Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Microsoft Azure 1.2

Release Notes for Cloud Service Broker for Azure

Last Updated October 24, 2024

These are release notes for Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure.


Release Date: April 20, 2022


Internal dependencies are updated in this release.


Release Date: February 22, 2022


New features and changes in this release:

  • Provision and update operations alert you if you attempt to override plan defined properties: The attempt now returns an error. Previously these commands would accept the property change request, but override your change with the plan defined value.

  • Validation of parameters: When additional JSON parameters are supplied as part of a cf create-service, cf update-service, cf bind-service, or cf create-service-key, they are now validated against the list of supported parameters. The operation fails with an error if a parameter is unknown.

Resolved issues

This release has the following fix:

  • Parameters now persist through multiple updates: Parameters sent when updating a service are stored, and do not need to be sent again in subsequent updates.


Release Date: December 16, 2021

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • For csb-azure-postgresql users have all_access role for the database: The user created when binding to the database can create a schema that is accessible by other users.

  • For csb-azure-resource-group and csb-azure-mssql-server plan configuration exposed: The user can now create additional custom plans.

  • For csb-azure-mongodb plan updates fixed: The user can now switch between plans, where Azure allows.

Known Issues

This release has the following issue:

  • Parameters specified during service instance updates are not persisted by subsequent updates: If you update a service instance and change a parameter, then the next time that you update the service instance, you must specify the same parameter again. Otherwise, the parameters revert to the values that they had when the service instance was created. For more information, see Bug #178213626 in Pivotal Tracker.


Release Date: November 11, 2021

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • Terraform workspaces larger then 64 K no longer fail to save: The database migration succeeds for all terraform workspaces. Also, new terraform deployment workspaces larger then 64 K can be stored.

  • For azure-mssql-db and csb-azure-mssql-db-failover, you can no longer pass pre-provisioned server credentials during provisioning: Passing the credentials during provisioning caused binding to fail.

  • For csb-azure-mssql-failover-group, you can create serverless databases: You can now create databases in the serverless tier by defining a sku_name from the GP_S tier.

  • Revised mini plan examples are provided in the tile: For new Cloud Service Broker for Azure tile installations all mini plans are now correct. For existing tile installations, you need to make the following changes to existing plans:

    • For csb-azure-redis/mini, add the properties tls_min_version and firewall_rules.
    • For csb-azure-mysql/mini, add the properties tls_min_version, firewall_rules, authorized_networks.
    • For csb-azure-mssql-failover-group/mini-manual-v2, replace storage_gb property name with max_storage_gb.

Known Issues

This release has the following issue:

  • Parameters specified during service instance updates are not persisted by subsequent updates: If you update a service instance and change a parameter, then the next time that you update the service instance, you must specify the same parameter again. Otherwise, the parameters revert to the values that they had when the service instance was created. For more information, see Bug #178213626 in Pivotal Tracker.


Release Date: October 14, 2021


New features and changes in this release:

  • Support for encryption of sensitive data: Cloud Service Broker for Azure can now encrypt sensitive data that is provided or generated during provisioning and binding and stored in the state database. A key generated from the password you configure in the tile is used for the encryption. For how to configure encryption, see Configure a State Database.

  • Support for Private Endpoints in MongoDB: Cloud Service Broker for Azure now supports creating Private Endpoints during the provisioning of MongoDB instances. For more information, see pull request #103 in GitHub.

  • For azurerm_mssql_database, databases smaller then 1 GB can be subsumed: Subsume is now supported for MSSQL databases less then 1 GB.

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • Use restricted user to connect to CredHub: The broker uses cf.uaa.services_credhub_credentials instead of cf.uaa.credhub_admin_client_client_credentials to communicate with CredHub. The new credentials have restricted access.

  • Update optional mini plans: mini plans for csb-azure-eventhubs, csb-azure-mssql and csb-azure-mssql-db-failover-group were reusing identifiers and were not compatible with VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs v2.11. They have been renamed to mini-v2 and their IDs have been updated to be unique. If you were using any of these plans in the mentioned service offerings, update all instances to use mini-v2.

  • For csb-azure-mssql-failover-group, users are propagated to the secondary database: You no longer need to rebind apps after a failover event.

Known Issues

This release has the following issues:

  • Parameters specified during service instance updates are not persisted by subsequent updates: If you update a service instance and change a parameter, then the next time that you update the service instance, you must specify the same parameter again. Otherwise, the parameters revert to the values that they had when the service instance was created. For more information, see Bug #178213626 in Pivotal Tracker.

  • Database failure for terraform workspaces larger than 64 K: The database migration fails if you migrate to this version and there is a stored terraform deployment workspace that is larger than 64 K in the database. Also, when new terraform deployment workspaces larger than 64 K are stored, they are truncated.

  • For azure-mssql-db and csb-azure-mssql-db-failover, passing pre-provisioned server credentials during provisioning causes binding to fail.

  • For csb-azure-mssql-failover-group, you cannot create serverless databases.

  • The csb-azure-redis, csb-azure-mysql, and csb-azure-mssql-failover-group mini plans have incorrect parameters.

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