "type" : "uaa", "config" : "null", "id" : "4be9d903-b6ce-4a57-9c56-94e731b58628", "originKey" : "uaa", "name" : "uaa", "version" : 3, "created" : 946684800000, "last_modified" : 1538589026045, "active" : true, "identityZoneId" : "uaa" }
Your identity provider ID is the value of
. In most cases, this command returns one identity provider. If there are several, you can identify your identity provider by thename
. -
Run the following command, directing the output to a text file:
uaac curl -k /identity-providers/YOUR-IDENTITY-PROVIDER-ID > JSON-BLOB.txt
is the identity provider ID retrieved in the above step.JSON-BLOB.txt
is the name of your text file.
The command above outputs a JSON blob similar to the example below. Confirm that the ID in this output matches
.{ "type": "uaa", "config": "{"emailDomain\":null, \"additionalConfiguration\":null, \"providerDescription\":null, \"passwordPolicy\":null, \"lockoutPolicy\":null, \"disableInternalUserManagement\":false}", "id": "b38dfbbc-f187-4eeb-a3f3-21a3c72c6975", "originKey": "uaa", "name": "uaa", "version": 0, "created": 1530220213000, "last_modified": 1530220213000, "active": true, "identityZoneId": "uaa" }
In your
, update the configurations in the JSON blob as needed, and then save the file.You must provide all
values, otherwise, data can be lost when doing an API update as aPUT
command. -
Submit a UAAC curl request to apply your updated configurations to the identity provider, as shown below.
You must always run this command with the latest data by doing a
before the followingPUT
command.uaac curl -k /identity-providers/YOUR-IDENTITY-PROVIDER-ID -X PUT \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$(cat file.txt)"
is the identity provider ID retrieved in the above step.A minimal example command would look similar to the following:
$ uaac curl -k /identity-providers/b38dfbbc-f187-4eeb-a3f3-21a3c72c6975\ -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "type": "uaa", "config": { "emailDomain": null, "providerDescription": null, "passwordPolicy": null, "lockoutPolicy": { "lockoutPeriodSeconds": 8, "lockoutAfterFailures": 8, "countFailuresWithin": 8 }, "disableInternalUserManagement": false }, "originKey": "uaa", "name": "uaa", "version": 0, "active": true }'
For a full list of UAA API update parameters, see the Identity Providers Update Documentation.
Enable Client Auth for OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Some OIDC providers only support client secrets via POST instead of through basic authentication.
Microsoft Entra ID integrations using
the response type of code only work with clientAuthInBody
To enable client authentication via POST, do the following:
Follow the steps 1-4 in Update UAA Identity Provider Configurations with the API above.
In step 5, add the following line to the config section in the JSON blob:
"clientAuthInBody": true
Complete the procedure by following step 6.
For more information about client authentication, see OAuth/OIDC in the UAA API documentation.
Enable Password Grant for OpenID Connect (OIDC)
You can enable OIDC password grant to permit native apps to forward credentials to an enterprise identity provider for authentication.
To enable OIDC password grant, do the following:
Follow the steps 1-4 in Update UAA Identity Provider Configurations with the API above.
In step 5, add the following line to the config section in the JSON blob:
"passwordGrantEnabled": true
Complete the procedure by following step 6.
For more information about OIDC password grant, see OAuth/OIDC in the UAA API documentation.
Skip SSL Validation for SAML
For cases where the SAML provider is configured using a valid SAML URL and a self-signed certificate, you might need to skip SSL validation.
This section assumes you have created the SAML identity provider, most likely by providing the SAML metadata directly. For more information, see Add a SAML Provider.
To enable skipping SSL validation, do the following:
Follow the steps 1-4 in Update UAA Identity Provider Configurations with the API above.
In step 5, add the following line to the config section in the JSON blob:
"skipSslValidation": true
Complete the procedure by following step 6.
For more information about skipping SSL validation, see SAML in the UAA API documentation.
To test your identity provider configurations, you can deploy the Single Sign‑On for VMware Tanzu Application Service Sample Applications to validate the effects of the instructions given in this guide.
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